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I Was The Boy Who Stole The Platters' Shoe

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Hi there! Nice to hear from you. I've been wanting to ask you for ages ...are you really my dad? ;)
No R if that had been the case you definitely would not have seen FCH I can assure you, your Mum and Iwere friends but never went that far, Rex talked about this and said that evil sod of a brother of minetold him that, did you not ever say any thing to your Mum about what he had said , because I am sure she would have put you right, sorry about losing her by the way, keep in touch. arthur
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No R if that had been the case you definitely would not have seen FCH I can assure you, your Mum and Iwere friends but never went that far, Rex talked about this and said that evil sod of a brother of minetold him that, did you not ever say any thing to your Mum about what he had said , because I am sure she would have put you right, sorry about losing her by the way, keep in touch. arthur


Sorry Arthur . . .I was just joshing. I really DO know better than to believe what I asked. That 'rumor' had become somewhat a standing 'joke' of sorts over the years and I was just playing on that. I actually regretted having posted that remark after having done so and hoped that it wouldn't offend. I often wished that it HAD been true, however, since you would have been a far better deal than the other ...God rest his soul. I'm not bitter. Sorry to be so cryptic but you know what I mean. Anyway, I really WOULD like to talk to you sometime ...maybe on the telephone. I'll PM you my email address.


Meanwhile, can you ever find it in your heart to forgive a wretched nephew who would blatantly steal a patent leather shoe (and sock) from a Platter? :D

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I still think we are the only ones left living Sput?


Well, skip, it's either that or you and I are the only two ex-pupils of Crookes Endowed School who actually learned to read and write and progress to the level where we would eventually develop the appropriate academic abilities that would in turn enable us to articulate our thoughts, questions, memories, confessions, and meaningful and humorous anecdotes in such a manner as to equip us with the talents to participate in and to astound other posters on the forum with our acquired and accumulated knowledge, life skills, and formidable insight. What say, skip?


And they all said that I was the boy least likely to succeed!! Can you believe that? My, Miss Ramsden the English teacher sure would be proud!


Incidentally, doesn't the name 'Crookes Endowed' sound like some fraternity or lodge for miscreants and delinquents? It DOES sound like some place where Al Capone might have been trained up for future criminal activity. Come to think of it, skip, maybe we're getting no responses from ex-students because the Sheffield Forum might not be accesible to prison inmates. . .ever thought of that? Hmmm . . .


Actually, I once gave a talk to a class of kids at Royster Junior High in Chanute, Kansas. During question time one kid asked me which school I had attended as a kid. Quite innocently I said, "Crookes Endowed." Even though I said it with a straight face they thought I was joking and they all cracked up laughing. It was then that I realized what a stupid name it is.


By the way, skip, did I ever tell you about the time I ripped off a shoe (and sock) from one of the Platters? Well . . .I just might tell you about it sometime.

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Sorry Arthur . . .I was just joshing. I really DO know better than to believe what I asked. That 'rumor' had become somewhat a standing 'joke' of sorts over the years and I was just playing on that. I actually regretted having posted that remark after having done so and hoped that it wouldn't offend. I often wished that it HAD been true, however, since you would have been a far better deal than the other ...God rest his soul. I'm not bitter. Sorry to be so cryptic but you know what I mean. Anyway, I really WOULD like to talk to you sometime ...maybe on the telephone. I'll PM you my email address.


Meanwhile, can you ever find it in your heart to forgive a wretched nephew who would blatantly steal a patent leather shoe (and sock) from a Platter? :D

Hi Rod, I will forgiveyou, but i must say, the only thing i would steal from a platter woud be something to eat , Having never heard of the Platters in question, I would love to have a chat on the phone let me have your number please.

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Hi Rod, I will forgiveyou, but i must say, the only thing i would steal from a platter woud be something to eat , Having never heard of the Platters in question, I would love to have a chat on the phone let me have your number please.


Yep, you're right. A platter is also a plate. You NEVER heard of the Platters? What a shame. You would have been totally unaware then as to how witty some of the posts were in regard to their using lyrics from the Platter's songs to create humor.


I've been trying to find the PM box on your post, Arthur, in order to send you my email address and phone number. I'm either blind or it isn't there. Could someone fill me in as to how I can PM someone? Thanks.

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