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Your question to Pete Morris was clearly rhetorical; you were basically accusing him of moderating threads that he posts in, that's how it read to me anyway.


It read that way to everyone else as well - particularly in light of this reply

The question wasn't directed at you and since Pete knows he does there is no need for me to furnish proof.



If Pete did moderate his own threads you've got to wonder why he's allowed himself to be on the receiving end of so much childish behaviour...

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So why on several occassions do you moderate the threads that you are also posting in then?


Incidentally....what has that got to do with this thread?...Trouble making are you?


You will find I've never modded a thread that I initiated. You're just trouble making and it's very plain for everyone to see.....Do you think it endears you to people?....I can tell you...it does completely the opposite. Ask around!!!

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Incidentally....what has that got to do with this thread?...Trouble making are you?


You will find I've never modded a thread that I initiated. You're just trouble making and it's very plain for everyone to see.....Do you think it endears you to people?....I can tell you...it does completely the opposite. Ask around!!!


Pete! You've been rumbled!


I wondered why you started so many threads, and now we all know.


It's so that you can't moderate them and therefore have less work to do! :hihi:



Anyway, isn't it about time this was wrapped up now? It must be getting very boring for the lurkers.


I think even Hercule Poirot would find this thread difficult to resolve... ;)

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Pete! You've been rumbled!


I wondered why you started so many threads, and now we all know.


It's so that you can't moderate them and therefore have less work to do! :hihi:



Anyway, isn't it about time this was wrapped up now? It must be getting very boring for the lurkers.


I think even Hercule Poirot would find this thread difficult to resolve... ;)


Less work to do!!!!!! poor bloke, he's not stopped (defending himself) since starting this thread. I bet he's got writers cramp (or the keyboard equivalent).


Now what was this thread about? :rolleyes:

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Incidentally....what has that got to do with this thread?...Trouble making are you?


No it was a reasonable question as to how you seperate the two. You seem far too touchy about a reasonable question..


You will find I've never modded a thread that I initiated.


I never claimed you did - you are moving the goalposts again. I do recall threads where you have posted and then moderated though and was wondering if you then thought it reasonable to carry on posting after that..







You're just trouble making


If I'm trouble making then I can only presume that's becaue I'm pointing out something that you are doing wrong, so what is it?

and it's very plain for everyone to see.....Do you think it endears you to people?....I can tell you...it does completely the opposite. Ask around!!!


You think I care what your little bullying clique actually thinks?


---------- Post added 04-09-2014 at 22:23 ----------


Your question to Pete Morris was clearly rhetorical; you were basically accusing him of moderating threads that he posts in, that's how it read to me anyway.


No it was actually a serious one. There was no accusation of any wrongdoing at all. However since he has such a strong reaction to it, I'm beginning to wonder if he is doing something wrong.

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No it was a reasonable question as to how you seperate the two. You seem far too touchy about a reasonable question..


No it was specifically designed...I'm really not as blind as you seem to think or wish I was. Why do you persist in this silly baiting?



I never claimed you did - you are moving the goalposts again. I do recall threads where you have posted and then moderated though and was wondering if you then thought it reasonable to carry on posting after that..






Good grief, you really are clutching at very thin straws. Why, If you think that thread you feebly quoted is such a heinous crime on my part don't you 'Report' it!... It's a really pathetic attempt (yet again) to 'trouble make'. What's your agenda?



If I'm trouble making then I can only presume that's becaue I'm pointing out something that you are doing wrong, so what is it?


Yes you are trouble making. I'm not about to explain rules and protocols of moderation to you (you wouldn't 'get it')...If you believe I'm committed such an awful crime report it!!!..If I've moderated a thread I've posted on, the there's a good reason for it. I'll just leave it that eh?



You think I care what your little bullying clique actually thinks?


Blimey...me and My bullying clique...I'd look a little closer to home if I were you!...Your tactics are very transparent and don't go unnoticed.


No it was actually a serious one. There was no accusation of any wrongdoing at all. However since he has such a strong reaction to it, I'm beginning to wonder if he is doing something wrong.


Keep wondering wide boy!

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Pete for your edification I'm moderated forums for many years - I know what the general rules and protocols are. It was a serious question and you seem very het up about it though - I guess where there is smoke there may well be fire... especially since you seem determined not to give an answer.

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Pete for your edification I'm moderated forums for many years - I know what the general rules and protocols are. It was a serious question and you seem very het up about it though - I guess where there is smoke there may well be fire... especially since you seem determined not to give an answer.


Oh, remind me...which question was it..there's been so many. Once again, I don't care what forums you've moderated or where. (obviously you don't now..I wonder why?)...I'm not about to tell you here now or any time soon. Just (at the risk of repeating myself yet again) be safe in the knowledge that if I moderate a thread I've posted on, there's a good reason...so I'll (yet again)...leave it there. Ok?

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