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GDP now to include drugs & prostitution proceeds


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. In places live Liverpool most of the prostitution, and control of it, is committed by Eastern Europeans.



This quote,from the article you linked too,says different:


The woman, who wished not to be identified, said: “In Liverpool, it is half foreigners, half Scousers.



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---------- Post added 04-09-2014 at 08:38 ----------


Fear of not conforming to a strict politically correct code is not something that just the public sector suffer from. I will therefore try to make a valid point again.


The ONS calculates that sex work contributes £5.3 billion to the economy last year. Following recent migration from Eastern Europe there has been a huge increase in organised crime involving drugs and prostitution committed by people from that region - apparently our home grown gangsters have also been identified as soft touches. In places live Liverpool most of the prostitution, and control of it, is committed by Eastern Europeans.


So, call me a cynic, but I think the decision to include these things is politically motivated (not as if the contribution hasn't always been there) and is a desperate attempt to obtain an economic argument to counter the negative aspects caused by uncontrolled immigration. Note they have decided not to credit rapists and murderers next for boosting demand in sectors like the police, legal profession, courts and the prison service.


Expect to see the Government using new figures to try and hide their failure to control immigration and left-leaning academics using them to pretend the multi-cultural dream is still on. Both groups will spin and hide the truth because it serves their interests but at the expense of society as a whole... now doesn't that sort of behaviour sound familiar?


Meanwhile.............back in the real world:









May 29, 2014 2:24 pm

Drugs and prostitution add £10bn to UK economy


By Sarah O’Connor, Economics Correspondent



Prostitutes and drug dealers are set to give Britain a £10bn boost as the country revamps the way it measures its economy.


Britain said on Thursday it would include prostitution and illegal drugs in its official national accounts for the first time. The move is one of the changes planned for September that will add up to 5 per cent to the UK’s gross domestic product.


September’s revisions will change the official size and shape of the economy and rewrite recent economic history.


The UK is not alone in updating how it measures its economy to meet international standards. Last week, Italy’s statistical office said it would start to include, among other activities, the sale of cocaine and prostitution. And last year the US expanded its definition of investment, which added 3.6 per cent to the size of 2012 GDP.


In its first attempt to measure illegal activity other than smuggling, the Office for National Statistics said prostitution would add £5.3bn to GDP in 2009 and illegal drugs would add £4.4bn.


The ONS breakdown reckons that each of the UK’s estimated 60,879 prostitutes took about 25 clients a week in 2009, at an average rate of £67.16. It also estimates that the UK had 38,000 heroin users, while sales of the drug amounted to £754m with a street price of £37 a gram




Overall, the changes announced on Thursday will add £33bn or 2.3 per cent to the 2009 level of GDP. The ONS has not yet calculated the effects on more recent years. Other changes – which will reflect new international standards adopted by all EU member states – will be announced in June.


A new way of measuring “non-profit institutions serving households” – such as charities – will add an even bigger £24bn or 1.7 per cent to 2009 GDP.


People who build their own houses will add £4bn, or 0.3 per cent.


Joe Grice, chief economic adviser at the ONS, said: “As economies develop and evolve, so do the statistics we use to measure them.


“These improvements are going on across the world and we are working with our partners in Europe and the wider world on the same agenda. Here in the UK these reforms will help ONS to continue delivering the best possible economic statistics.”


European statistical guidelines say illegal transactions in which all parties consent should be included in measurements of an economy’s size. The UK will join Estonia, Austria, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and Norway in adding prostitution and illegal drugs to its GDP.


However, they have not proved easy to measure. The ONS estimates the number of prostitutes in the UK in 2004 by extrapolating the number from a survey in London that year. It then makes assumptions about the number of clients a prostitute sees each week, the number of weeks worked each year and the payment per client.


Finally, it assumes that the number of prostitutes has increased over time in line with the size of the male population aged over 16.


“This is a weak assumption based on the market for prostitutes’ services,” the ONS acknowledges in an annex to the report. “It is necessary because we have no time series data for the number of prostitutes.”

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This quote,from the article you linked too,says different:


The woman, who wished not to be identified, said: “In Liverpool, it is half foreigners, half Scousers.


That is a lie. It says Eastern Europeans outnumber scousers i.e. MOST.


Meanwhile.............back in the real world:









May 29, 2014 2:24 pm

Drugs and prostitution add £10bn to UK economy


By Sarah O’Connor, Economics Correspondent



Prostitutes and drug dealers are set to give Britain a £10bn boost as the country revamps the way it measures its economy.


Britain said on Thursday it would include prostitution and illegal drugs in its official national accounts for the first time. The move is one of the changes planned for September that will add up to 5 per cent to the UK’s gross domestic product.


September’s revisions will change the official size and shape of the economy and rewrite recent economic history.


The UK is not alone in updating how it measures its economy to meet international standards. Last week, Italy’s statistical office said it would start to include, among other activities, the sale of cocaine and prostitution. And last year the US expanded its definition of investment, which added 3.6 per cent to the size of 2012 GDP.


In its first attempt to measure illegal activity other than smuggling, the Office for National Statistics said prostitution would add £5.3bn to GDP in 2009 and illegal drugs would add £4.4bn.


