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Remembering politicians in the 1950s

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hiya, this post brng back memories when i was young when we went around the streete with candidate photo's on sticks of wood this was in the 40s the one i remember was for a mr morris don't know if it was local or national elections or what but there was one he was up against a l arden whinch, who owned the brush works on bath st broomhall, we sang " vote vote vote for mr morriis you can't vote for a better man vote vote for mr morris and put old whinchy in an old tin can. our voteing station was st silas scout room on hanover st.



Thanks for this memory!

I lived on the springs in the 50's and I remember the stick with a poster with the name of " Sir Frank Soskis . We cried out vote-vote-vote for Mr. Soskis , you cant have a better man. He was the candidate for Neepsend ; as it was then. He was a Labour candidate .

Our , or rather my parents , poling station was the methodist chapel on the corner of Pickering road - Wallace road .

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I remember early fifties in Walkley when children went round the streets singing "vote vote vote for MR Darling" supporting George Darling Labour candidate for Hillsborough. Didn't seem unusual at the time as we addressed all grown ups by Mr or Mrs.

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