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What is 'stylish/elegant', in your view?

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So your saying style = latest fashion = wealth? Anyone wearing copies (off the peg) wouldn't know style if was served up on a dinner plate thus not genuine?


I am saying style means wearing the latest seasons designs by a globally recognised designer or fashion house. Generally only wealthy individuals can afford to continually buy what is released each season. Those who buy off the peg on the high street may be very knowledgable about fashion but be unable to afford it. They have no style but they know style. Of course most people can't afford style so they have no knowledge. Ignorance is bliss. But you can't get away with that if you wanted to socialise above your standing. A female couldn't go to a members only club in a major capital city without the other females in attendance talking about her in a negative way. A male couldn't hope to gain a major new business client in the city wearing a £175 suit, £45 shoes and a £10 haircut because the client would smell him out a mile away. Stylish people know who is and who isn't stylish in an instant because they themselves are up to date. It's a part of who they are not just what they wear. It is silly to believe that the clothes don't maketh the man because the clothes absolutely maketh the man it's just that in most cities out of the capitals nobody really cares because they can't afford it. A person either has style or they don't, there are no shades of grey.

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I am saying style means wearing the latest seasons designs by a globally recognised designer or fashion house. Generally only wealthy individuals can afford to continually buy what is released each season. Those who buy off the peg on the high street may be very knowledgable about fashion but be unable to afford it. They have no style but they know style. Of course most people can't afford style so they have no knowledge. Ignorance is bliss. But you can't get away with that if you wanted to socialise above your standing. A female couldn't go to a members only club in a major capital city without the other females in attendance talking about her in a negative way. A male couldn't hope to gain a major new business client in the city wearing a £175 suit, £45 shoes and a £10 haircut because the client would smell him out a mile away. Stylish people know who is and who isn't stylish in an instant because they themselves are up to date. It's a part of who they are not just what they wear. It is silly to believe that the clothes don't maketh the man because the clothes absolutely maketh the man it's just that in most cities out of the capitals nobody really cares because they can't afford it. A person either has style or they don't, there are no shades of grey.


Not wishing to "bait" you with the following but, by what authority do you hold the above baloney? I'll ask again just so we're clear. What is your "pedigree/credentials"? All you are describing is the style of the rich and famous. What you're saying is, you can perceive style, even recognize style, but if you want it you have to buy it? if you can't afford it you have no style simply because you don't have access to it in it's purest form. Originality does not equal style although style can be original.


David Attenborough isn't know for "fashion style" yet he hath "maketh it" as a man.:roll:

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Which summing up your post means a load of old pretentious condescending elitist nonsense, old boy.


arf arf.


I've tried to explain to you nicely what it means to have style. Just because someone might not have any style doesn't mean they can't be a nice person. It just means that they don't have any style. Most people can't afford style so they gravitate towards others who also have no style. They find a group and workplace they can fit in with. That's the way the world works, it's not being pretentious or condescending. People associate with likeminded individuals. Outsiders don't get a look in unless they appear to be the same. Perception is everything. Before you even open your mouth I've made my mind up about you. Women take this to a whole new level. It's well known that women don't dress for men, they dress for each other. No man has ever been attracted to a woman because she has the latest £3000 YSL clutch bag and yet women are desperate to acquire these things. It's not to attract men that's for sure. They want to appear stylish and powerful to other women to gain their approval.

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OK, so in Fernand's opinion, style is expensive fashion, full stop. I doubt we will persuade him otherwise. It strikes me as a very narrow view and it might even be a Coutts-style wind-up- who knows?! As an argument it collapses when you consider that the clothes produced by the fashion houses are designed to be worn by stick thin young women. He implies style is the preserve of the young and thin. Yet I have seen more style and elegance this summer among women over 40.



More nominations for women or men whom you consider the epitome of style and/ or elegance? From any era or age group?

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OK, so in Fernand's opinion, style is expensive fashion, full stop. I doubt we will persuade him otherwise. It strikes me as a very narrow view and it might even be a Coutts-style wind-up- who knows?! As an argument it collapses when you consider that the clothes produced by the fashion houses are designed to be worn by stick thin young women. He implies style is the preserve of the young and thin. Yet I have seen more style and elegance this summer among women over 40.



More nominations for women or men whom you consider the epitome of style and/ or elegance? From any era or age group?


Why did you start this thread with a question, if all you plan to do is persuade people otherwise??:huh:

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