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Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun

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But wouldn't be if no one had ever been killed by another human, we could go back 500 years, no guns and people still killed each other but it took a longer for them to die after being struck down with an axe, a sword, an arrow.

Baloney. You imply that it is necessary and inevitable that some people are killed by other people purely to keep the population down, and that it boils down to to whether it's kinder to do this with a machine gun or a bow and arrow. That is nonsense. Human populations (especially in the 21st century) have more humane and sophisticated methods of limiting their own numbers and of feeding growing populations. The main ones are called 'family planning', 'scientific research' and 'agriculture' and these are among the first things to suffer when war breaks out.


You make sound like killing people is an idea that the USA came up with, and it isn't, its something that animals have always done.
If you think that then you have misread my post, which was perfectly clear.


First, I did neither stated nor implied that the USA alone values guns highly and (other) life cheaply - sadly, there are societies the world over which are just as bad. The thing which links them and their high crime and murder rates is the fact that they still have judicial executions, when the rest of of the world has moved on from that primitive response to wrongdoing.


Second, the fact that (some) animals have always killed for food (and not their own species, usually) is neither here nor there. We are talking about how humans behave. As humans we cannot simply justify our actions by saying that we are animals, after all, and that is all there is to it. Apart from anything else, animals don't have a moral sense and humans believe this is what entitles them to call the shots (unfortunate phrase, I suppose). With power comes responsibility.

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First, I did neither stated nor implied that the USA alone values guns highly and (other) life cheaply - sadly, there are societies the world over which are just as bad. The thing which links them and their high crime and murder rates is the fact that they still have judicial executions, when the rest of of the world has moved on from that primitive response to wrongdoing.



That's incorrect, the countries with the highest murder rates have significantly fewer Guns than the USA.


---------- Post added 30-08-2014 at 10:46 ----------


Baloney. You imply that it is necessary and inevitable that some people are killed by other people purely to keep the population down,


No but would you rather be shot and killed quickly or would you rather starve to death? People die, some are killed quickly and some die more slowly, its life and its always been that way, the USA are not to blame.

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That's incorrect, the countries with the highest murder rates have significantly fewer Guns than the USA.


---------- Post added 30-08-2014 at 10:46 ----------



No but would you rather be shot and killed quickly or would you rather starve to death? People die, some are killed quickly and some die more slowly, its life and its always been that way, the USA are not to blame.


I have come across few people on this forum whose posts demonstrate such dangerous and depressing tunnel-vision, not to mention the inability to understand plain English, as yours. Please read what I wrote - the answer to your question is in my posts.

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I have come across few people on this forum whose posts demonstrate such dangerous and depressing tunnel-vision, not to mention the inability to understand plain English, as yours. Please read what I wrote - the answer to your question is in my posts.


I understand you very well, I just disagree with you.

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Probably more than the world can feed and starving to death must be a much more unpleasant way to go than a bullet in the head.


Sorry, but that's utter rubbish. There's more than enough food on this earth to feed EVERY person! There's also more than enough money to pay for the food and clothe every single human, several times over.


If you want to sit there and twiddle your thumbs and pretend that killing someone or something is a worthy cause, go ahead.

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I have come across few people on this forum whose posts demonstrate such dangerous and depressing tunnel-vision, not to mention the inability to understand plain English, as yours. Please read what I wrote - the answer to your question is in my posts.


Agreed. There's something not right about him.

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But wouldn't be if no one had ever been killed by another human, we could go back 500 years, no guns and people still killed each other but it took a longer for them to die after being struck down with an axe


Good idea. We should melt down all out guns and send people into battle with axes and swords instead. I can just see David Cameron mounting his horse and fighting alongside his soldiers, just like a ruler would have done 500 years ago!

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Claiming that the murder rate in America is higher because they have more guns is also laughable, if someone is planning to murder someone else they won't not do it just because they don't have a gun, they will simply use a different weapon. UK laws on gun ownership also didn't stop Derrick Bird killing 12 people and injuring 11 before shooting himself.


Serious question.....

If every gun was taken out of America instantly,do you really believe the murder rate would be the exact same?


How many of these murders,are caused through petty arguments?,petty arguments that would have been resolved by a simple fisticuffs.

As for your Honduras comparison,Google has all the answers you could possibly need on that one.:hihi:

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