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Fed up with European directives?

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Nobody needs to thoroughly research a subject before posting, but a basic understanding wouldn't go amiss. There's many posters on here who are proud of the fact they don't know anything about certain subjects, the EU seems to be a particular favourite, yet that doesn't stop them ranting on about things which are incorrect, misleading or just plain wrong.


Well, what would be your definition of 'a basic understanding'? I'm puzzled. What level of understanding is required?


It's rather patronising to suggest that people just rant about stuff they don't understand. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. But it's not universal on here.


Would the forum be a better place if these idiots weren't corrected? Or would it just become a home of self-satisfied, yes-men, who all believe each others rhetoric because they're never asked to justify their statements?


It does sound like you're on a crusade to rid the forum of (how you quaintly phrase it) 'idiots'. As I said earlier, it's the reason why many people simply don't post. Debate is fine but belittling people and calling them idiots is not.


You see the same thing all the time with topics about health & safety. Person posts "HSE has banned conkers" - at which point it becomes obvious they know nothing about H&S, the HSE or the way they work. Should anyone who knows different keep quiet, in case that OP feels they're being "savaged" because they're being told what they're writing is complete nonsense?


No I'm not at all saying keep quiet. Far from it. It's a fact that many people feel intimidated and quite frankly bullied, when a know-all comes on and say's they're talking rubbish (it's a fine line). I'm sure you get my drift.


Statistically, 50% of the posters on this forum have less than average intelligence. It's little wonder so many lies, untruths and misconceptions are posted.


Where on earth did you get that statistic from? Or is that guesswork and supposition? Or are you talking rubbish? (:hihi: Sorry, I couldn't resist )

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Well, what would be your definition of 'a basic understanding'? I'm puzzled. What level of understanding is required?


It's rather patronising to suggest that people just rant about stuff they don't understand. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. But it's not universal on here.




It does sound like you're on a crusade to rid the forum of (how you quaintly phrase it) 'idiots'. As I said earlier, it's the reason why many people simply don't post. Debate is fine but belittling people and calling them idiots is not.




No I'm not at all saying keep quiet. Far from it. It's a fact that many people feel intimidated and quite frankly bullied, when a know-all comes on and say's they're talking rubbish (it's a fine line). I'm sure you get my drift.




Where on earth did you get that statistic from? Or is that guesswork and supposition? Or are you talking rubbish? (:hihi: Sorry, I couldn't resist )


In all fairness, in this day and age with almost every piece of information known to man a click away, you cannot excuse the people who post ill informed rants without considering them ignorant ;):D

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Nobody needs to thoroughly research a subject before posting, but a basic understanding wouldn't go amiss. There's many posters on here who are proud of the fact they don't know anything about certain subjects, the EU seems to be a particular favourite, yet that doesn't stop them ranting on about things which are incorrect, misleading or just plain wrong.


Would the forum be a better place if these idiots weren't corrected? Or would it just become a home of self-satisfied, yes-men, who all believe each others rhetoric because they're never asked to justify their statements?


You see the same thing all the time with topics about health & safety. Person posts "HSE has banned conkers" - at which point it becomes obvious they know nothing about H&S, the HSE or the way they work. Should anyone who knows different keep quiet, in case that OP feels they're being "savaged" because they're being told what they're writing is complete nonsense?


Statistically, 50% of the posters on this forum have less than average intelligence. It's little wonder so many lies, untruths and misconceptions are posted.


So what you are saying, is that 50% of posters are mentally retarded?

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In all fairness, in this day and age with almost every piece of information known to man a click away, you cannot excuse the people who post ill informed rants without considering them ignorant ;):D


Well that would suggest every piece of information on the internet is true and correct wouldn't it?.....:suspect:

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Well, what would be your definition of 'a basic understanding'? I'm puzzled. What level of understanding is required?


Lets take the current topic. A basic understanding would tell you that these directives come from nationally elected representatives, which work together in committees. Knowing nothing about the subject produces rants about unelected busybodies trying to make life more complicated because they have to justify their own existence.


It's rather patronising to suggest that people just rant about stuff they don't understand. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. But it's not universal on here.


Oh come on. You've been here long enough to know there are a large number of users who celebrate their ignorance on certain subjects, yet like to create as many posts as possible on those subjects, partly as trolling, partly in order to back each other up, and partly because they believe what they are saying.


