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Immigration Continues to Spiral Out of Control

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Actually you are. You said people from Poland claim asylum. They don't as they are EU nationals and therefore have the right to reside in every EEA state. You could have looked this up but decided to maintain your level of ignorance instead.


---------- Post added 31-08-2014 at 17:21 ----------



The habitual residence test has nothing to do with the right to reside. It affects British people as much as it does foreigners. A Briton who goes to live abroad and then comes back will be tested as much as a non-Briton. S/he will have to prove that they can be considered habitually resident in the UK even if living abroad by proving they have kept links here such as property, back accounts, family, etc. That may be easier for a Briton than for a first-timer from overseas but it has nothing to do with the right to reside.

I've been back to Britain only four times in 43 years, one of those times was for my mother's funeral, and once for my brother's funeral. On each time entering, the official at the gate told me in no uncertain terms that I could not work or stay longer than six months, even though I told them why I was there. My son who accompanied me for the first visit, and remained with his grandparents for a short while, was told he had to spend 250 pounds he had in cash he had exchanged from US dollars before he could leave. I didn't mind that though because I finshed up with a nice Olympus 35 mil SLR. Camera. I doubt if I will ever go back again.
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More trouble in Hexthorpe with a big gang fight between Slovaks and Poles requiring a large police presence including the helicopter and paramedics.


It's nice to see our open borders policy is attracting the right type of immigrants to this country.


No doubt there will now need to be a permanent police presence in Hexthorpe, just as there is down Page Hall.


No wonder hard working citizens who have lived in this country all their lives struggle to get a proper police service.....They're all tied up looking after the disruptive immigrants who have been allowed to enter this country with no other qualification criteria other than they're EU citizens.







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More trouble in Hexthorpe with a big gang fight between Slovaks and Poles requiring a large police presence including the helicopter and paramedics.


It's nice to see our open borders policy is attracting the right type of immigrants to this country.


No doubt there will now need to be a permanent police presence in Hexthorpe, just as there is down Page Hall.


No wonder hard working citizens who have lived in this country all their lives struggle to get a proper police service.....They're all tied up looking after the disruptive immigrants who have been allowed to enter this country with no other qualification criteria other than they're EU citizens.








Weird, I never have a problem getting a proper police service. Silly demagoguery there Doom. No wonder people think leaving the EU is a solution if they see the world like that.

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Thanks for reinforcing my point about non-committment from employers. Thousands over the last 30 years, indeed. With such a high turnover of staff you must really a pleasant to work for. No wonder your staff keep leaving.


You just don't get it do you? I don't employ people on the basis that I want them to leave. The whole basis of your mindset is, frankly, barmy.


I employ people who want to work, who aspire to improve their lives and the lives of their families. What do you find so objectionable about that?


Many of the people I employ are students, gaining work experience whilst they study, others are people who want to work whilst they are looking for their chosen career. I have employed people who went on the work as teachers, police officers, lawyers, journalists, the list is endless.


Others stay, I have people who have worked here for over 25 years.


I have created job for thousands, I am very proud of that. As you are so fond of criticizing and bringing people down to a level you can deal with, please tell me, what contribution have you made to the betterment of your fellow man?

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Weird, I never have a problem getting a proper police service. Silly demagoguery there Doom. No wonder people think leaving the EU is a solution if they see the world like that.



1400 girls in rotherham did not get a proper police service.

Your comment was very self-centric.


It is starting to look as though some of the allegations about the police treating people from some different backgrounds preferentially over some others are well founded and totally justified.


It also appears that along with wealth which has always been a consideration in police actions we can now add ethnicity.


Justice with Courage is the SYPD motto.


The police have never dealt in justice nor the courts they only deal in the letter of the law, justice has little or nothing to do with it.



Courage.. to do what?

Hide behind political correctness to cover up paedophiles from one community preying on the children of another.

Arrest a father for trying to protect his daughter.

To turn a blind eye to the actions of some members of the community because of their wealth, status or ethnicity.


I'm given to join others in wondering;

if it is possible to have a police force that is not corrupt, in that it failed to protect these girls to serve some agenda of their own?

and if it is how would one go about getting one?



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1400 girls in rotherham did not get a proper police service.

Your comment was very self-centric.


