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BBC are an untrustworthy organisation!!


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Totally off topic, but I couldn't disagree more. For the money paid, the value is outstanding.


I completely agree. I get absolutely fed up with people banging on about the Television Licence without any clue what it funds and offers.


Things that in the commerical profit fueled world would never be even considered.


59 Radio Stations

16 television channels

5 web based/portal based digital services

Royal Charter to ensure that important but minority interest subjects are covered including religious and parliamentary broadcasts

Funding grant to Channel 4

Funding grant to Freeview Service

Funding grant to pay for infrastructure

Funding subsidy to pay for Disability Services (subs and audio description)


All that free at point of use for what? just £12 a month?


Lets all go pay as you view. Lets just put all that into commerical broadcaster hands seeking nothing but a profit.


You would not even get 25% of that lot. If it made no profit it would be chopped.


ITV is a great example. Closed down regional and minority interest broadcasting, merge regions into centralised zones (hence why often "news in your local area" is anything but), focus only populist and trivial programmes, have no funding for new talent and creative development opportunites, increse product placement, sponsorship and advertising breaks, introduce premium rate phone lines on every other programme, become invovled with rediculous willy waving bidding wars for broadcast rights for sport, big name stars and key events.....


No thanks. I will stick with my licence fee.

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Untrustworthy you say?

The Saville scandal was enough proof for me,and a good enough reason for me to cancel my T.V licence.

Do I want to pay money towards bent bosses that cover up paedophiles?

No thanks:D

I have to ask this because I just don't know. If you don't own a TV but can pick up shows on the computer, do you still have to have a license? I live in a FREE country where you don't need a license.
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I have to ask this because I just don't know. If you don't own a TV but can pick up shows on the computer, do you still have to have a license? I live in a FREE country where you don't need a license.


"You need to be covered by a valid TV Licence if you watch or record TV as it's being broadcast. This includes the use of devices such as a computer, laptop, mobile phone or DVD/video recorder."


From http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one


They don't have licences in the USA due to the fact that so many US citizens get murdered before the licence would expire.


We have a decent free at the point of delivery health system, one burden we have to put up with as a sop to not being FREE.

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Untrustworthy you say?

The Saville scandal was enough proof for me,and a good enough reason for me to cancel my T.V licence.

Do I want to pay money towards bent bosses that cover up paedophiles?

No thanks:D



That is exactly the same thing what happened to me ,and a lot of my friends too I reckon it's a good enough reason if any . Any credibility the BBC did have diminished incredibly when that happened.

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"You need to be covered by a valid TV Licence if you watch or record TV as it's being broadcast. This includes the use of devices such as a computer, laptop, mobile phone or DVD/video recorder."


From http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one


They don't have licences in the USA due to the fact that so many US citizens get murdered before the licence would expire.


We have a decent free at the point of delivery health system, one burden we have to put up with as a sop to not being FREE.

Your decent and free health system cost my best freind and cousin his life at 71. he died of colon cancer because he had to wait over a year for a colonoscopy test. I , on the other hand, survived cancer of he larynx, because a routine exam found it in time 12 years ago. All paid for by my company health package. As to the other nonsense you wrote, that is par for the course, and not worthy of comment.
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