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Fed up with European directives?

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Still trolling I see Pete.... grow up.


I must say, Its a bit cowardly of you to be anonymous on here with a made up username while getting all stroppy with someone and call them by their name.

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Oh god...here we go again..Sigh.....


So as your post clearly states, it was you that mentioned saving money on electricity cost! All I did was (as I said very early on in the thread) respond to your assertion. Does it really matter what I chose to 'focus on'?...is there some sort of written protocol?


It's day 4 in the Sheffield Forum house...



... Pete comes to the diary room... :D

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Oh god...here we go again..Sigh.....


So as your post clearly states, it was you that mentioned saving money on electricity cost! All I did was (as I said very early on in the thread) respond to your assertion. Does it really matter what I chose to 'focus on'?...is there some sort of written protocol?


Seriously, what do you mean by oh here we go again. What have I done wrong before? How have I offended you before? I would appreciate an answer.


I made three points, you ignored two of them and decided to discuss one of them, that was the point I made. It doesn't matter to me what you decided to focus on, it's all healthy debate, but it is disingenuous towards me to suggest than anyone but you decided to move the debate in the direction that it went.

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Seriously, what do you mean by oh here we go again. What have I done wrong before? How have I offended you before? I would appreciate an answer.


I made three points, you ignored two of them and decided to discuss one of them, that was the point I made. It doesn't matter to me what you decided to focus on, it's all healthy debate, but it is disingenuous towards me to suggest than anyone but you decided to move the debate in the direction that it went.


Well....maybe it's not specifically you...and perhaps I was a bit hasty in my opening remark. But you're an intelligent chappie, you must have seen the comments previous to this morning. It's not like I haven't made my thoughts and feelings very clear for all to see....as have others.


Yes you did make three points, and rightly or wrongly I 'chose' to focus on the saving money one because I have an 'opinion' on it...I didn't particularly have an opinion on either of the other two. Why would I discuss something I have no interest in? Seems perfectly logical to me.


The bottom line being....it wasn't me that first mentioned anything to do with electricity cost...it was you..and I 'chose' to challenge it, because I have an opinion. Then throughout the rest of the thread I get berated because I didn't back up my 'opinion' with documentary evidence, which incidentally I did eventually, just to prove a point. Then I get the pedantic arguments to refute my claims. Which are in fact unarguable, no matter how pedantic one chooses to be.


So please forgive me if I was a little 'terse' in my response to you...I trust you understand why....I refuse to be bullied.


It might interest you to know, I do have personal knowledge of a member withdrawing their membership for no other reason than 'they felt' they were being bullied. Whether it was true on not is irrelevant, but that's why they left. Do we really need that sort of behaviour on a family friendly forum? I trust you agree with me. No we don't! :)

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Well....maybe it's not specifically you...and perhaps I was a bit hasty in my opening remark. But you're an intelligent chappie, you must have seen the comments previous to this morning. It's not like I haven't made my thoughts and feelings very clear for all to see....as have others.


My post was the first that I made in over 24 hours, but I have nothing to do with the previous posters, it's wrong to hold me responsible for the actions of others.


Yes you did make three points, and rightly or wrongly I 'chose' to focus on the saving money one because I have an 'opinion' on it...I didn't particularly have an opinion on either of the other two. Why would I discuss something I have no interest in? Seems perfectly logical to me.


As I said earlier I really do not have any problem with the direction that you decided to take the debate, no problem whatsoever. My issue was that you attempted to pass the responsibility for the debate going in that direction onto me.


The bottom line being....it wasn't me that first mentioned anything to do with electricity cost...it was you..and I 'chose' to challenge it, because I have an opinion. Then throughout the rest of the thread I get berated because I didn't back up my 'opinion' with documentary evidence, which incidentally I did eventually, just to prove a point. Then I get the pedantic arguments to refute my claims. Which are in fact unarguable, no matter how pedantic one chooses to be.


Again, you're holding me responsible for the actions of others. I did mention it in a post, but as I said you focused on that particular area.


So please forgive me if I was a little 'terse' in my response to you...I trust you understand why....I refuse to be bullied.


It might interest you to know, I do have personal knowledge of a member withdrawing their membership for no other reason than 'they felt' they were being bullied. Whether it was true on not is irrelevant, but that's why they left. Do we really need that sort of behaviour on a family friendly forum? I trust you agree with me. No we don't! :)


Don't you understand though. When people are terse towards you, you feel like you're being bullied and you want to stand up to it. Well, this is the point of this post, I also feel it is disingenuous for you to lay the blame on the direction of this thread at my feet, when you clearly admitted deciding upon the point that you'd pull me up on.


Anyway, I do accept you apology and I bear you no grudge. Also, my reply is in no way meant to fan the flames, I just wanted to put my point of view across.