It is starting to look as though some of the allegations about the police treating people from some different backgrounds preferentially over some others are well founded and totally justified.


It also appears that along with wealth which has always been a consideration in police actions we can now add ethnicity.


Justice with Courage is the SYPD motto.


The police have never dealt in justice nor the courts they only deal in the letter of the law, justice has little or nothing to do with it.



Courage.. to do what?

Hide behind political correctness to cover up paedophiles from one community preying on the children of another.

Arrest a father for trying to protect his daughter.

To turn a blind eye to the actions of some members of the community because of their wealth or ethnicity.


I'm given to join others in wondering;

if it is possible to have a police force that is not corrupt?

and if it is how would one go about getting one?



It depends how you define corruption, in this case corruption does not exist in that anyone was paid off. I don't think you can accuse the Police of being corrupt in isolation.


The whole system is "corrupt" when it differentiates between one part of the community and another. In this case Muslim men acted with impunity while carrying out disgusting sexual offences against children. Councilors, council employees, apologists within and without the Muslim community knew what was going on, they are equally complicit.


The moral outrage directed at Saville, Harris and others should now be examined in view of this.


The resources devoted to Saville Harris and co should be replicated and directed at investigating these offences. Until and unless justice is seen to be done we should not allow our elected representatives or the Police to rest.

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It depends how you define corruption, in this case corruption does not exist in that anyone was paid off. I don't think you can accuse the Police of being corrupt in isolation.


The whole system is "corrupt" when it differentiates between one part of the community and another. In this case Muslim men acted with impunity while carrying out disgusting sexual offences against children. Councilors, council employees, apologists within and without the Muslim community knew what was going on, they are equally complicit.


The moral outrage directed at Saville, Harris and others should now be examined in view of this.


The resources devoted to Saville Harris and co should be replicated and directed at investigating these offences. Until and unless justice is seen to be done we should not allow our elected representatives or the Police to rest.


I do not accuse the police in isolation. (see previous posts throughout this forum)

Councils, social workers and some of the head teachers of these girls either acted or failed to act to protect the girls, we all feel they let both the girls and the people of rotherham down very badly.


But we are used to that all those organisations marching to the beat of their own drums and their apparent 'to hell with the public and what's is right or wrong when it serves their own best interests' type attitude.


We know many of these people often appear to have little or no respect for the public BUT to be honest it happens that often many of us have pretty much come to expect it.


I'm not suggesting for a moment that at all of them should not be charged with aiding and abetting. Not forgetting if any of them actually communicated with any of the sickos they could be possibly charged with conspiracy which can carry much longer sentences than aiding and abetting.


Back to the point; We do not expect that the police would have mishandled this case so badly.

We just don't.

I for one would have thought after hillsborough they would be running a pretty tight ship. It would appear not.


The courts let everyone down badly, the girls in particular and the community generally when they awarded sentences that were a fraction of lengths they could have been.


Judge Peter Kelson QC said to Mohsin Khan:

"It is clear she was a child and you knew it and you took advantage of it with your flattery."


Then in the eyes of everyone I've spoken to kelson practically let them all off with token sentences ...and then they were realeased early.

Full life term sentences could have be given to these paedophiles and yet the judge appears to have no sense of the strength of feeling abouit all this nor has he appeared to consider the well being and future safety of the girls.


I'd really love to know the reasons for the lenient sentences awarded by kelson and come to that how he sleeps at night.


I'd also like to know the names of all the solicitors that defended the perverts.

I think the public should know just who they are so if they wish they can avoid employing them.


How those solicitors can hold their heads up in public is totally beyond me. They are IMHO a disgrace to a profession who's public image is not that good in the eyes of many to start with.


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Originally Posted by Bonzo77 viewpost.gif

Since the open borders policy, migrants have put more into the purse than they've taken out.


I trust you have some kind of evidence to substantiate that quote.




If they have bonzo then I for one, and I'm of the opinion I am not alone in thinking that, would gladly forgo that to see all immigration stopped tomorrow.. and it could be done.


As for evidence to support your statement which I doubt you can find, you ought to really find bear in mind that no amount of book cooking will help convince the majority of people of its validity, or that we would not be better off on the whole without them al regardless of race ethnicity or culture.



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