The ONS breakdown reckons that each of the UK’s estimated 60,879 prostitutes took about 25 clients a week in 2009, at an average rate of £67.16. It also estimates that the UK had 38,000 heroin users, while sales of the drug amounted to £754m with a street price of £37 a gram




Overall, the changes announced on Thursday will add £33bn or 2.3 per cent to the 2009 level of GDP. The ONS has not yet calculated the effects on more recent years. Other changes – which will reflect new international standards adopted by all EU member states – will be announced in June.


A new way of measuring “non-profit institutions serving households” – such as charities – will add an even bigger £24bn or 1.7 per cent to 2009 GDP.


People who build their own houses will add £4bn, or 0.3 per cent.


Joe Grice, chief economic adviser at the ONS, said: “As economies develop and evolve, so do the statistics we use to measure them.


“These improvements are going on across the world and we are working with our partners in Europe and the wider world on the same agenda. Here in the UK these reforms will help ONS to continue delivering the best possible economic statistics.”


European statistical guidelines say illegal transactions in which all parties consent should be included in measurements of an economy’s size. The UK will join Estonia, Austria, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and Norway in adding prostitution and illegal drugs to its GDP.


However, they have not proved easy to measure. The ONS estimates the number of prostitutes in the UK in 2004 by extrapolating the number from a survey in London that year. It then makes assumptions about the number of clients a prostitute sees each week, the number of weeks worked each year and the payment per client.


Finally, it assumes that the number of prostitutes has increased over time in line with the size of the male population aged over 16.


“This is a weak assumption based on the market for prostitutes’ services,” the ONS acknowledges in an annex to the report. “It is necessary because we have no time series data for the number of prostitutes.”


How does it give a 'boost' to the economy? The trade is and always has been there. All it does is distort the stats and make historical comparisons impossible.


It also neglects the negative aspects re the financial strain this crime puts on the public purse. Not to mention the social problems. But you don't care... anything that can put a positive spin on uncontrolled mass immigration is good.

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That is a lie. It says Eastern Europeans outnumber scousers i.e. MOST.





So you are calling someone who you yourself have chosen to link to,to back up your theory,as a liar?


---------- Post added 04-09-2014 at 10:22 ----------





How does it give a 'boost' to the economy? The trade is and always has been there. All it does is distort the stats and make historical comparisons impossible.


It also neglects the negative aspects re the financial strain this crime puts on the public purse. Not to mention the social problems. But you don't care... anything that can put a positive spin on uncontrolled mass immigration is good.


The 'positive spin on uncontrolled mass immigration theory' is your theory.........not mine............or cannot you remember your own theories now?

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Today as I drove to work in the early hours through the junction of Pitsmoor road/ Mowbray street, there was a huggy bear wannabe and a skanky looking woman on the corner right where the car cleaning place is. It was so obvious that she was a prostitute and he her pimp. it looked like he was counting out some money on the wall as open and blatant as anything.


Judge not that ye may be judged.

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With the exception of hitmen, murder is not contributing to GDP. There is no transaction, nobody pays.

Prostitution is just a personal service, like paying for a massage at Ponds Forge or seeing a physiotherapist, and buying drugs is just like buying petrol or groceries.


Estimating the values is difficult, but maybe it's a first step towards decriminalisation and then taxation...


It will be quite transparent I think if they try to use the figures to boost reported GDP though.


Human trafficking, extortion, fencing stolen goods? What next?


It is nothing more than a pathetic exercise in number massaging. I suppose the EU will be offering subsidies next to help poorer member states develop market share and boost trade? They can set up quotas to manage the stock of vulnerable children sold into prostitution.... don't want shortages driving prices up so we can't compete with china.


---------- Post added 04-09-2014 at 12:13 ----------


Who are you accusing of lying, the woman quoted, or are you saying the quote is a lie?


Chalga. She said the the article showed it wasn't mostly Eastern Europeans when in fact it confirmed it is.

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Human trafficking, extortion, fencing stolen goods? What next?


It is nothing more than a pathetic exercise in number massaging. I suppose the EU will be offering subsidies next to help poorer member states develop market share and boost trade? They can set up quotas to manage the stock of vulnerable children sold into prostitution.... don't want shortages driving prices up so we can't compete with china.

So you're dropping the murder and rape angle are you?


Chalga. She said the the article showed it wasn't mostly Eastern Europeans when in fact it confirmed it is.


No, she didn't. Look


This quote,from the article you linked too,says different:

And that is true is it not? The quote, from the article you linked, says different.

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Chalga. She said the the article showed it wasn't mostly Eastern Europeans when in fact it confirmed it is.


Let's try again,a direct quote from the article:


The woman, who wished not to be identified, said: “In Liverpool, it is half foreigners, half Scousers.



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Let's try again,a direct quote from the article:


The woman, who wished not to be identified, said: “In Liverpool, it is half foreigners, half Scousers.



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The article says "outnumber". A pretty amazing achievement (not in a good way) considering the amount of time they have had the right to entry.

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The article says "outnumber". A pretty amazing achievement (not in a good way) considering the amount of time they have had the right to entry.


And Again:


Around half of Merseyside-based escorts advertising on one adult website come from Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Baltic countries.



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