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George Galloway beaten up again. Man arrested.

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You were the other night, Michael.


And you seem to have started up that way tonight. You are a bit prickly these days (to say the least). I'm not sure why.


I've just re-read the thread and noticed you condemning the attack in the end. That's reassuring to me. You are always pretty robustly right wing, but reasoned and reasonable. I like discussing things with people like that. That's what draws me to forums.


I'd best not elucidate about the thread derailing, or we will have the self styled "Emperor of Sheffield Forum" on here shouting the odds about his own importance and lobbing in mathematical equations just for a laugh.


Next time eh. I'm off to bed.


Only prickly with Mister M and his narrow minded judgement ;)

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I have answered a question put up by another poster sibon, what is your point ?

Who has unpleasant ideas ?


According to Sibon, anyone with right wing tendancies. I'm glad to see that he's finally decided to change that tack though it took him a good while to realise he was wrong.


---------- Post added 02-09-2014 at 01:58 ----------


There are loads of respectful posts on this thread, Michael. People from left and right who agree that violence isn't the way to solve this problem, or any other for that matter. .


See it wasn't hard to admit that not all right wing people are nasty now was it....

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  • 2 weeks later...
No. I watched a bit but got bored and was then distracted by a video of Galloway V. Hitchens, which was much better. Total victory to Hitchens, a greater man by a billion miles!


Hitchens suddenly more or less completely changed his entire politics and philosophy towards the end of his life.

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I notice that we still have a significant number of the loony right who can't bring themselves to condemn this attack on a sitting MP.


Shameful really.

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Hitchens suddenly more or less completely changed his entire politics and philosophy towards the end of his life.


no Hitchens was just a different kind of leftist to Galloway who saw how dangerous Arab dictators like Saddam were. Hitchens was not going to go into bed with people like Saddam, just to sock one to the United States and Israel, like Galloway to his shame, did.

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no Hitchens was just a different kind of leftist to Galloway who saw how dangerous Arab dictators like Saddam were. Hitchens was not going to go into bed with people like Saddam, just to sock one to the United States and Israel, like Galloway to his shame, did.
Indeed Hitchens would not; he was a rationalist and, not being a politician, wasn't interested in whoring himself for votes; he stood bravely for what is right.


One cannot be sure whether Galloway believes a word of what he himself says, but one can be sure that Hitchens did. Intelligent though Galloway is, and gifted with an uncanny ability to remember 'facts and figures' when it suits him, he lagged a good many IQ points behind Hitchens, lacking markedly in both reason and understanding.


---------- Post added 15-09-2014 at 17:47 ----------


Hitchens suddenly more or less completely changed his entire politics and philosophy towards the end of his life.
It happened much earlier than that.
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