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Tv news refugees in France


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Why are these people so determine to get to the uk, when they tell us there objective is just to be safe ,what's up with France or the other 3 or 4 country's

They have to go through they are even willing to risk there lives to get here


They think England has a free bank. I feel sorry for the French having to put up with them. They have asked the British government to put their house in order and stop giving them benefits.

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Why are these people so determine to get to the uk, when they tell us there objective is just to be safe ,what's up with France or the other 3 or 4 country's

They have to go through they are even willing to risk there lives to get here


Put yourself in the shoes of someone who lives elsewhere and whose life has been made intolerable through war or famine or repression - where would you want to go?

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I'm torn on this - I'd have thought a reasonable number would just be happy with the first safe place they can get and many do undoubtedly stay in Italy or France or Greece which is why these places are having real problems unlike us with refugees.


Those trying to get onto the ferries here have decided it's UK or bust, they are not refugees but largely economic migrants and that is a different matter I feel.

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I'm torn on this - I'd have thought a reasonable number would just be happy with the first safe place they can get and many do undoubtedly stay in Italy or France or Greece which is why these places are having real problems unlike us with refugees.


Those trying to get onto the ferries here have decided it's UK or bust, they are not refugees but largely economic migrants and that is a different matter I feel.


How do you know?

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Because, and it's just a guess I would have expected them to have entered the asylum system long before then. If you arrived on a plane after fleeing Syria or Libya or whatever for example, then that would be expected, but someone travelling by land all the way across Europe to get to Britain is more likely to be motivated by economic reasons rather than just wanting a safe place to escape violence.


I'm not saying we shouldnt take them, but we need to make it so that everyone entering the EU gets detained at the initial entry, is assessed as to validty of asylum and then there is a fair system for getting everyone in the EU to take a fair share of them. That may or may not mean we take more than we do know, I've not looked at the numbers for a while on this.

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I'm not saying we shouldnt take them, but we need to make it so that everyone entering the EU gets detained at the initial entry, is assessed as to validty of asylum and then there is a fair system for getting everyone in the EU to take a fair share of them. That may or may not mean we take more than we do know, I've not looked at the numbers for a while on this.


That's a pretty fair assessment. Many of the refugees at Sangatte want to get to the UK because they can speak some English.


It might be an idea to forcibly remove them all from the camp and then spread them throughout the EU. That way, others might see that getting to Calais isn't a sure fire way of getting to the UK and the economic burden could be shared by all EU countries. There aren't really very many of them and spreading them out would make the problem pretty insignificant.


If I was trying to get to the UK, I'd head for Dieppe, or Caen, or Roskoff. They are far more lightly policed.

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