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Rotherham Labour Party pull out of Rotherham Show.

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This weekend it is Rotherham Show. It seems Rotherham Labour Party have decided to abondon the show and do a non appearance in the fallout of the Sex Scandal.

All this on the day that a campaign is being launched " Rotherham Fights Back" to boost the town's self esteem in the face of street protests. It does seem like mixed messages.

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Who, and in what capacity, were scheduled to 'appear'?


It is the show piece for Rotherham. Usual attendance around 80,000. There is a parade of the town's high and mighty. This has been cancelled. The political parties turn up and have stands giving out party info. Labour had a stand but have pulled out. UKIP on the other hand chose the occassion to announce Jane Collins MEP will stand in the election in May as prospective MP. They seem to be making the most of the situation.

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It is a sensible decision but also a self protecting one. There could have been trouble. There is no point in voting in Rotherham - year after year they get control because folk seem to be unwilling to give anyone else a chance. As long as the candidate wears a red ribbon, anyone (or anything) could get on the council there. It will be interesting to read if the scandal affects the numbers attending. They also have a large area put on one side to showcase and celebrate multiculturalism - I hope there is no trouble there. I'm giving the show a miss despite having attended for many years.

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But sadly fools keep voting for them.


Thats because their dad voted labour and their grandad voted Labour . This is why so many northern towns and cities are light years behind the rest of the country. Hanging on to socialism is killing places where Labour are still running the councils. The problem is the mindset of a lot of the voters in northern areas,

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Thats because their dad voted labour and their grandad voted Labour . This is why so many northern towns and cities are light years behind the rest of the country. Hanging on to socialism is killing places where Labour are still running the councils. The problem is the mindset of a lot of the voters in northern areas,


Heard Nige, talking about concentrating his sights on Rotherham as well now, in view of the events that have taken place recently.




Now this really could shake things up, as a result of all those disgusted with local Labour councillors.

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