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Fed up with European directives?

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Try your "less than average intelligence" comment.;)


I'm still not sure how you equate "less than average intelligence" with "mentally retarded".


That's like saying anyone who is "less than average fitness" is "disabled".

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That is of course your opinion. People have different ones - if it really bothers you that you don't like the people posting on this thread then don't read it, switch it off and go for a long walk....

It doesn't bother me what anyone posts.


Some posters I will read because they are entertaining no matter whether they are talking rubbish or not.


And some posters I totally ignore because I find them a complete bore (unless they have replied to one of my posts of course). :P

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Actually, I just found this good example of a poster who doesn't understand what they're posting about, on neither of the subjects they mention. And furthermore, they even refer to it as a rant when doing so.




That's not actually a very nice post. See what I mean about know-alls and intimidation?


Or was it your version of humour?....Oooops..sorry, I forgot to laugh!

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That's not actually a very nice post. See what I mean about know-alls and intimidation?


Or was it your version of humour?....Oooops..sorry, I forgot to laugh!


It wasn't supposed to be nice. It was supposed to be factual. And I thought it quite ironic considering your distaste of describing people who post on subjects they don't know anything about as rants.


Anyway, I see from the way you have approached this thread from post #1, you have simply wanted people to reply "oh, you're so right, the EU are so bad.". Ever since people have tried to explain that your supposition was incorrect you've been batting them off with things like "Why on earth would I keep tabs on what's happening in the EU decision making process, when effectively there's nothing I can do about it anyway". You're not interested in learning, or a debate, you just wanted the yes-men to post (I'm guessing that's who you're referring to when you talk about the people who don't post because they're afraid of being corrected).

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Actually, I just found this good example of a poster who doesn't understand what they're posting about, on neither of the subjects they mention. And furthermore, they even refer to it as a rant when doing so.




Could you explain which bit of my original post is factually incorrect, and I have no understanding of?


I complained about 'another' European directive (factually correct)

I said it was probably the result of a committee (I guessed five years) (Which is also factually correct.)

I joked that they should give us stiff bass brooms (That was a joke)

I said they're looking at other appliances (factually correct)

I referred to a story on the beeb about eating less meat (factually correct)


I provided supporting links from relatively reputable sources.


What's wrong with it? If you don't want to participate, don't post. But don't belittle me or anyone else.

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It wasn't supposed to be nice. It was supposed to be factual. And I thought it quite ironic considering your distaste of describing people who post on subjects they don't know anything about as rants.


Anyway, I see from the way you have approached this thread from post #1, you have simply wanted people to reply "oh, you're so right, the EU are so bad.". Ever since people have tried to explain that your supposition was incorrect you've been batting them off with things like "Why on earth would I keep tabs on what's happening in the EU decision making process, when effectively there's nothing I can do about it anyway". You're not interested in learning, or a debate, you just wanted the yes-men to post (I'm guessing that's who you're referring to when you talk about the people who don't post because they're afraid of being corrected).

I think you might be missing the point here.


The forum numbers are dwindling, and as a good moderator, Pete is doing his bit to create a bit of interest in the forum and to increase posts - it doesn't really matter what the thread is about.


And it appears to be working... ;)

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I think you might be missing the point here.


The forum numbers are dwindling, and as a good moderator, Pete is doing his bit to create a bit of interest in the forum and to increase posts - it doesn't really matter what the thread is about.


And it appears to be working... ;)


Well said Mr B....;)

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Could you explain which bit of my original post is factually incorrect, and I have no understanding of?


While I didn't claim your post was factually incorrect, just that you clearly don't understand the subjects you were commenting on, it did in fact contain one glaring error, but we'll get to that...


I complained about 'another' European directive (factually correct)

I said it was probably the result of a committee (I guessed five years) (Which is also factually correct.)

I joked that they should give us stiff bass brooms (That was a joke)

I said they're looking at other appliances (factually correct)

I referred to a story on the beeb about eating less meat (factually correct)


I provided supporting links from relatively reputable sources.


What's wrong with it?


