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Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun

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Oh well yeah ! Hey folks all chubby pubescent girls pack firepower cos they're scared of zombies. Typical female American


Absolutely ridiculous argument and totally irrelevent but thanks for the laugh :hihi:


Telling observation there..weird but telling.

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So, if that's a typical American female (I have no reason to doubt you), do you not think the US gun law stinks? She's hardly gonna grow up into a normally balanced adult is she ... at best, she'll be a few chromosones short of mentally retarded. Then (if she can find a partner) she's gonna have kids and tell them that it's a good idea shoot things from an early age too. (note the other rifle, casually leaning against the tat-case) :P


Now you gots me worried. I'm looking in the clothes closet my grandaughter uses when she's with us. UH ! Oh ! I spot a suspicious looking package tucked away at the back of the closet. Could it be ? Just could it be? Oh lawdy it sure looks like one to me. Gotta be, judging from the shape and size.

With pounding heart, BP way up I open the package with trembling hands. Waaaahhh! It's her tennis racket. I must search in greater depth however cos I heard her talking to her friend across the street the other day about a zombie movie she wanted to go see. Now her friend.. (she's real paranoid about zombies I tell you) so much so in fact that she has a 75 mm Army surplus howitzer in her daddy's garage and it's loaded ready to fire the moment those creatures from the bone yard show up frothing at the mouth for a bite of living flesh.

What's this I hear from the next block... surely it was the sound of a 12 gauge pump action. I'm making my way to the source... yes indeed it's Mrs Blowaski as I suspected taking a few pot shots at them pesky squirrels and doves up in the trees.

I tell ya ! These Americans !


My typical absurd reponse to your equally absurd post which I have to tell you desrves no other kind of response

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Or perhaps it could be that you are seeing insults where non exist and are responding inappropriatly...


No I see what I see and posts like this from Halibut are very common.


Off topic, abusive and intended to elicit a response that will get the member he is abusing a ban.


Not content with defending Israel's murderous assault on Palestinian children, our resident village idiot appears now to be on a mission to explain that children + firearms = a good idea.
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No I see what I see and posts like this from Halibut are very common.

Actually, they are not. If you think otherwise, please cite several of such posts, at least.

Off topic, abusive and intended to elicit a response that will get the member he is abusing a ban.
Talk about being in denial! Or in the playground. How would it be anyone's fault but your own, if you were so inappropriate in your response that you got banned?! All you have to do is stay in control of your response, or accept that you should not contributing to internet forums. If you genuinely feel you are being ignored when you report a post, or unfairly banned, then write (politely) to the Mod team and request an explanation. If you're still not happy, consider voting with your feet and finding a forum which suits you better?
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Gun laws in Arizona state a person must be 18 to carry a hunting weapon such as a rifle and 21 for a handgun. However, this law does not apply on private property and gun ranges decide themselves how young a child can be to fire a gun. The Arizona website in question, which offers a "Burger and Bullets" meal deal, said children aged eight and over could fire a weapon if accompanied by a parent or career and an instructor.


However, following the shooting, the gun range has said it has reviewed its policy and has increased the minimum age to 12-years-old or "at least five feet tall", reported CBS.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 08:47 ----------


9 year old, having shooting lessons??


I love America and Americans' but their attitude towards guns is so ridiculous!


Shotgun Shooting UK


Can I Borrow a Shotgun?


A non certificate holder may use a shotgun in the following circumstances:


He may borrow a shotgun from the occupier of private land and use it on that land in the occupier’s presence. For a borrower under 18 years old, the occupier must be over 18 years old.


Whilst at a shooting ground approved by the police for shooting at artificial targets only.


Note that “occupier” is not defined by the Firearms Act 1968 but may be taken to include the owner, tenant or licence holder.


There is no minimum age at which a person may borrow a shotgun and use it under the circumstances described above, but persons under 15 years old must be supervised by someone over the age of 21 years.

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It's against the law to discharge a firearm in a public place even on your own property. I've never seen anyone doing as such where I live in all the 42 years I've lived at this address. I live in a socially upscale town where most people vote Republican and fully support the NRA and the crime rate very low. There are no gangs either. Maybe because 85 percent of the population are white with educated Asians making up most of the balance


"Tens of thousands of yotube videos" :hihi: I suppose you've seen every one of em as well :hihi:


Re my bold.


What is the precise significance of these facts please?


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 11:31 ----------


What will be funny is how the NRA spin this story.



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Nearly as ridiculous as Sheffield posters thinking that they know what they are talking about.


I've spent enough time in the US to know what I'm talking about.


Anyway, it doesn't take much to realise that a 9 year old shouldn't be having shooting lessons.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 13:44 ----------


Gun laws in Arizona state a person must be 18 to carry a hunting weapon such as a rifle and 21 for a handgun. However, this law does not apply on private property and gun ranges decide themselves how young a child can be to fire a gun. The Arizona website in question, which offers a "Burger and Bullets" meal deal, said children aged eight and over could fire a weapon if accompanied by a parent or career and an instructor.


However, following the shooting, the gun range has said it has reviewed its policy and has increased the minimum age to 12-years-old or "at least five feet tall", reported CBS.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 08:47 ----------



Shotgun Shooting UK


Can I Borrow a Shotgun?


A non certificate holder may use a shotgun in the following circumstances:


He may borrow a shotgun from the occupier of private land and use it on that land in the occupier’s presence. For a borrower under 18 years old, the occupier must be over 18 years old.


Whilst at a shooting ground approved by the police for shooting at artificial targets only.


Note that “occupier” is not defined by the Firearms Act 1968 but may be taken to include the owner, tenant or licence holder.


There is no minimum age at which a person may borrow a shotgun and use it under the circumstances described above, but persons under 15 years old must be supervised by someone over the age of 21 years.


What's your point? If you want me to say that I disagree with the UK laws too, then I also disagree with the UK laws.


What tit would let a 9 year old shoot a sodding gun?!


Guns serve no purpose what so ever.

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Now you gots me worried. I'm looking in the clothes closet my grandaughter uses when she's with us. UH ! Oh ! I spot a suspicious looking package tucked away at the back of the closet. Could it be ? Just could it be? Oh lawdy it sure looks like one to me. Gotta be, judging from the shape and size.

With pounding heart, BP way up I open the package with trembling hands. Waaaahhh! It's her tennis racket. I must search in greater depth however cos I heard her talking to her friend across the street the other day about a zombie movie she wanted to go see. Now her friend.. (she's real paranoid about zombies I tell you) so much so in fact that she has a 75 mm Army surplus howitzer in her daddy's garage and it's loaded ready to fire the moment those creatures from the bone yard show up frothing at the mouth for a bite of living flesh.

What's this I hear from the next block... surely it was the sound of a 12 gauge pump action. I'm making my way to the source... yes indeed it's Mrs Blowaski as I suspected taking a few pot shots at them pesky squirrels and doves up in the trees.

I tell ya ! These Americans !


My typical absurd reponse to your equally absurd post which I have to tell you desrves no other kind of response


Don't shoot the messenger with your trigger happy American ways! ... I just provided you with information, hardly my fault is it? You shot me down when I'm innocent of any crime ... something that happens with guns too (not to me personally as yet). See what I've done there? :)


By the way ... I liked your bit of creative writing ... there should be more of it on this forum if you ask me. :thumbsup:

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