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Further signs that Islamic State/ISIS are a thoroughly bad lot..

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Does anyone else find the thread title both twee and cringeworthy?


"Further signs that Islamic State/ISIS are a thoroughly bad lot.."


I ask you!


Its a tad understated for my tastes.

I cant post in this thread really as i just got banned for a link because of rules and i cant what rule i broke or why the same video that made most national papers is too bad for the sensitive mods here.


I guess heads in sand is the Yorkshire way

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and a skull and cross bones?


no that's pirates Oo




---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 07:49 ----------


Does anyone else find the thread title both twee and cringeworthy?


"Further signs that Islamic State/ISIS are a thoroughly bad lot.."


I ask you!


lmao it was meant to be, it had a tone of mickey taking about it originally

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What's wrong with trying them for whatever offences they can be charged with and giving them a lengthy stretch inside? Killing them will only help recruit more.


Ahhh! I see you have given up on the notion of sending them a strongly worded letter, or having a comfy chit chat.:roll:

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Air strikes are only part of the solution. What needs to be done is for Turkey, Saudi Arabia (both Sunni) to get on board. Turkey allows potential ISIS recruits to cross it's borders on the way to Syria and Iraq while Saud Arabia looks the other way when it comes to funding ISIS. Until both these Sunni countries stand up and be counted then ISIS will continue to draw recruits neaive enough to believe that ISIS is fighting for the future of the Sunnis.

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Not content with all the beheading, crucifying and murdering, it looks like they have a thoroughly dodgy attitude to the use of our old friend marijuana - link here - http://www.independent.co.uk/video/?videoid=3749995328001


One of the main reasons I'm 100% behind ending prohibition is because it takes production and supply out of the hands of these nutters!

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Following the News (from various sources). What appears to me, is a completely pathetic response from politicians; as to "what to do" about returning British Nationals, who have clearly participated in ISIS and have carried out acts of terrorism. Legal paradoxes are thrown up and used to

explain that " nothing can be done". Taking away passports,prohibiting re-entry and other

"sanctions" -it is argued- will lead to individuals being made "Stateless". Now what does the mean?. Is it important to us?. Should we care ?. There's a 1960s Act that addresses Statelessness -in special circumstances.


There has to be a solution. The import I get from listening to the politicians and the "talking heads"(Not the Band)-bleating about International Law. Is that ordinary folk are nothing but victims -milling around- waiting to be -eventually- beheaded or blown up . Can we be described as like the Wilderbeasts (is that how you spell it ? )

circled by the Jackals . There must be a way out of the impasse .

Edited by petemcewan
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