It does sound like you're on a crusade to rid the forum of (how you quaintly phrase it) 'idiots'. As I said earlier, it's the reason why many people simply don't post. Debate is fine but belittling people and calling them idiots is not.


The people I refer to as idiots you can't debate with. They either have their head buried so far into the sand that they can't see any other viewpoint, or deliberately avoid debating their statements in order to avoid challenging them.


The uninformed, who when challenged about something, actually listen, converse and debate, I wouldn't describe as idiots, because they're willing to learn. Sadly, there's more of the former than the latter on here.


No I'm not at all saying keep quiet. Far from it. It's a fact that many people feel intimidated and quite frankly bullied, when a know-all comes on and say's they're talking rubbish (it's a fine line). I'm sure you get my drift.


To someone who knows nothing, everyone is a know-it-all. If people feel intimidated or bullied because someone corrects them when they say things like "the HSE has banned ladders" then that's not really the correctee's problem.


Where on earth did you get that statistic from? Or is that guesswork and supposition? Or are you talking rubbish? (:hihi: Sorry, I couldn't resist )


I would explain, but I don't want to intimidate, bully or belittle you. (:hihi: Sorry, I couldn't resist )


---------- Post added 02-09-2014 at 12:53 ----------


So what you are saying, is that 50% of posters are mentally retarded?


Err, no. I'm not quite sure how you jumped to that conclusion... :huh::help:

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Well that would suggest every piece of information on the internet is true and correct wouldn't it?.....:suspect:


No, not at all. There's enough information out there to be able to research a subject thoroughly and form an educated opinion on the facts presented. Like I said, there's no excuse for ill-informed rants unless the poster is terminally stupid or just plain ignorant.

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Speaking as one of the idiot lurkers, I'd just like to say that it's been a long time since I've seen so many patronising posters on the same thread.


People seem to be taking the forum far too seriously.


It should be regarded as a bit of fun... something to do when you've nothing better to do.


Your opinion on here is not going to change anything in the real world, unless you get a kick out of trying to score points over others.


It's pointless... switch the screen off and go for a long walk - it'll do you much more good.

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It's rather patronising to suggest that people just rant about stuff they don't understand. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. But it's not universal on here.


Actually, I just found this good example of a poster who doesn't understand what they're posting about, on neither of the subjects they mention. And furthermore, they even refer to it as a rant when doing so.



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Lets take the current topic. A basic understanding would tell you that these directives come from nationally elected representatives, which work together in committees. Knowing nothing about the subject produces rants about unelected busybodies trying to make life more complicated because they have to justify their own existence.




Oh come on. You've been here long enough to know there are a large number of users who celebrate their ignorance on certain subjects, yet like to create as many posts as possible on those subjects, partly as trolling, partly in order to back each other up, and partly because they believe what they are saying.




The people I refer to as idiots you can't debate with. They either have their head buried so far into the sand that they can't see any other viewpoint, or deliberately avoid debating their statements in order to avoid challenging them.


The uninformed, who when challenged about something, actually listen, converse and debate, I wouldn't describe as idiots, because they're willing to learn. Sadly, there's more of the former than the latter on here.




To someone who knows nothing, everyone is a know-it-all. If people feel intimidated or bullied because someone corrects them when they say things like "the HSE has banned ladders" then that's not really the correctee's problem.




I would explain, but I don't want to intimidate, bully or belittle you. (:hihi: Sorry, I couldn't resist )


---------- Post added 02-09-2014 at 12:53 ----------



Err, no. I'm not quite sure how you jumped to that conclusion... :huh::help:


Try your "less than average intelligence" comment.;)

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Speaking as one of the idiot lurkers, I'd just like to say that it's been a long time since I've seen so many patronising posters on the same thread.


People seem to be taking the forum far too seriously.


It should be regarded as a bit of fun... something to do when you've nothing better to do.


Your opinion on here is not going to change anything in the real world, unless you get a kick out of trying to score points over others.


It's pointless... switch the screen off and go for a long walk - it'll do you much more good.


That is of course your opinion. People have different ones - if it really bothers you that you don't like the people posting on this thread then don't read it, switch it off and go for a long walk....


---------- Post added 02-09-2014 at 13:21 ----------


Try your "less than average intelligence" comment.;)


By definition of "average" be that median or mean, half of the people in a cohort will have below average intelligence, and half will have above average intelligence.


That doesn't mean that 50% are mentally retarded. That is defined elsewhere but from what I recall it's only about 1.5% of the population, which would mean about 3% of those below average, not 50%.

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