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Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun

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Guns serve no purpose what so ever.


That is singularly narrow minded of you.

Apart from being a very useful tool. (not just as a weapon for protection or use against people)

Guns, the ownership of, and the appropriate use of give many people a great deal of pleasure.


It is a cliche but that does not make it untrue.

Guns do not kill people.. people kill people

Whether that's intentionally or as in this case accidently.

.. guns might make it easier but that is the purpose of a tool.


If you don't want a gun then thats upto you.

Unfortunately in this country it is not soley your own free will that might prevent you from owning one.

Which is something I do not agree with.



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Don't shoot the messenger with your trigger happy American ways! ... I just provided you with information, hardly my fault is it? You shot me down when I'm innocent of any crime ... something that happens with guns too (not to me personally as yet). See what I've done there? :)


By the way ... I liked your bit of creative writing ... there should be more of it on this forum if you ask me. :thumbsup:


I think we managed to provide a bit of amusement on both sides but to claim that teenage Annie Get Your Gun pictured holding a rifle is reprentative of kids as a whole is ridiculous. It just aint so

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I've spent enough time in the US to know what I'm talking about.


Anyway, it doesn't take much to realise that a 9 year old shouldn't be having shooting lessons.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 13:44 ----------



What's your point? If you want me to say that I disagree with the UK laws too, then I also disagree with the UK laws.


What tit would let a 9 year old shoot a sodding gun?!


Guns serve no purpose what so ever.


You'd be quite happy and accepting of the fact no doubt that were the UK in danger of a (lets say) a landing of Russian troops in the Outer Hebrides that the Army would be there to deal with them. Not armed with bows and arrows or sling shots :D but the latest state of the art military type assault weapons


That's what always amuses me. The way people who abhor firearms (along with the rest of the populace) suddenly think it's just fine in time of war to call up young men and women, arm them with weapons and tell em it's their job to go off and start killing the enemy.


When it's down to the wire there are very, very, very few among us who are Mahatma Ghandis

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I've spent enough time in the US to know what I'm talking about.


Anyway, it doesn't take much to realise that a 9 year old shouldn't be having shooting lessons.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 13:44 ----------



What's your point? If you want me to say that I disagree with the UK laws too, then I also disagree with the UK laws.


What tit would let a 9 year old shoot a sodding gun?!


Guns serve no purpose what so ever.

Guns serve a very useful purposes and why do you think parents are tits if they allow their children to take part in dangerous activities.

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That is singularly narrow minded of you.

Apart from being a very useful tool. (not just as a weapon for protection or use against people)

Guns, the ownership of, and the appropriate use of give many people a great deal of pleasure.


It is a cliche but that does not make it untrue.

Guns do not kill people.. people kill people

Whether that's intentionally or as in this case accidently.

.. guns might make it easier but that is the purpose of a tool.


If you don't want a gun then thats upto you.

Unfortunately in this country it is not soley your own free will that might prevent you from owning one.

Which is something I do not agree with.




I understand what you're saying. It's your opinion, fair enough. Unfortunately, for me guns have no function whatsoever. I don't see why people enjoy shooting them. I don't agree with hunting with them and I don't see the point of shooting for fun (clay pigeons etc), so In my opinion, they serve no purpose.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 16:48 ----------


You'd be quite happy and accepting of the fact no doubt that were the UK in danger of a (lets say) a landing of Russian troops in the Outer Hebrides that the Army would be there to deal with them. Not armed with bows and arrows or sling shots :D but the latest state of the art military type assault weapons


That's what always amuses me. The way people who abhor firearms (along with the rest of the populace) suddenly think it's just fine in time of war to call up young men and women, arm them with weapons and tell em it's their job to go off and start killing the enemy.


When it's down to the wire there are very, very, very few among us who are Mahatma Ghandis


I disagree with war also. Guns are used for killing. I don't believe anyone has any right to take the life of another living thing.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 16:50 ----------


Guns serve a very useful purposes and why do you think parents are tits if they allow their children to take part in dangerous activities.


I'd encourage parents to let their kids take part in dangerous activities. I wouldn't encourage them to learn how to use a murder weapon though.

