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Fed up with European directives?

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You're buying a brand when you buy a Dyson, and I suppose most people wont e aware that they move operations to the far east.


How is the Dyson 'brand' any different from Bosch or Hoover, or Electrolux....or any other 'name'....


I wouldn't buy a Dyson on principle....They're too expensive...and it's not just the odd £20 or so....it's like a £100 more than any other comparable cleaner.

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Whereas there are no companies that require their motorised transport to "do the business"?


I would imagine that only Formula 1 and Rally teams would be adversely affected by being made to reduce power.

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I see today, that there's been yet another European directive banning the importing or manufacture of vacuum cleaners with a higher wattage than 1600w. All in a bid to save energy! Why not ban them altogether and issue us with a good stiff bass brooms! Totally pathetic.


I expect it's taken a gaggle of committees five years to come up with that one. Now they're looking at other 'appliances' to limit the power of.




Oh and while I'm on the subject of ranting. The beeb also were coving a story where scientist reckon we should all eat less red meat (not that I have a particular 'issue' with that in itself, but the reason given was (apart from our health benefits?) was that it causes 'ozone'. The expert they interviewed didn't in so many words say so, but basically, animals feeding on whatever they eat, fart more...therefore create more ozone!...For god's sake!!


Ok...Count to ten....deep breath, and now exhale!....That's better!


As you were folks! :)

Agree with you entirely Pete,i cannot believe were down to blaming farts for climate change.The treehuggers and ecowarriors would have the whole economy down the pan in no time,we would be sat in the dark if it is not windy,you would have to rickshaw your family down the M1 for an holiday at which point you would have to start coming back as soon as you got to Cornwall unless you can afford an electric car which you would only be able to charge up if it happens to be windy enough,half the world would be starving and millions of people out of work if we attempted to do what they want us to do.We would probably need the entire country covered in wind turbines for it to work.Wind turbines are more about making money for the turbine companys and the land owners on which they are sited who make a killing at our expense all because the EU makes us subsidise them.Rant over and i feel much better for getting that off my chest.I am just off to use my Dyson and leave my huge petrol engined car ticking over all night just to annoy the EU.

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Here's a thought, with these new rules which mean less power in your gadgets and presumably less power consumption, will the energy suppliers ramp up their prices to compensate the loss of turnover?


That's exactly been my point. But apparently I'm wrong...We shall see.

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That's exactly been my point. But apparently I'm wrong...We shall see.


I always have a chuckle to myself when i here people calling wind power free energy,free for who?If we all went out and bought eco cars tomorrow which all qualify for zero road tax i wonder how long the road tax would stay free.Diesel used to be cheaper than petrol until they started selling more diesel and then strangely the price went up dearer than petrol.You get nothing for free in this life and people need to wake up and realise that.

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Yes, you are wrong. Nice to see you finally admit it :)


I was being sarcastic! :)


I don't admit anything....time will tell....let me know when the electricity companies reduce your bill and then maybe...just maybe...I'll concede. In the meantime, you stick to your theories and I'll stick to mine...I'm not arguing the point further....:)

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