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Fed up with European directives?

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My own agenda???....For goodness sake....it's just a friendly discussion!...isn't it?


So why are you getting so het up about it then....?


Do you expect everyone to shut up and say nothing, just because 'you' have spoken?....


Where did I say that I did? :roll:


Yes I'm a cynical old sod, and I don't believe anyone's leccy will cost less as a result of an EU directive...that's my premise...I'm not really interested in the economic reasoning...It's my point of view..and I' entitled to it...:)


Everyones entitled to be a close minded anti intellectual sort but it doesnt mean it's something to aspire to....

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Isn't "it will reduce your electric bill".....and "Helping you save money on your bill"...one and the same?....Just expressed differently?.....Seems remarkably similar to me.


I see nobody has tackled the angle of dwindling resources getting more expensive either....Or doesn't that quite fit with clobbering me?


Unless there is a world changing shift in how we live our lives the cost of energy will continue to increase. How energy efficient we live our lives will effect how much it rises.


So, numbers pulled out of thin air just as an example, if we live lives that swallow up the worlds recourse like there'll be no tomorrow, our bills will go up by 500%. If make our lives as energy efficient as possible then our bills might only go up by 50%.


That is what I meant by saving you money.

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So why are you getting so het up about it then....?




Where did I say that I did? :roll:




Everyones entitled to be a close minded anti intellectual sort but it doesnt mean it's something to aspire to....


Ay up...Mr holier than thou has entered the room...Make way!!!!...hahaha


---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 15:04 ----------


You're right Pete, electricity won't cost less as a result of an EU directive. The energy companies will just increase their prices to compensate for people using less. Can't have the shareholders going hungry.


Thank god!!!!


---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 15:08 ----------


Unless there is a world changing shift in how we live our lives the cost of energy will continue to increase. How energy efficient we live our lives will effect how much it rises.


So, numbers pulled out of thin air just as an example, if we live lives that swallow up the worlds recourse like there'll be no tomorrow, our bills will go up by 500%. If make our lives as energy efficient as possible then our bills might only go up by 50%.


That is what I meant by saving you money.


I 'get' what your saying....and you're right of course....But doesn't what you say in this post agree with my premise too?....


I'm all for energy efficiency...don't misunderstand me..BUT ..I'm not expecting a cheaper electric bill because the EU limits the wattage of my vacuum cleaner motor. :)

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You're right Pete, electricity won't cost less as a result of an EU directive. The energy companies will just increase their prices to compensate for people using less. Can't have the shareholders going hungry.


The energy companies might not have to. They'd be buying less fuel to make electricity and there'd be less production and maintenance costs associated with producing the electricity. So the profits might not be effected by buy less electricity.

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I 'get' what your saying....and you're right of course....But doesn't what you say in this post agree with my premise too?....


I'm all for energy efficiency...don't misunderstand me..BUT ..I'm not expecting a cheaper electric bill because the EU limits the wattage of my vacuum cleaner motor. :)


It would be seriously daft to think that this one piece of legislation on it's own would have much on an effect, but it's a step in the right direction.

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It would be seriously daft to think that this one piece of legislation on it's own would have much on an effect, but it's a step in the right direction.


I don't know if that's true. It sort of reminds me of the car scrappage scheme. Lots of cars ended up being ditched before their time to be replaced by "more efficient" models. But if you take into account the energy required to build new cars they probably caused more polution than they saved. Similarly forcing folk to redesign appliances for no good reason probably adds more polution to the planet than the measures save.

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The car scrap scheme was more about a "make work" to keep teh car plant going though and it was wasteful as you say. With the vacuum cleaners this change has been known, at least by the makers, for years so they just incorporated it into the usual desgin cycle. Hopefully it wouldnt have much effect at all.

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I don't know if that's true. It sort of reminds me of the car scrappage scheme. Lots of cars ended up being ditched before their time to be replaced by "more efficient" models. But if you take into account the energy required to build new cars they probably caused more polution than they saved. Similarly forcing folk to redesign appliances for no good reason probably adds more polution to the planet than the measures save.


The new cars where going to be built anyway, the manufactures didn't lay on extra production runs just because of the scrappage scheme. The scrappage scheme was more about keeping people in jobs than being a purely a green policy.

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