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Does stress get worse as you get older?

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I think so. For example. I am 23 but I am working NON stop, because in the future I want to have baby, after that it will be more stress. So, it is normal. Life is stress )))


Or, you could just do fun stuff, so that, life is fun instead. Just throwing it out there.

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quote by nascha: I think so. For example. I am 23 but I am working NON stop, because in the future I want to have baby, after that it will be more stress. So, it is normal. Life is stress )))

At 23 years old you are very young and FWIW I would say please try not to get stressed and to get your work life balance in order. You only get one chance at life and you should be enjoying yourself, not planning so far ahead. It's fruitless anyway because you can never know what is round the corner.


Sadly you seem to be in a mindset that stress is inevitable - even the idea of having a baby is giving you these thoughts when in fact they should be pleasurable ones. That would not be a good start for you or your baby, if you have one.

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I would say stress is caused by greater intelligence rather than age. The more you can collect data, apply information, spot problems etc and realise you're unlikely to change anything, the greater your stress levels become. The more you dig increases your chances of finding out something you don’t like. Sometimes it’s better not to know stuff i.e. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Actually it does, it just makes it easier for the person pushing the boat to do so.


I’m not sure you can link age to stress or intelligence. There are clever youngsters and there are not so clever older people. Don’t take medicine for stress, you have to condition your mind when to realise you’re suffering from stress and then it becomes easier to deal with, but it’s not an easy thing to do

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@Mecky - great post and one with which I totally agree. I had a job that was stressful and I learned to incorporate those responses to it into my thought processes. To some extent it has affected my health. Even now there are things I cannot watch on television or read about so I avoid them as far as possible. In retirement I have had to learn to relax these thought processes but it has been hard. At the end of the day, we only have now so it's no good worrying about what might or might not be. There is a little prayer that says it all:


'God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...

Courage to change the things I can and

Wisdom to know the difference'.


@El Cid - you could be right. You are putting 100% into your work so why not try and get a cleaner and/or handy person to do your jobs at home? It might mean a bit of belt tightening and perhaps a pint or two less in the evenings but if it helps you to be calmer and happier then it would be worth it.

Edited by Jomie
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Stress seems to be part of life it all depends how you tackle it,I've been self employed for most of my working life and have run business where I have had a lot of stress and had to work long hours to keep things going,I had a bit of a breakdown a few years ago that made me sit down and look at my life,I had a year out and it seemed to help me a lot, but I have again started on the treadmill of working and been recently doing to much,I just cant help it I cant stand sitting around doing nothing I have to have a challenge in life.I find I am not as sharp and aggressive as I used to be and I do delegate jobs a lot more than I used to do..stress is a strange thing it affects people in different ways. I personally used to thrive on stress and always seed to do better under pressure.well I'm getting on a bit now I don't think stress is any different now than when I was younger I just seem to run out of steam now and need a lot more sleep than I used to,I seem to be mentally as sharp but my body just seems to say I've had enough..

Edited by Lobos
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Families of 2 adults and 2 or more kids used to manage on one full time wage ... this is not common now, due to housing costs, standard of living expectations, and other factors. People are knocking themselves out these days trying to do everything, cooking, cleaning, bringing up kids, as well as giving 100% at work, which is an impossible ideal. Give yourself a break! You took 6 months to decorate your bathroom? Mine took years ...


Mine still hasn't been done and I'm a decorator!


I think Maz3 has hit the nail on the head. Don't beat yourself up about what you are not achieving - but try to stay positive about the small things you do manage. You sound as though you are making a pretty good job of it to me. Being a working single parent is bloody hard work; my mum had to do it and she told me there were some days she would come home from work and just cry for 10 minutes in her bedroom before putting on a cheerful face again and getting on with it.


---------- Post added 30-08-2014 at 18:55 ----------


I got wheezy as a child, and I jut wonder if I now associate cleaning up with a negative.


Few people find cleaning a source of joy or inspiration, but it can be quite satisfying when it's done.

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I think as people get older they run out of energy and patience, and you need heaps of both to cope with the frustrations of the modern world.


Stress is everywhere and the older you get the more you remember how it used to be. Even the stress of something simple like trying to get through on the phone to speak to someone is a good example, and computers that have a will of their own. Lack of money and the worry it brings doesn't help either. Nor does the lack of manners, kindness and general consideration for others.


And is there anyone who still feels secure in this day and age....?


I also have to agree with much of what Mecky says.

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