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GDP now to include drugs & prostitution proceeds


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LOL @ handcuffs, how do you know that? Shame they don't pay tax, if they did that would make the government pimps


How do you know that they don't pay tax? Prostitution isn't just about curb crawlers. Some high class escorts earn enough to live mortgage free and drive brand new executive cars. They may not pay as much as they should, but they definitely pay, it would be impossible not to.

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This government have no doubt seized on the opportunity to show how much immigration adds to the economy (as it is clear the Tories have failed to controlled immigration any better than Labour) but the contribution of Eastern Europeans who are prolific in the organised crime sector should not be dressed up as respectable (it remains sordid, violent and exploitative) and welcomed.


It's nothing to do with immigration,if it is,you show links that prove that it is an attempt to do what you are claiming............failing that,what you are saying is just your opinion.I already posted the link as to why the figures are being included,all you are doing is turning it your the usual anti immigration agenda..............and the anti Eastern European part of the agenda even more so............of course,there would have been nobody taking drugs or using prostitutes before,say,2004..............maybe the government should just count the scouser half of the figures from Liverpool...........the Eastern European half will be so much worse and not as 'respectable':D

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It's nothing to do with immigration,if it is,you show links that prove that it is an attempt to do what you are claiming............failing that,what you are saying is just your opinion.I already posted the link as to why the figures are being included,all you are doing is turning it your the usual anti immigration agenda..............and the anti Eastern European part of the agenda even more so............of course,there would have been nobody taking drugs or using prostitutes before,say,2004..............maybe the government should just count the scouser half of the figures from Liverpool...........the Eastern European half will be so much worse and not as 'respectable':D


I have an anti-negative immigration agenda... we all should. The fact that Eastern Europeans having become such major players in the UK's illegal prostitution and drug trade is clear evidence that the free movement of people in the EU has had a negative impact in the UK. Why wouldn't you want tighter controls to keep these people out?


Yes, of course, prior to 2004 the illegal drug and prostitution trade was there. It has always been there and why including it in GDP figures will provide no real boost to the economy. It is being included so the EU can wriggle out of its own financial rules and the UK has embraced it because it has a double whammy effect. Including illegal trade that immigrants are so heavily involved in allows them to pretend the contribution made by immigrants overall is more than it really is.


Manipulating stats is always a cheat.

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(As originally mentioned in June)


The announcement in the media today was made after the ONS confirmed that GDP calculations would now include proceeds from prostitution and sales of illegal drugs. These guys must have crystal balls. I get that it is just an estimate. I understand they are going to get a builder in to provide the figures.




That's "Neo-Liberal economic" accounting for you. Better get two estimates-just to be on the safe side! Ting-a-ling.

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It remains nothing more than statistical manipulation.


GDP should be based on trade that you want to encourage on the basis that GDP is view as 'the more the better'. There are so many negatives associated with the illegal running of the prostitution and drug trade that it makes it inappropriate to include as part of the GDP calculation. It should be done at the same time as legalising, regulating and taxing the trade... should that day ever come.

Prostitution IS NOT illegal.

So (for example) smoking should be included because we want to encourage smoking? Is that what you're saying?

Or perhaps because we quite clearly don't want to encourage smoking, it should actually be excluded?

Can you explain?

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I have an anti-negative immigration agenda... we all should. The fact that Eastern Europeans having become such major players in the UK's illegal prostitution and drug trade is clear evidence that the free movement of people in the EU has had a negative impact in the UK. Why wouldn't you want tighter controls to keep these people out?



We've been down the road of 'free movement of people within the EU having a negative impact in the UK' many times now............only 'your opinion' says that,the surveys that have been done say different,and all the ones that say the immigrants have had a negative impact have been proven to be wrong.

As far as having tighter controls are concerned to keep these people out,you are innocent until proved otherwise,that is how law.order and justice works.....all criminals are criminals,not all Eastern Europeans are criminals,otherwise we have the situation where they arrive at the border and are refused entry because they are Eastern European,so presumed guilty of something.

Now if you want to take that to its logical conclusion,many English are criminals,having been convicted of something........when English people turn up at some border point,should they be refused entry because there are 'English criminals',like you are advocating in tighter controls..........or should they be let into a country until they prove that they really are criminals by doing something wrong.........which is how things usually work.........why should it be any different for immigrants coming to the UK,from Eastern Europe or anywhere else?


---------- Post added 05-09-2014 at 13:20 ----------



It is being included so the EU can wriggle out of its own financial rules and the UK has embraced it because it has a double whammy effect. Including illegal trade that immigrants are so heavily involved in allows them to pretend the contribution made by immigrants overall is more than it really is.



The figures have nothing to do with Immigrants or trying to highlight Immigrants contributions in a positive way,illegal or not...........it's only your anti immigrant stance that is making that link.If you think that is the case,then provide a link that says exactly this is why the EU are doing this..........otherwise it remains a figment of your imagination and a revelation of your prejudices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In 2009 international institutions laundered over £200 billion in drug money to try and keep the banks afloat in the form of inter bank loans.


Costa [Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime] said evidence that illegal money was being absorbed into the financial system was first drawn to his attention by intelligence agencies and prosecutors around 18 months ago. "In many instances, the money from drugs was the only liquid investment capital. In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the banking system's main problem and hence liquid capital became an important factor," he said.


Some of the evidence put before his office indicated that gang money was used to save some banks from collapse when lending seized up, he said.


"Inter-bank loans were funded by money that originated from the drugs trade and other illegal activities... There were signs that some banks were rescued that way." Costa declined to identify countries or banks that may have received any drugs money, saying that would be inappropriate because his office is supposed to address the problem, not apportion blame. But he said the money is now a part of the official system and had been effectively laundered.

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