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Fed up with European directives?

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Reading some of the posts on this thread aimed at Pete reminds of my days at school and the school bullies who tried their best to make my life a misery.


The bullies on here are cowards anonymously hiding behind usernames.

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Reading some of the posts on this thread aimed at Pete reminds of my days at school and the school bullies who tried their best to make my life a misery.


... and I bet they failed too! :D


The bullies on here are cowards anonymously hiding behind usernames.


It's actually quite heartening to see 'some' people recognise the tactics of the pedants. Thank you.

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Pedants? Stifling debate by name calling, very mature. I thought mods were supposed to be above all that :)


Yes pedants....Yep I'm a mod, but I'm also a real person...and you are pedants...it's not particularly an insult...just descriptive of your posting. How have I stifled debate?...I've answered every post targeted at me....But you just can't accept it...


I had a small rant in my first post, all completely factual...someone shifted the argument to cost of fuel...I debated my 'opinion'...Note...the use of the word 'opinion' and then the gang grill me on every minute detail...


The plain fact is...fuel cost will inexorably rise, year on year regardless of energy saving gadgets....But you choose to be pedantic and assert I 'said' when usage gets lower as a result of energy saving from the elite amongst us the cost will rise.


Don't you realise the energy companies, play a game?....Hike the price in the winter and make a killing...then offer a small reduction in the summer to catch the serial 'switchers'...then hike it up again...I can plainly see it. It's a shame you can't....Just because I said in one of my posts that they would never EVER reduce the price, I get 3 links telling me they did...I could find a lot more telling you they increased it...That's what I mean about being a pedant. But I'm sure you will come back with a smart reply...hey ho....It's your entertainment, obviously.


The plain fact is...the cost of fuel has increased for everyone year on year, and will continue...no matter what wattage of motor you put in your vacuum....No matter if they reduce it for the benefit of the serial 'switcher'...Just accept it and stop being pedantic!

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You see Pete that's the problem - you want us to just take your word for it.


But you get snippy when you think we are asking you to do the same in reverse... :huh: even when that's manifestly not what people are doing.


You've stated an opinion. People think that opinion is wrong and ask you to justify it - or point out errors of fact.


You then get all snippy and huffy at this. But that's the nature of debate... if you cannot defend your opinion against a reasoned argument it's still an opinion, and a not very good or robust one.

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