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Tv news refugees in France


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Deport them back to their own country. The majority are men. If they are here because as you said they are being persecuted, what about the women and children they have left behind? Have these men left them behind to be raped and murdered by their persecutor's? I would hate to think we are given asylum to these men if that is the case. If we did take them in from Calais what should we do when the next lot arrive, and the ones after that? Because they will keep coming. There is a few thousand now at Calais and they are mainly men. When do we stop allowing these people to enter our country? When the country is full up. Where is the money coming from for all of the benefits for these immigrants, who you want to allow into this country? Even if they are not given benefits they have got to be fed, given shelter and clothed. Even if they are put in some sort of detention centre all of this cost money. The poor tax payer will have to fund it. Do you feel taxes should go up to allow more immigrants to enter our country or further cut backs on hard working families? Services for our elderly are facing more cuts in spending, hospitals are struggling too, and yet you feel we should give more and do more to help these immigrants. Other countries do not want them and we can't force them to change their minds and make them take so many in, but then they do not want to go to other countries. So more and more will just keep coming to Calais wanting to enter Britain for our soft rules on immigration and benefits.


I think that we should offer a free paragraph for every asylum seeker that we accept.


Then we could all share in your wisdom, without getting eye-bleeds.

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It's interesting how this story has come to the fore as the economy in France has hit a blip and more extreme political views are being voiced.
This story (illegals going for the ferry) didn't make the national news in France. But the media is more 'malleable' (-shall we say) there than in the UK, so this may explain that.
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ah I see.


I saw that we're going to send them a big fence to fix the problem - I thought that was quite amusing :D

The inevitable consequences don't really amuse me :|


That link is just about Calais, and you should consider it at as the surfaced portion of the iceberg.


And I can't help but notice, lately, the accelerating pace of the growth of intolerance, rising so easily on the back of leave-your-grey-cell-at-the-door populism and the sort of in-your-face unashamed hypocrisy by Kévin "I have a swastika tattooed on my chest but it's not a Nazi symbol or reference" Reche and consorts. Even SF has its own share these days.

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They're economic migrants, chancers. Send them all back. There is an asylum system for genuinely persecuted people to go through; funny how they didn't bother with that and instead sneaked onto lorries.


In effect, there are no meaningful border controls in this country, the population has increased by millions in a very short space of time, thanks in no small part to immigration. Its not sustainable.


I remember David Cameron making a speech when England were bidding to host the world cup, and he said words to the effect of: "because Britain is so multicultural, for all the teams competing in an English world cup it will feel like a home game".

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They're economic migrants, chancers. Send them all back. There is an asylum system for genuinely persecuted people to go through; funny how they didn't bother with that and instead sneaked onto lorries.

In effect, there are no meaningful border controls in this country, the population has increased by millions in a very short space of time, thanks in no small part to immigration. Its not sustainable.


I remember David Cameron making a speech when England were bidding to host the world cup, and he said words to the effect of: "because Britain is so multicultural, for all the teams competing in an English world cup it will feel like a home game".


Yes but becaue the asylum system is Kafkaesque it probably makes more sense to sneak on to a lorry

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Many parts of Britain always have been melting pot of different cultures, indeed I often hear many Tories speak in wistful tones about how Britain should be proud that we are a safe haven for others less fortunate, and provide opportunities.


Such people are happy when they get a cheap quote from immigrants. However, they would soon complain if they were given temporary accomodation in their area. Could you imagine them slumbing it in Dore?

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