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Gun laws in Arizona state a person must be 18 to carry a hunting weapon such as a rifle and 21 for a handgun. However, this law does not apply on private property and gun ranges decide themselves how young a child can be to fire a gun. The Arizona website in question, which offers a "Burger and Bullets" meal deal, said children aged eight and over could fire a weapon if accompanied by a parent or career and an instructor.


However, following the shooting, the gun range has said it has reviewed its policy and has increased the minimum age to 12-years-old or "at least five feet tall", reported CBS.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 08:47 ----------



Shotgun Shooting UK


Can I Borrow a Shotgun?


A non certificate holder may use a shotgun in the following circumstances:


He may borrow a shotgun from the occupier of private land and use it on that land in the occupier’s presence. For a borrower under 18 years old, the occupier must be over 18 years old.


Whilst at a shooting ground approved by the police for shooting at artificial targets only.


Note that “occupier” is not defined by the Firearms Act 1968 but may be taken to include the owner, tenant or licence holder.


There is no minimum age at which a person may borrow a shotgun and use it under the circumstances described above, but persons under 15 years old must be supervised by someone over the age of 21 years.


It's funny however how the landed gentry and those who enjoy the status of the affluent upper middle class, celebrities etc are allowed firearms in the UK. Lets not kid ourselves... look in any large opulent dwelling and chances are there's a handgun tucked away somewhere on the premises and more than likely registered with the local police department.

On the other hand if you or I applied for a firearm to do something relatively harmless like pheasant shooting :hihi: we'd be turned down flat... a double standard situation by any name.


Maybe though if I applied I could be employed as a beater on the Royal estate in Balmoral with dead pheasants raining down on my noggin at the hands of Bonnie Prince Charlie and company

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For once I am inclined to agree with Bonzo. He's right - weapons have no purpose (except killing, I suppose).


And even if one accepts the need for a trained Army for defence purposes, that is no reason to cultivate a pro-weapons and inevitably, a pro-killing mentality in the population as a whole and especially not in children. What chance does their generation have if they are brought up to think of machine guns as a normal part of life?


The time to be trained in warfare is when you are old enough to join the army. Let kids grow up learning how to treat other living things (whether people, animals, or the environment) with respect. If parents brought their kids up with that in mind there would be less chance of violence being endemic in society and more chance that wars could be averted. I'm not saying they always can be, but if you bring up generation after generation to think that aggression is a normal and acceptable first response to being challenged, you risk creating a society which isn't worth fighting for.

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I understand what you're saying. It's your opinion, fair enough. Unfortunately, for me guns have no function whatsoever. I don't see why people enjoy shooting them. I don't agree with hunting with them and I don't see the point of shooting for fun (clay pigeons etc), so In my opinion, they serve no purpose.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 16:48 ----------



I disagree with war also. Guns are used for killing. I don't believe anyone has any right to take the life of another living thing.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 16:50 ----------



I'd encourage parents to let their kids take part in dangerous activities. I wouldn't encourage them to learn how to use a murder weapon though.


I'm sure old Adolf Hitler would have loved to have had a British nation with the same views as you. Just think... no war... blessed peace... Gestapo HQ in Whitehall... a pro-Nazi govt in Westminster and frequent raids in your neighbourhood in search of Jews, ( also mentally and physically handicapped people) and political dissidents. Just a few of the goodies

A wonderful exchange. You are free today because people 75 years ago did the very things you disagree with

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I understand what you're saying. It's your opinion, fair enough. Unfortunately, for me guns have no function whatsoever. I don't see why people enjoy shooting them. I don't agree with hunting with them and I don't see the point of shooting for fun (clay pigeons etc), so In my opinion, they serve no purpose.

And I respect that opinion and don't feel the need to call you a tit for holding it, why do you feel the need to call those people with the opposite opinion tits.



I disagree with war also. Guns are used for killing. I don't believe anyone has any right to take the life of another living thing.


So you would have allowed the Hitler and the Nazis to rule the world?




I'd encourage parents to let their kids take part in dangerous activities. I wouldn't encourage them to learn how to use a murder weapon though.


So you wouldn't allow them to play baseball?

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