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<...> But you're an intelligent chappie,<...>
Does that mean JFKvsNixon can join us 'intellectuals' and be name-called, snided at and disingenuously picked on (you know...'bullied') in this thread by you and the 'idiot lurkers', then? :confused:

<...> It might interest you to know, I do have personal knowledge of a member withdrawing their membership for no other reason than 'they felt' they were being bullied. Whether it was true on not is irrelevant, but that's why they left.
Don't you think it would be important to find out, before using it as a premise for your ensuing argument?


FWIW, I'm not far off surrendering my subscription myself, after this thread. The double standards and disingenuousness exhibited in here have been downright appalling. I'm only mulling it over as we're about to post an apprenticeship ad in the vacancies sub-section (we want someone local, and some local institutions are not proving very helpful/efficient), and it'd be easier for me to do it and stay on for PMs and comms, than for our office manager who's no experience of SF.

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My post was the first that I made in over 24 hours, but I have nothing to do with the previous posters, it's wrong to hold me responsible for the actions of others.




As I said earlier I really do not have any problem with the direction that you decided to take the debate, no problem whatsoever. My issue was that you attempted to pass the responsibility for the debate going in that direction onto me.




Again, you're holding me responsible for the actions of others. I did mention it in a post, but as I said you focused on that particular area.




Don't you understand though. When people are terse towards you, you feel like you're being bullied and you want to stand up to it. Well, this is the point of this post, I also feel it is disingenuous for you to lay the blame on the direction of this thread at my feet, when you clearly admitted deciding upon the point that you'd pull me up on.


Anyway, I do accept you apology and I bear you no grudge. Also, my reply is in no way meant to fan the flames, I just wanted to put my point of view across.


:)...Harmony restored!....I really wasn't 'blaming' you or anyone else. I just said it wasn't me that first mentioned it.....that's all....I 'chose' to further the point you mentioned that's all.....But hey....Enough...


Incidentally...I checked last night...my vacuum is 1800 watts...hahaha


---------- Post added 04-09-2014 at 13:55 ----------


Does that mean JFKvsNixon can join us 'intellectuals' and be name-called, snided at and disingenuously picked on (you know...'bullied') in this thread by you and the 'idiot lurkers', then? :confused:


Oh I see..it's me being doing the 'bullying'? A virtually lone poster (me) vs how many was it? And I'm the bully?...I have no idea how you reach that conclusion....I'm staggered!



Don't you think it would be important to find out, before using it as a premise for your ensuing argument?


I'm not prepared to go into detail for very obvious reasons...I just know it happened.



FWIW, I'm not far off surrendering my subscription myself, after this thread. The double standards exhibited in here have been downright appalling. I'm only mulling it over as we're about to post an apprenticeship ad in the vacancies sub-section (we want someone local, and some local institutions are not proving very helpful/efficient), and it'd be easier for me to do it and stay on for PMs and comms, than for our office manager who's no experience of SF.


Double standards?...I have no idea how you arrive at that assumption either....I'm a mod...But when I post a thread, it's me..just plain me...I don't expect, nor would I ask or receive any special treatment from any other mod. I fend for myself and give as good as I get. If I overstep, I can expect a slapping just the same as anyone else here....


Of course it's your choice if you choose to surrender your membership, there's nothing I can do about that. I just feel it's a bit of sour grapes because someone finally stood up and fought their corner, and refused to be intimidated. It would be a shame for you to go, because you are generally a damn good poster. I think you got caught up in the moment.

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Oh I see..it's me being doing the 'bullying'? A virtually lone poster (me) vs how many was it? And I'm the bully?...I have no idea how you reach that conclusion....I'm staggered!
I'm just as virtually lone on here as you are. And I've had ding-dongs with many of those posters which you consider as 'intellectuals' (a word which you and others in this thread clearly use in derogatory fashion). So quit the self-flagellation already :roll:

I'm not prepared to go into detail for very obvious reasons...I just know it happened.
And I'm taking your word for it that it happened.


But you don't know whether it happened because that ex-member was being bullied indeed (in which case, why was there no moderation of the bullies?), or because that ex-member had so thin a skin that he/she could not withstand the slightest contrary opinions, do you?


So, I'll ask again: how is this "quitting" instance representative of bullying on a family friendly forum which we don't want, if that bullying was only an allegation and not factual?

Double standards?...I have no idea how you arrive at that assumption either....I'm a mod...But when I post a thread, it's me..just plain me...I don't expect, nor would I ask or receive any special treatment from any other mod. I fend for myself and give as good as I get.
It's alright Pete, don't bust a gut. It's clear enough for all those who have been on this thread since the beginning.

Of course it's your choice if you choose to surrender your membership, there's nothing I can do about that. I just feel it's a bit of sour grapes because someone finally stood up and fought their corner, and refused to be intimidated.
How have I intimidated you? Post numbers or quotes will do.

It would be a shame for you to go, because you are generally a damn good poster. I think you got caught up in the moment.
I haven't posted in this thread in any other style than my usual. No more nor less inquisitive, no more nor less argumentative, and generally amenable and respectful. According to you and others on here, that makes me a bullying intellectual, not a "damn good poster getting caught in the moment".


So which is it? Time to s*** or get off the pot, Pete :|

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