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Fed up with European directives?

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Not sure. I'm certain it wasnt the popular front though - he's the one over there :)


---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 15:41 ----------



OK I'll save your embarrassment


Obviously not......:hihi::hihi::hihi:....Hence you posting that!


---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 16:11 ----------


It is rather amusing to see that as soon as something says: EU the blinkers go on and people go berserk. We never hear about the countless guidelines and regulations that come from Westminster because that is 'democratic'.


There is a final analogy I want to make: US cars use 4 liter petrol engines that produce about the same power for twice the petrol consumption as a modern European 1.8 or 2 liter petrol engine. Which would you rather drive? I know which I' have chosen :)


Yes I see where you're coming from with the 'blinkers' and maybe I'm a bit guilty of that, along with many, many others. European elections are notorious for having very low voter turnouts. People ain't really interested in it, it doesn't inspire them, and that's probably to do with the fact that once the MEP disappears into the Brussels 'machine' not much is heard from them. Certainly not on the scale you might have with a Westminster MP. I don't know precisely how it 'works' but I would imagine a lot of the EU 'directives' have nothing (or very little) to do with any of the sitting MEP's...I would imagine it's mostly committee generated....and maybe that's a problem in itself...Not really understanding how the 'system' there works.....Usually the first 'we' hear is when it's already been ratified, or however it works.


I agree with your analogy of the American gas guzzlers, as opposed to a European car....But I kinda like BIG American cars....Who wouldn't want a 57 Chevvy!!....hahaaha....Not environmentally friendly...But hey, :)

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Yes I see where you're coming from with the 'blinkers' and maybe I'm a bit guilty of that, along with many, many others. European elections are notorious for having very low voter turnouts. People ain't really interested in it, it doesn't inspire them, and that's probably to do with the fact that once the MEP disappears into the Brussels 'machine' not much is heard from them. Certainly not on the scale you might have with a Westminster MP. I don't know precisely how it 'works' but I would imagine a lot of the EU 'directives' have nothing (or very little) to do with any of the sitting MEP's...I would imagine it's mostly committee generated....and maybe that's a problem in itself...Not really understanding how the 'system' there works.....Usually the first 'we' hear is when it's already been ratified, or however it works.
So, your earlier somewhat blinkered opinion was also uninformed. And then we wonder how people are so easily led by UKIP and comparable rabble-rousers...


How about you teach yourself a bit about 'how it works'?


Elected representatives make proposals, committees (of elected representatives) investigate the feasibility and produce drafts, elected representatives get consulted about the drafts, round and round she goes, eventually a piece of legislation is arrived at in more-or-less final form and gets voted (in or out). Worker bees then set about producing Council Regulations to make the piece of legislation work in the Real World. Guess what, the House of Parliament and MPs work in exactly the same way. So do most other Parliament-based democracies.


Who'd have thought? :roll:

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If you leave a hot kettle it cools down because it looses heat. So the longer it takes for a kettle to boil the more heat it looses. If you make the element small enough you could leave it on all day and it wouldn't get warm because it would cool faster than it was being heated.


I'd be interested if you could show me the maths for that

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How about you teach yourself a bit about 'how it works'?


Elected representatives make proposals, committees (of elected representatives) investigate the feasibility and produce drafts, elected representatives get consulted about the drafts, round and round she goes, eventually a piece of legislation is arrived at in more-or-less final form and gets voted (in or out). Worker bees then set about producing Council Regulations to make the piece of legislation work in the Real World. Guess what, the House of Parliament and MPs work in exactly the same way. So do most other Parliament-based democracies.


Who'd have thought? :roll:


Boring :roll:

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So, your earlier somewhat blinkered opinion was also uninformed. And then we wonder how people are so easily led by UKIP and comparable rabble-rousers...


How about you teach yourself a bit about 'how it works'?


Elected representatives make proposals, committees (of elected representatives) investigate the feasibility and produce drafts, elected representatives get consulted about the drafts, round and round she goes, eventually a piece of legislation is arrived at in more-or-less final form and gets voted (in or out). Worker bees then set about producing Council Regulations to make the piece of legislation work in the Real World. Guess what, the House of Parliament and MPs work in exactly the same way. So do most other Parliament-based democracies.