I see today, that there's been yet another European directive banning the importing or manufacture of vacuum cleaners with a higher wattage than 1600w. All in a bid to save energy! Why not ban them altogether and issue us with a good stiff bass brooms! Totally pathetic.


I expect it's taken a gaggle of committees five years to come up with that one. Now they're looking at other 'appliances' to limit the power of.


The way you have written this clearly shows you don't understand the process that the EU goes through to create these policies. They're not just "looking at other 'appliances'", they already have, there's a road map in place, and has been for several years. You have elected people that are directly involved in bringing these policies to the UK, it's not just a "gaggle of committees" spending all their time thinking up ideas. There's no information about why the EU want to save energy, and you don't even appear to consider whether this is good or bad.


In later posts, you almost celebrate the fact you don't know anything about the workings of the EU, and have no interest in how these policies are formed, and are only willing to discuss the crazy ideas they come up with and/or how stupid an idea energy saving is. Anyone who's tried to educate you has basically been told to butt-out of your thread.


The beeb also were coving a story where scientist reckon we should all eat less red meat (not that I have a particular 'issue' with that in itself, but the reason given was (apart from our health benefits?) was that it causes 'ozone'. The expert they interviewed didn't in so many words say so, but basically, animals feeding on whatever they eat, fart more...therefore create more ozone!...For god's sake!!


They don't create more ozone. They create greenhouse gasses - primarily methane.


It's a clear rant about a subject you've overheard, but didn't really understand the point of. I note there is no mention of the actual headline - we (the global population) need to stop eating more red meat and dairy products because at the current rate of increase in consumption, we will not be able to meet global emission targets, and changes in land use to accommodate the increased animal production will cause even more damage to the environment.


If you don't want to participate, don't post. But don't belittle me or anyone else.


You know what, you're right. I can't be bothered with this any more.


The forum numbers are dwindling, and as a good moderator, Pete is doing his bit to create a bit of interest in the forum and to increase posts - it doesn't really matter what the thread is about.


A good moderator creating interesting posts wouldn't be telling other users to stop posting across the site if they're thinking of correcting someone's mistaken beliefs.


And the numbers are about to dwindle by one more :)

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While I didn't claim your post was factually incorrect, just that you clearly don't understand the subjects you were commenting on, it did in fact contain one glaring error, but we'll get to that...






The way you have written this clearly shows you don't understand the process that the EU goes through to create these policies. They're not just "looking at other 'appliances'", they already have, there's a road map in place, and has been for several years. You have elected people that are directly involved in bringing these policies to the UK, it's not just a "gaggle of committees" spending all their time thinking up ideas. There's no information about why the EU want to save energy, and you don't even appear to consider whether this is good or bad.


In later posts, you almost celebrate the fact you don't know anything about the workings of the EU, and have no interest in how these policies are formed, and are only willing to discuss the crazy ideas they come up with and/or how stupid an idea energy saving is. Anyone who's tried to educate you has basically been told to butt-out of your thread.




They don't create more ozone. They create greenhouse gasses - primarily methane.


It's a clear rant about a subject you've overheard, but didn't really understand the point of. I note there is no mention of the actual headline - we (the global population) need to stop eating more red meat and dairy products because at the current rate of increase in consumption, we will not be able to meet global emission targets, and changes in land use to accommodate the increased animal production will cause even more damage to the environment.




You know what, you're right. I can't be bothered with this any more.




A good moderator creating interesting posts wouldn't be telling other users to stop posting across the site if they're thinking of correcting someone's mistaken beliefs.


And the numbers are about to dwindle by one more :)


So nothing I wrote was factually incorrect!

I didn't realise when I posted I would have to have an in depth knowledge of the entire working of the EU 'system'


It mentions in the BBC link I posted about other appliances. I didn't realise I had to spell the working out to you verbatim.


I mentioned the other story purely for comic purposes because I thought it hilarious that the act of cows passing wind was identified as being a problem. But you've obviously had your sense of humour surgically removed.


My style of writing the post wasn't to your approval. Well I do apologise. I'll ask you in future.....Oh....you won't be there...


You just enjoy belittling people. There's really no need for it. It's perfectly possible to engage in debate without resorting to insults. Others have.

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