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Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun

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I'm sure old Adolf Hitler would have loved to have had a British nation with the same views as you. Just think... no war... blessed peace... Gestapo HQ in Whitehall... a pro-Nazi govt in Westminster and frequent raids in your neighbourhood in search of Jews, ( also mentally and physically handicapped people) and political dissidents. Just a few of the goodies

A wonderful exchange. You are free today because people 75 years ago did the very things you disagree with


The way I see it, 40 million people are dead as a direct result of what I disagree with.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 17:24 ----------


So you wouldn't allow them to play baseball?


A baseball bat was designed for playing baseball. A gun was designed to murder someone!

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The way I see it, 40 million people are dead as a direct result of what I disagree with.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 17:24 ----------



A baseball bat was designed for playing baseball. A gun was designed to murder someone!


Guns were not designed for murder, they were designed to make it easier to kill your dinner, and baseball bats are used to murder people.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 17:32 ----------


The way I see it, 40 million people are dead as a direct result of what I disagree with.


But how many are alive today that would be dead had it not been for people willing to kill.

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What will be funny is how the NRA spin this story.


Here you go.:hihi:


Guns were not designed for murder, they were designed to make it easier to kill your dinner, and baseball bats are used to murder people..
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Interestingly in the USA the number of guns per 100 residents is 97

In Latvia its 19 yet they both have the same murder rates.

Yemen as an higher murder rates but half the guns.

Uruguay's murder rate is close to double but they only have 38.1 guns per 100 people.


So clearly increasing the number of guns doesn't increase the murder rate, it just means murders are more likley to use a gun instead of a baseball bat.

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Actually, they are not. If you think otherwise, please cite several of such posts, at least.

Talk about being in denial! Or in the playground. How would it be anyone's fault but your own, if you were so inappropriate in your response that you got banned?! All you have to do is stay in control of your response, or accept that you should not contributing to internet forums. If you genuinely feel you are being ignored when you report a post, or unfairly banned, then write (politely) to the Mod team and request an explanation. If you're still not happy, consider voting with your feet and finding a forum which suits you better?

Ron and Fish are very abusive and routinely get away with it while they report everybody else, especially me.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 14:20 ----------


In America you are never very far away from wild animals. Even here in urban Conn. We have a colony of Coyotes not a half mile away from us. If you think they're harmless, you're wrong. They attack and kill domestic cats and small dogs, and are considered dangerous to your toddlers. Brown bears frequently come into town, and one of my neighbors has been harassed by a mountain lion in his yard lately. If for that reason at all, its prudent to have at least a rifle bigger than a .22 caliber, and to teach your teenage children how to use it in an approved firing range. Not every home is within 15 minutes of a police station either. When Parliament disarmed its Police Force and made killing a police officer with a gun a certain death sentence, they did a remarkable thing. You have right to be proud of it.

America's early immigrants faced hostile Indian tribes, starvation till they learned how to hunt, and no laws of protection. The second amendment was an intent to have a well self trained militia to defend the country against the kind of invasion that happened in 1812.

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Ron and Fish are very abusive and routinely get away with it while they report everybody else, especially me.


How infantile coming from a man of your advanced age. Pathetic.


I can't speak for Halibut, as for myself I've only ever made one report and that report was on the basis that one username physically threatened another..no other report.


As for you personally..why would I report you? The post would only be removed, hence removing the stupidity of the post. I like the stupidity of some of your reasoning..like something serious or profound then you ad with an amazingly unrelated piece of waffle that makes no sense.


You may even now whine that this reply is abusive..that's fine but you have made an accusation of reporting you which is false..if anything I would advocate anyone contemplating reporting you not to. The evidence of stupidity is best to be seen.

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In America you are never very far away from wild animals.


The second amendment was an intent to have a well self trained militia to defend the country against the kind of invasion that happened in 1812.


Never? I doubt if there are many wild animals in Manhatten, Hollywood and Disneyland excluding the furry costumes.


It's no longer 1812. The USA now has a modern state complete with army and police force. Things have moved on, even in Connecticut.

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Never? I doubt if there are many wild animals in Manhatten, Hollywood and Disneyland excluding the furry costumes.


It's no longer 1812. The USA now has a modern state complete with army and police force. Things have moved on, even in Connecticut.


Its academic anyway. Even if they wanted to repeal the 2nd amendment, the horse has bolted with something like 300 million guns in circulation. It would be as successful as Prohibition.

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How infantile coming from a man of your advanced age. Pathetic.


I can't speak for Halibut, as for myself I've only ever made one report and that report was on the basis that one username physically threatened another..no other report.


As for you personally..why would I report you? The post would only be removed, hence removing the stupidity of the post. I like the stupidity of some of your reasoning..like something serious or profound then you ad with an amazingly unrelated piece of waffle that makes no sense.


You may even now whine that this reply is abusive..that's fine but you have made an accusation of reporting you which is false..if anything I would advocate anyone contemplating reporting you not to. The evidence of stupidity is best to be seen.

Methinks thou dost protest too much.:hihi: Cool down a little, then you might even grow up given time. I don't expect you to be anything but abusive and insulting. you're the Fish's clone. By the way, for my declining years I'm having fun which you are clearly not. go eat your porridge like a good little boy.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 16:24 ----------


Never? I doubt if there are many wild animals in Manhatten, Hollywood and Disneyland excluding the furry costumes.


It's no longer 1812. The USA now has a modern state complete with army and police force. Things have moved on, even in Connecticut.

300 million people don't just live in the places you mention, but you're the experts of course with your fortnight visits to these places. The vast majority live in small towns and even semi wilderness with small polce departments or State police forces patrolling great areas. The Feds don't deal in the small stuff despite what TV tells you.
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