Who'd have thought? :roll:


Wonderful...Thanks Loob. As I said above, it's even less inspiring than Wesminster! But at least that's on our doorstep...I'm sure if I really wanted I could search the internet and find out what happened in Brussels today!...Or maybe there's a TV channel? Dunno. Am I going to do that?....probably not. Which is pretty much why the average Joe Soap doesn't hear of these things until it's an official directive.


People simply don't want to be all knowing about everything that ever happens anywhere. Yes maybe there's an argument that say's well where something directly affects you, you should. But then I'd spend a lifetime trawling the internet learning things I couldn't give two hoots about. :)

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Boring :roll:
Thank you for insightful contribution to this debate :roll:


Considering your earlier post, I could have suggested that, since your bills have almost "doubled" (when ours have better than halved in the past 16 months, despite many more electrical items in use in that time: extra tablets, phones, PC, TVs), you go spend some time on gocompare and the like...But you'd find equally boring I'm sure :(


So, err...be all the ripped-off "livewire" you can be :thumbsup::hihi:

Wonderful...Thanks Loob. As I said above, it's even less inspiring than Wesminster! But at least that's on our doorstep...I'm sure if I really wanted I could search the internet and find out what happened in Brussels today!...Or maybe there's a TV channel? Dunno. Am I going to do that?....probably not. Which is pretty much why the average Joe Soap doesn't hear of these things until it's an official directive.


People simply don't want to be all knowing about everything that ever happens anywhere. Yes maybe there's an argument that say's well where something directly affects you, you should. But then I'd spend a lifetime trawling the internet learning things I couldn't give two hoots about. :)

A eulogy for ignorance. Nice.
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Wonderful...Thanks Loob. As I said above, it's even less inspiring than Wesminster! But at least that's on our doorstep...I'm sure if I really wanted I could search the internet and find out what happened in Brussels today!...Or maybe there's a TV channel? Dunno. Am I going to do that?....probably not. Which is pretty much why the average Joe Soap doesn't hear of these things until it's an official directive.


People simply don't want to be all knowing about everything that ever happens anywhere. Yes maybe there's an argument that say's well where something directly affects you, you should. But then I'd spend a lifetime trawling the internet learning things I couldn't give two hoots about. :)

There's an easier option a bit closer to home Pete... ;)

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Obviously not......:hihi::hihi::hihi:....Hence you posting that!


---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 16:11 ----------



Yes I see where you're coming from with the 'blinkers' and maybe I'm a bit guilty of that, along with many, many others. European elections are notorious for having very low voter turnouts. People ain't really interested in it, it doesn't inspire them, and that's probably to do with the fact that once the MEP disappears into the Brussels 'machine' not much is heard from them. Certainly not on the scale you might have with a Westminster MP. I don't know precisely how it 'works' but I would imagine a lot of the EU 'directives' have nothing (or very little) to do with any of the sitting MEP's...I would imagine it's mostly committee generated....and maybe that's a problem in itself...Not really understanding how the 'system' there works.....Usually the first 'we' hear is when it's already been ratified, or however it works.


I agree with your analogy of the American gas guzzlers, as opposed to a European car....But I kinda like BIG American cars....Who wouldn't want a 57 Chevvy!!....hahaaha....Not environmentally friendly...But hey, :)


I appreciate that Pete, but I can't remember the last time Blunkett had anything notable to mention, whereas I follow my now ex-MEP on Twitter and via other media and know a lot more about that fella. It is about choices I suppose.

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I appreciate that Pete, but I can't remember the last time Blunkett had anything notable to mention, whereas I follow my now ex-MEP on Twitter and via other media and know a lot more about that fella. It is about choices I suppose.


Yes I see your point, but how many people 'follow' their MEP...Be honest...do you?....Does anyone?....and if you did, and he was talking about the thickness of A4 sized paper...would you even bother again?....That's what I mean.

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