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Another hostage beheaded by Islamic State

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I'm afraid we reap what we sow,all this vile preaching from people like hook hand and our police used to stand and watch them doing it and doing sod all.

IS now need to be wiped out.


Could you please expand upon this link between Abu Hamzas right to free speech and IS please? I am very interested.


Whose country? Most are british born and bred and have about as much a connection with Syria as you do with Norway. Grow up and stop giving excuses to deranged killers.


Are you saying most of IS are British born? Or have I misunderstood?

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It's a false flag operation so we can invade Syria.


Just getting it in first.....


How do you know?


---------- Post added 03-09-2014 at 00:17 ----------


Payback for all the damage they are done to they country?


What's a "they country"?

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You really can't work it out ? Just being an idiot as per ? :roll:


Course I knew what it meant you dumbell. I just think that someone like him who posts ignorant rubbish in defence of a bunch of murdering, cowardly scumbags should at least be able to express himself in undestandable English.


I know that you also habituallyr try to find excuses for the atrocities committed by the various groups of religious psychos now running rampant everywhere in the middle east


Where's your SAS when it's needed? They should be out there among ISIS looking for the yellow bellied Englsih scumbag who likes to decapitate helpless journalists

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Course I knew what it meant you dumbell. I just think that someone like him who posts ignorant rubbish in defence of a bunch of murdering, cowardly scumbags should at least be able to express himself in undestandable English.


I know that you also habituallyr try to find excuses for the atrocities committed by the various groups of religious psychos now running rampant everywhere in the middle east


Where's your SAS when it's needed? They should be out there among ISIS looking for the yellow bellied Englsih scumbag who likes to decapitate helpless journalists


There's understandable English.


ISIS are not everywhere in the Middle East. The SAS are not on the ground for the same reason the Americans aren't on the ground.

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Where's your SAS when it's needed? They should be out there among ISIS looking for the yellow bellied Englsih scumbag who likes to decapitate helpless journalists



US special forces should join them and hunt down and kill the Americans that are fighting alongside Islamic State. :thumbsup:

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I get quite confused as to why people are so bothered about beheading.

What is the difference between that and a bullet to the brain,both quick if done properly.

The end result is the same,you are dead.

It does not matter at that point if your head is attached or not.


I think it takes an extreme form of savagery to want to remove another human being's head from his body.

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Thats a shocking way to end someones life but its becoming more common to hear about these days. Im disgusted but not surprised.


---------- Post added 02-09-2014 at 19:49 ----------



The media attention is orchestrated to allow us to eventually put boots on the ground. Theres very little risk of IS or ISIS or anyone else doing another Glasgow airport or another Lee Rigby. We are locked down too tight for that but it serves the governments agenda for us to think something could happen. Radical Islam is bad but dont be fooled into thinking theres a jihadist behind every nijab.


I'd say the exact opposite, cars and knives we're the only tools used, how many of those do you see around you?


I get quite confused as to why people are so bothered about beheading.

What is the difference between that and a bullet to the brain,both quick if done properly.

The end result is the same,you are dead.

It does not matter at that point if your head is attached or not.


You are aware these beheadings are not done by a guillotine, or any other quick method?


Wouldn't it just be better to try and put a news blackout on these stories?


ISIS crave publicity, so starve them of it.






Best advice on here.

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