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Tv news refugees in France


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Why aren't the French detaining and deporting this lot then??

Afterall they are causing the problem in their country??


Every time they catch a bunch in a lorry they just stick them in a police van and drive them to the entrance of the port where they are released.


What gets me is that they are complaining that they are there yet it seems they are quite happly FEEDING them!! No wonder they come flocking in like pigeons!!!

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Why aren't the French detaining and deporting this lot then??

Afterall they are causing the problem in their country??


Every time they catch a bunch in a lorry they just stick them in a police van and drive them to the entrance of the port where they are released.


Because the French want to put pressure on the UK to fix their problem. A friend of mine recently told me a fitting anecdote. His mate had eaten some hallucogenic mushrooms. After a while he decided to go to the basement to fetch something. As soon as he got to the basement he saw that one of his cats had followed him down. He picked up the cat, walked it to the top of the stairs, put it down, went into the basement to pick up what he needed, only to find the cat had followed him down. He picked up the cat, walked it to the top of the stairs, put it down, went into the basement.... etc. He did this for eight hours. By the time he snapped out of it he went to bed and the following morning weighed himself to discover he had lost half a stone.


The conclusion to that story is not: eat hallucogenic mushrooms to lose weight, it is that if you want to solve the issue, you have to close the door properly. The French can't close the door, the Brits can.

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Because the French want to put pressure on the UK to fix their problem. A friend of mine recently told me a fitting anecdote. His mate had eaten some hallucogenic mushrooms. After a while he decided to go to the basement to fetch something. As soon as he got to the basement he saw that one of his cats had followed him down. He picked up the cat, walked it to the top of the stairs, put it down, went into the basement to pick up what he needed, only to find the cat had followed him down. He picked up the cat, walked it to the top of the stairs, put it down, went into the basement.... etc. He did this for eight hours. By the time he snapped out of it he went to bed and the following morning weighed himself to discover he had lost half a stone.


The conclusion to that story is not: eat hallucogenic mushrooms to lose weight, it is that if you want to solve the issue, you have to close the door properly. The French can't close the door, the Brits can.


How did these people get into France? Surely the French could have closed their door?

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I'd be going for England rather than the oppressive evil French. There human rights record is awful with thousands being executed often without trial.


Admittedly my data might be out of date and France might be a socialist(ish) country with free healthcare and education and already has a large immigrant and Muslim populations already.


But no, it's probably better to wait in a rat infested crap hole where I could contract a god awful disease then sneak accross the channel using methods that might kill me, than learn French.


Anything is better than becoming a chees eating surrender monkey.

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How did these people get into France? Surely the French could have closed their door?


The same way people have done it for centuries. Hell, the Israelis built a twenty meter high wall around Gaza and still the Palestinians managed to find a way around it.


To properly close the door we need to stop being so damned attractive. There is no way we will stop illegal immigration forever (and I don't think we should want to) but we can make it a lot fairer and at least try and clamp down on economic migration, which only serves to fuel the brain drain from the poor parts of the world.

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The same way people have done it for centuries. Hell, the Israelis built a twenty meter high wall around Gaza and still the Palestinians managed to find a way around it.



So France are to blame for letting these people in? Still not sure how it's our problem...

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Why aren't the French detaining and deporting this lot then??

Afterall they are causing the problem in their country??

A Home Office spokesman said: "Those who come to the UK must abide by our laws. We take all necessary steps to deport people who break our laws and in 2013 we removed over 4,600 foreign national offenders and more than 19,000 since 2010.
source, August 2014.

French Interior minister Manuel Valls has announced that 27,000 illegal immigrants were deported in 2013, 9,000 fewer than in 2012. The right-wing opposition slammed the Socialist government's performance as "laxism".
source, January 2014

France expelled more illegal immigrants last year than ever before, its government announced today.


Interior minister Claude Gueant told a press conference that the French authorities removed 32,912 illegal immigrants in 2011, up 17.5 per cent from 2010.

source, January 2012


Just a bit of context.


Seems to work out at approx. 10% of the total estimated illegal immigrant population in France deported every year.


UK stats about the issue are proving quite hard to find, incidentally.

How did these people get into France? Surely the French could have closed their door?
How do you propose to "close" 2.000 miles of border, most of that remote and only foot-crossable?
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So France are to blame for letting these people in? Still not sure how it's our problem...


"Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once" (Michelle Dubois)


The problem that these people are wanting to get to the UK is purely and completely to do with the fact that within the EU the UK is the soft touch.


This means that if you are an illegal immigrant the one place you want to try to get to is the UK.


Now, explain to me how this is France's fault? It isn't just France by the way, the same issues exist along all ports that have ferries to the UK. This has been discussed in the Dutch context ever since Schengen was agreed by the other states.

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"Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once" (Michelle Dubois)


The problem that these people are wanting to get to the UK is purely and completely to do with the fact that within the EU the UK is the soft touch.


This means that if you are an illegal immigrant the one place you want to try to get to is the UK.


Now, explain to me how this is France's fault? It isn't just France by the way, the same issues exist along all ports that have ferries to the UK. This has been discussed in the Dutch context ever since Schengen was agreed by the other states.


So France has no responsibility in letting them into there? Explain how that is the UK's fault.... if France didn't let them in they wouldn't be able to queue up to get here..

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