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Tv news refugees in France


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Good to see that traditional British values such as fair play, decency and charity towards those far less fortunate, live on in characters like you. :rolleyes:


Just listen to yourself.


And in answer to your question, granting asylum to refugees is not necessarily about making them serve our purposes, as if they were the slaves of yore. And tbh I bet many of those 'economic migrants' (if such they are) have a sight better work ethic than many Brits - the ones who won't get out of bed for the minimum wage, etc. Or if it's raining. Or if they are hung over. To get from Sudan to England with hardly any money and willing to risk your life in the process, betokens a far greater degree of resourcefulness than is possessed by many supposed 'job seekers' here, who don't seem to have a clue how to get to work under their own steam, let alone across two continents.



So do you feel other countries that they pass through will not give them the same opportunities as Britain to improve their lives?

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Put yourself in the shoes of someone who lives elsewhere and whose life has been made intolerable through war or famine or repression - where would you want to go?


Are there no other countries they pass through on their way here that would suffice ?


Or is it in fact we are seen as a soft touch , the land of milk and honey , the land of benefits and free housing.


---------- Post added 05-09-2014 at 21:10 ----------


If you wanted somewhere where you could be safe, have your human rights respected and be able to build a future for yourself and your family, you might want to come here. I know I would.


whats wrong with France, Spain ,Germany , Italy ? all countries these people will have pased through in the back of a curtain sider on their way to Calais . ?


Are these countries not "Safe" ?


Dont these countries have human rights ?


Of course they all do ,but they dont offer the one thing that attracts them to Blighty ............... Handouts .

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But what use is that to the people already living here? It's just further competition for jobs, homes, and resources.


Allowing migrants to waltz in is not what my grandad fought for in WWII. He would be turning in his grave if he could see what has become of this once-great nation.


ah, the old "fought for" excuse. You can not stop people coming to this country even if you wanted to and tried. The problem is how to remove people that have no leave to stay here

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Are there no other countries they pass through on their way here that would suffice ?


Or is it in fact we are seen as a soft touch , the land of milk and honey , the land of benefits and free housing.


But that's not true, recent immigrants are more likely to be net contributors than recipients:


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Are there no other countries they pass through on their way here that would suffice ?


Or is it in fact we are seen as a soft touch , the land of milk and honey , the land of benefits and free housing.


No we are definitely as soft touch. That is the only reason they want to get here. Thank heavens we have the English channel. I dread to think what the situation would be without it.

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So do you feel other countries that they pass through will not give them the same opportunities as Britain to improve their lives?


What I think about that doesn't really matter; I was taking issue with the narrow, rightist mentality that refugees aren't 'any use' to 'us'.


However, if you really want to know what I feel, it's that it is about time of all countries in the more developed, rich countries (OECD nations) took some responsibility for those from poorer countries who are fleeing poverty and conflict and persecution. It was the legacy of our colonial past, plus our more recent military interventions which resulted in their plight in the first place, in many cases. Whether that means encouraging agriculture and manufacturing in their own countries, or work schemes in host countries which will give them skills they can take back, or giving each rich country a quota they must take, or all of those, I don't know. But the status quo is not an option.


As for Italy, France, etc... far right-wing attitudes abound there too, sadly. The refugees are probably clinging desperately to a traditional perception of Britain as somewhere they can find sanctuary and work. They probably don't realise how unwelcome they will be made - how could they? They haven't heard of UKIP. The ones interviewed by Radio 4 recently were all convinced that British people were 'kind' and that there was work here for them. Naive, obviously, but not cynical benefits-scroungers as some of you seem to assume.

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So France has no responsibility in letting them into there? Explain how that is the UK's fault.... if France didn't let them in they wouldn't be able to queue up to get here..


France does not have the English channel like we do. I believe they are doing their best. This country needs to send more boarder patrols to France to help them.

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No we are definitely as soft touch. That is the only reason they want to get here. Thank heavens we have the English channel. I dread to think what the situation would be without it.


That poor people die whilst trying to enter the country suggests to me that we're anything but a soft touch.

I think your anger should be directed towards the gangs that exploit and take money from them, promising them any easy entry into the UK.

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France does not have the English channel like we do. I believe they are doing their best. This country needs to send more boarder patrols to France to help them.


With respect, that is rubbish.


What on earth are 'border patrols' supposed to achieve, other than preventing them entering England? They are not going to go away just because customs officials patrol the seaports. Proper accommodation and immigration processes need to be set up - then quotas allocated to all EU countries (and the US, Canada, Australia and Norway). They cannot be allowed just to roam round the Pas de Calais indefinitely - it's inhuman.

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