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Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun

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One doesn't often hear people complaining about all the guns in circulation in the Middle East and the 9 year-old Muslim children who are being taught how to use them!


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 22:56 ----------


Anyway, I nominate this girl's instructor for a Darwin Award!

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The way I see it, 40 million people are dead as a direct result of what I disagree with.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 17:24 ----------



A baseball bat was designed for playing baseball. A gun was designed to murder someone!


How about long bows. The English long bow was the biggest killing tool in the medieval arsenal. It killed thousands of French soldiers during the battle of Agincourt. Then you have your swords, sabers, axes. spears, knives of many types and designs,


The musket followed by the rifle made all the above obsolete. It was not designed soley for war purposes. If you were an early pioneer heading west and crossing the vast plains of America during the early 19the century you would never have survived very long without one. I dont really need to mention hostile natives... but food ! Maybe the native Indians were capable of riding hell bent for leather alongside of a huge buffalo herd on the run and bringing one down with a couple of well aimed shots from a bow but the white settlers didnt have a clue nor could they bring down a deer 300 hundred feet distant with anything less than a rifle.


A forearm is only as dangerous as the person using it otherwise it's just a piece of die cast metal.


Most accidental deaths by firearms are caused by people not trained to use them and knowing nothing of the safety factor involved.


There's nothing wrong in training kids in this country to use firearms. When they reach adulthood and wish to exercise their rights under the Second Amendment they are far less likely to kill someone accidentally or through sheer carelessness than someone who just walked into a gun store, bought a firearm of some type and hardly knows one end from the other.


So those who cry foul about kids learning to use firearms the above point makes their argument moot


Deaths by firearms are way down on the list from that of drug abuse, alcohol, driving, swimming or participating in hazardous outdoor recreational activities


A final word about baseball bats. They may ahve been designed to play baseball but Harry Bennett (you probably dont have a clue who he was BTW) who was Ford Motor Company's head of security at the River Rouge plant in Detroit used them with deadly effect as strike breakers. :D

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One doesn't often hear people complaining about all the guns in circulation in the Middle East and the 9 year-old Muslim children who are being taught how to use them!


That's because they're Muslims and they are last on the evolutionary scale, what do you expect?..Whereas Americans are super human beings (unless Kryptonite is around) that set the world standard for good, righteous and morally uncuruptable .


One doesn't often hear people complaining about all the guns in circulation in the Middle East


Other than 24/7 in your face young kids and guns media coverage, I guess you're right.


---------- Post added 30-08-2014 at 00:05 ----------


Maybe the native Indians were capable of riding hell bent for leather alongside of a huge buffalo herd on the run and bring one down with a couple of well aimed shots from a bow


It was all they needed. They didn't do it for the slaughter value.



but the white settlers didnt have a clue nor could they bring down a deer 300 hundred feet distant with anything less than a rifle.


Yet Whites decimated the Buffalo population almost into extinction, not a bow in sight.

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Never? I doubt if there are many wild animals in Manhatten, Hollywood and Disneyland excluding the furry costumes.


It's no longer 1812. The USA now has a modern state complete with army and police force. Things have moved on, even in Connecticut.


Oh no? Maybe not Manhattan but in some bad gang ridden neighborhood and that applies to Chcago, St Louis. Atlanta. Los Angeles where in those areas drugs and prostitution reign and police patrol in pairs.


The US may be a modern state but there are plenty of bad asses on the loose nevertheless and there's no getting away from that. They dont get their firearms from Friendly Fred's Sporting Goods either. Most are either stolen or sold out of a car trunk in some deserted back lot. I know you're ace on US knowledge :D but it never hurts to learn something new :D


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 23:28 ----------


That's because they're Muslims and they are last on the evolutionary scale, what do you expect?..Whereas Americans are super human beings (unless Kryptonite is around) that set the world standard for good, righteous and morally uncuruptable .




Other than 24/7 in your face young kids and guns media coverage, I guess you're right.


---------- Post added 30-08-2014 at 00:05 ----------



It was all they needed. They didn't do it for the slaughter value.





Yet Whites decimated the Buffalo population almost into extinction, not a bow in sight.


Are we starting up on this discussion again? Yes buffalo were almost wiped out and Indians herded into reservations just as the Zulus were purposely slaughtered wholesale when the British colonial rulers decided that their homeland would be a nice little addition to the Empire.


No good starting that crap. There were no saints when it came to either expanding nations or empires so give it a rest and stick to the thread


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 23:40 ----------


One doesn't often hear people complaining about all the guns in circulation in the Middle East and the 9 year-old Muslim children who are being taught how to use them!


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 22:56 ----------


Anyway, I nominate this girl's instructor for a Darwin Award!


Well iI suppose those posters who make a point of crusading against gun ownership in the US just assume that the widespread use of guns with all the attendant violence in the middle east is just natural to the indigenous peoples of that region so that's why those posters never mention it. Racism, pre-conceived notions and prejudice rearing it's ugly head no doubt

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Are we starting up on this discussion again? Yes buffalo were almost wiped out and Indians herded into reservations just as the Zulus were purposely slaughtered wholesale when the British colonial rulers decided that their homeland would be a nice little addition to the Empire.


No good starting that crap. There were no saints when it came to either expanding nations or empires so give it a rest and stick to the thread


Hey, it was you that started the following with the jaw breaking yawn history lesson, yet you get all pi55y when people respond to it. The bloomin cheek of it.


How about long bows. < snipped to give more room for waffle>
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Hey, it was you that started the following with the jaw breaking yawn history lesson, yet you get all pi55y when people respond to it. The bloomin cheek of it.


Yeah It was about the history of weapons... not a subject entirely irrelevent to the thread but you had to start jawing about buffaloes being wiped out by white men.


Most people are aware of that so dont need your tiresome, moralizing reminders on the subject.


---------- Post added 30-08-2014 at 05:56 ----------


Any government that thinks it's ok to let a girl of that age even handle a bloody machine gun needs to take a long hard look at itself.


I'd even go so far as to sue the government for criminal neglect. Idiots.:loopy:


Well the "government" didnt think it OK to let a 9 year old girl handle a machine gun. It was a decison made at a local level by a few individuals who should have known better including the dumb cluck instructor.


Would you sue the government for criminal neglect when a reckless driver runs over and kills a pedestrian? The government after all say it's OK for a person to operate a motor vehicle on the highways.


Blaming the government for everything is pointless. In a free society we're all at liberty to individually make decisons based on sound judgement and common sense. Unfortunaely a few fail to do so as in this case but we dont give the whole class stick for it anyway.. that's repressive over controlling nanny government akin to dictatorship


If you think it was ok for the UK government to go around confiscating wholesale all guns after the Dunblaine shooting then you're welcome to that kind government. The dumb bestards must have got into their heads that after Dunblaine every other gun owner was about to go on the rampage as well. We dont need that kok eyed way of thinking here


---------- Post added 30-08-2014 at 06:08 ----------


"Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun"


Should read..


"Instructor accidentally tragically but avoidably killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun"


Yeah you tell em squire !! :hihi: :hihi:

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