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Sounds silly I know, but, How do you clean your teeth?

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I haven't had a problem with my teeth since I stopped visiting the dentist over 20 years ago. Maybe I've just been lucky since then. I do religiously brush twice a day.


I religiously clean my teeth too ... in that, I pray to God that another one doesn't fall out.

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I was watching the beeb breakfast show a couple of weeks ago, and they were doing some sort of feature about dental care.


They had a dentist on there demonstrating with a big set of knashers, how to brush etc...all very well...Didn't see a problem there. Then he said 'don't rinse'.


Don't rinse? He explained that any fluoride or whatever they put in the tooth paste will be immediately washed out of your mouth...ok..I can see the logic there....Sort of....ish.


I dunno about anyone else, but I wouldn't dream of leaving my foam filled mouth full of tooth paste, and worse, having to swallow it!


Did he 'really' mean don't rinse?


(It doesn't really apply to me, as I always use mouthwash after brushing anyway, but I do spit that out too...hahaha)


Yes I know I have some oddball thoughts!


I wouldnt either so that's why i spit it out instead. There's enough residual left to do the good work

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