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Fed up with European directives?

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You seem very good at reading things in as you want to Pete - there was nothing to give you any indication that I don't actively moderate fora now. But hey a bit of porkie pies to further your point is fine....


I can see you have no intention of being civil, of debating, or answering a simple question but it astounds me that a moderator of this forum has to resort to bullying and lying, insiting on having the last word and throwing his weight about purely because someone dares to disagree with his opinion.


You are a cheap insecure little man Pete, and you cheapen this forum and the mods who do do sterling work.


Night all.

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You seem very good at reading things in as you want to Pete - there was nothing to give you any indication that I don't actively moderate fora now. But hey a bit of porkie pies to further your point is fine....


I can see you have no intention of being civil, of debating, or answering a simple question but it astounds me that a moderator of this forum has to resort to bullying and lying, insiting on having the last word and throwing his weight about purely because someone dares to disagree with his opinion.


You are a cheap insecure little man Pete, and you cheapen this forum and the mods who do do sterling work.


Night all.


Civil and debating?....Again...look closer to home!

How am I throwing my weight about?....I'm standing up to a plain and simple bully, on my own. Why should I allow myself to be downtrodden and verbally assaulted by someone who quite clearly has a superiority complex and doesn't like to be challenged?


Cheap insecure little man?....More insults?..Shame on you....while at the same time trying to suck up to other mods...poor tactics!

Do sleep well, and try to think of another way to satisfy your craving for one upmanship!

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Pete. I would not give him the pleasure of providing a reply, he's feeding on it. Just ignore him, that will probably wind him up more.


Well..the point is, I'm not 'trying' to wind him or anyone else up...that's not the object of the exercise. He's doing that all on his own, winding himself up, and clutching at straws in a fruitless effort to wind me up. It's not working, and he doesn't like it.


I can't believe we're here 300 odd posts down the line for what was a perfectly innocent 'bit of a rant' by me, which I expected to be done and dusted in a day or so. As I understand it though, there's been a hoard of silent lurkers (that's not a derogatory term) who think it's highly entertaining and the best thread for a long time. It's a pity he doesn't realise every time he posts he digs a hole for himself which is getting deeper. I fully expect he'll keep digging though. :)

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By definition of "average" be that median or mean, half of the people in a cohort will have below average intelligence, and half will have above average intelligence.



You sure about that? The mean is not, necessarily, in the middle. The vast majority of humans, for instance, have more than the mean average number of legs.

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As a lurker, I'm enthralled by the sheer determination of "oneupmanship" that some humans strive to achieve. It will blow over, and I speak from experience of not having my fetish mentioned for at least 150 posts.

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As a lurker, I'm enthralled by the sheer determination of "oneupmanship" that some humans strive to achieve. It will blow over, and I speak from experience of not having my fetish mentioned for at least 150 posts.


I've heard about your fetish, remind me again what it is?:hihi:

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