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Biker death - hard hitting story and video

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The car driver is at fault 100% he pulled across a moving vehicle, does not matter how fast the biker was going the car driver should have seen him and waited. You just do not pull across a road like that without looking properly. Unfortunately it is a mistake he/she will now have to live with for the rest of their lives.


I will add though that anyone travelling at those speeds on roads with junctions like that are asking for trouble. People make potentially lethal mistakes whilst driving everyday but 99% of the time they get away with it.

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:hihi: I like someone with a sense of humour


With emotive things like this everyone will have differing opinions and I respect that yours is obviously different to mine. It's easy to blame the speeding biker but by the sounds of the report if the biker was not there the car would have been pulling out on another car they had not seen. Awareness is so important when driving and as someone who does a lot of miles I think some drivers drive with their eyes closed or just hope for the best.

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But he wouldn't have even met this car,had he been doing 60,their paths would never had met.

By rights,this biker should have been miles away from this car,had he not decided he was going to fly past everyone at silly speeds.

Im not arguing braking distances,this guy should have never even been there at that moment of time.


That's a 'what if' argument though.


If the biker HAD been there, but had been doing 60 mph, the accident would still have occurred, but the outcome might have been different.

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If the biker HAD been there, but had been doing 60 mph, the accident would still have occurred, but the outcome might have been different.


He would probably have been splattered all over the back of the car instead of hitting the front and flying over it.

Probably still dead I'd imagine.

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He would probably have been splattered all over the back of the car instead of hitting the front and flying over it.

Probably still dead I'd imagine.


No he would have been alive and well as he wouldnt have even seen the car never mind hit it.He would have been somewhere else.

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I had 40 accident free years as a biker.

Best advice I ever had and the one I always took notice of was:

"Always assume that they are all out to kill you."

Defensive riding will always work.


I think that's excellent advice.


You never know what kind of mental or emotional state another road user (behind the wheel) is in. Assuming that everyone is wide awake, paying attention and mindful of you; is a dangerous assumption to make.


Also, if someone else does make a mistake, and you suffer the consequences; it's not going to help you by then playing the blame game. What does it matter who is to blame, when you're dead? Better as you say; assume anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, and drive defensively - for your own and everyone else's safety.

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No he would have been alive and well as he wouldnt have even seen the car never mind hit it.He would have been somewhere else.


You completely missed the point Cyclone tried to make didn't you??


IF the biker had been doing 60 at that same spot when the car pulled out then things might have been different.

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because the car driver was not actually looking in the direction of the traffic he was crossing - he would have hit anything.


The car driver is negligent because they crossed a busy A-road without even bothering to look at oncoming traffic.

If the biker wasn't there they still would have probably hit someone/something driving like that.


look at the video and you'll see the car starts to turn less than a second before impact, that is a matter of meters between the two vehicles.


If they would have bothered to look they would have very clearly seen oncoming traffic. Leaving a few meters between you and an oncoming car as you cross their path is very risky.


Looks more like 3 / 4 seconds to me, and at 97mph that is some distance away.

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The car driver is at fault 100% he pulled across a moving vehicle, does not matter how fast the biker was going the car driver should have seen him and waited. You just do not pull across a road like that without looking properly. Unfortunately it is a mistake he/she will now have to live with for the rest of their lives.


I'm afraid I have to disagree, skinz spoke earlier about the perception of speed, especially of an oncoming vehicle. Under normal driving conditions, with a vehicle approaching from the distance you have a good idea of how long it will take to arrive at your turning point. A bike moving at 25% over the speed limit will be on top of you a lot faster than you would anticipate, so whilst I don't think the car driver can be exonerated, he/she is certainly not 'at fault 100%'.

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I'm afraid I have to disagree, skinz spoke earlier about the perception of speed, especially of an oncoming vehicle. Under normal driving conditions, with a vehicle approaching from the distance you have a good idea of how long it will take to arrive at your turning point. A bike moving at 25% over the speed limit will be on top of you a lot faster than you would anticipate, so whilst I don't think the car driver can be exonerated, he/she is certainly not 'at fault 100%'.


I see your point but you can't just assume that on coming traffic is travelling at a specific speed. I do dislike junctions like that, crossing a fast road is hazardous and extra care should be taken. Then again I'm starting to doubt my original post blaming the car driver 100%. If the biker knew the road which I assuming he did he should realise that those kind of speeds on a road with junctions like that is dangerous.


I agree with a previous poster and my driving style is to expect the unexpected because like someone else says blaming someone's else can't bring you back to life.

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