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Flying nightmares

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Ok so at long last I have decided to go over to Canada and see my brother who I haven’t for many years :).Great can’t wait to see him , other than I have to get on a plane and considering I have never flown before let alone a long haul flight i need some:help:. What worries me more than anything is the escalating situation with ISIS and Co with their threats to destroy everything that moves :suspect:. Now can some seasoned traveller please tell me how good our airport security are .I need some reassuring as this isn’t going to go away anytime soon and my fingernails have all but gone .Thanks M

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Ok so at long last I have decided to go over to Canada and see my brother who I haven’t for many years :).Great can’t wait to see him , other than I have to get on a plane and considering I have never flown before let alone a long haul flight i need some:help:. What worries me more than anything is the escalating situation with ISIS and Co with their threats to destroy everything that moves :suspect:


By that reckoning, just sit still and you should be okay. :thumbsup:

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Ok so at long last I have decided to go over to Canada and see my brother who I haven’t for many years :).Great can’t wait to see him , other than I have to get on a plane and considering I have never flown before let alone a long haul flight i need some:help:. What worries me more than anything is the escalating situation with ISIS and Co with their threats to destroy everything that moves :suspect:. Now can some seasoned traveller please tell me how good our airport security are .I need some reassuring as this isn’t going to go away anytime soon and my fingernails have all but gone .Thanks M


You have nothing to worry about. Relax and look forward to catching up with your brother. Enjoy and have a great time catching up with him.

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Ok so at long last I have decided to go over to Canada and see my brother who I haven’t for many years :).Great can’t wait to see him , other than I have to get on a plane and considering I have never flown before let alone a long haul flight i need some:help:. What worries me more than anything is the escalating situation with ISIS and Co with their threats to destroy everything that moves :suspect:. Now can some seasoned traveller please tell me how good our airport security are .I need some reassuring as this isn’t going to go away anytime soon and my fingernails have all but gone .Thanks M


I once managed to board a flight from Amsterdam to Manchester without a passport or boarding pass as I thought I had lost them. I was stopped at Manchester, my luggage searched and they were found. I also regularly smuggle things I shouldn't have, such as drugs. So airport security can be avoided. Someone determined will get something through any security system.


Having said that, just because plane travel is not danger free does not mean it is dangerous. It is far safer than car travel, you are far more likely to die travelling by car than you are by plane.


You are also far more likely to be mowed down by a drunk driver than you are by IS. Imagine what you would say to someone who is too scared to walk to their brothers house because they might get mown down by a drunk driver and say that to yourself.

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Give yourself time, better too early and bored than too late and gutted. (Consider this when booking transfer flights as well, leave yourself enough time to get from gate to gate relaxed, many people look for the 1 hour transfer option, if you like stress, do that).


Rely on the in-flight staff to know what they are doing, they do, I find you can ask them anything and they will try their best to answer/solve the problem.


Carry a spare set of underwear in your handluggage, a tooth brush, anything you might need for an unexpected night without your main suitcase.


Don't buy duty-free nonsense at airports, it will prove a nuisance to carry around and is in fact most of the time more expensive than when bought locally.


When boarding, don't queue like a lemming. If you are at the gate (confirm your gate once you arrive at the airport) just stay calm and wait in a comfy chair, let the boarding staff handle things. It is not a race to get on the plane, everybody has an assigned seat (unless travelling with the schoolbusses of Ryanair I believe).


Don't worry about every little move, click, light etc. in the plane. The pilot goes through a security check and a switch from mains electricity to on-board electricity, lights will flicker before setting off. In the air the plane will move around unlike a car. Don't worry about it, planes are incredibly safe.


Don't panic if you are travelling with muslims. They are normal people like you and me that have to go places. I frequently share the plane with ladies clad in burqa's and gentlemen in all white, it is part of being in the air, it is multinational up there.


You will have to deal with jet-lag. I find the best thing to do when travelling East is to push right through and have a 36 hour day to force my body into adjusting. You are travelling West, consider not sleeping on the plane at all and make the day shorter. Whatever you do, force yourself to get into a local sleeping pattern as soon as possible.


Try to carry your passport, boarding pass(es) and at least some cash on your person, in a secure pocket for example (I usually have them in my shirt pocket). Check regularly that you still have them, just pat the pocket. Do not, under any circumstances leave your passport in your handbag, handbags get lost, stolen or whatever.


Make sure you drink quite regularly. I sometimes share the plane with people that don't drink enough (water, coffee etc. not gin and whiskies cause they are free!) and you can see them become more and more crankie about life as they develop a headache.


Finally: don't worry, you will be fine, the world is a civilised place. Stop believing all the nonsense you hear on the news about it.

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Ok so at long last I have decided to go over to Canada and see my brother who I haven’t for many years :).Great can’t wait to see him , other than I have to get on a plane and considering I have never flown before let alone a long haul flight i need some:help:. What worries me more than anything is the escalating situation with ISIS and Co with their threats to destroy everything that moves :suspect:. Now can some seasoned traveller please tell me how good our airport security are .I need some reassuring as this isn’t going to go away anytime soon and my fingernails have all but gone .Thanks M


You'll be alright. As others have said, you have more chance of being killed in your car or crossing the street than being killed in an air crash. See below:




Personally, get on the flight and enjoy the experience and don't let it hinder your chance to see your brother and another part of the world :)

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Ok so at long last I have decided to go over to Canada and see my brother who I haven’t for many years :).Great can’t wait to see him , other than I have to get on a plane and considering I have never flown before let alone a long haul flight i need some:help:. What worries me more than anything is the escalating situation with ISIS and Co with their threats to destroy everything that moves :suspect:. Now can some seasoned traveller please tell me how good our airport security are .I need some reassuring as this isn’t going to go away anytime soon and my fingernails have all but gone .Thanks M
The only danger you might be in in Canada is you might not want to come back to Sheffield. Fly Air Canada for the best and enjoy.:)
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