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Rotherham Labour Party pull out of Rotherham Show.

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What on earth is it with South Yorkshire and Labour councils?


Doncaster had Donnygate, and the ongoing problems with the sub-standard levels of care provided by their childrens services departments. This has been going on since 2008 when Labour were still running the government, and despite having Ed Miliband and Caroline Flint as MPs .


Rotherham has this scandal and a few more skeletons in their closet, such as that official who took money earmarked for some of their poorest residents and spent it on hookers a few years ago... I can't find any references online at the moment, all relevant keyword searches point the current CSE story.


Labour do take the South Yorkshire vote for granted, don't they? :huh:


They then elected Peter Davies as Mayor. It's a funny old place is Donny.

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What on earth is it with South Yorkshire and Labour councils?


It's not just South Yorkshire. In areas which are virtual one-party dictatorships it's easy to target the constant ruling party for purposes of self-aggrandisement. T Dan Smith and John Poulson prove that. And Glaswegians have continued to vote Labour despite all this;




---------- Post added 06-09-2014 at 19:14 ----------


They then elected Peter Davies as Mayor. It's a funny old place is Donny.


Rotherham will probably go down a similar path until they realise UKIP are just right-wing Tories.

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They then elected Peter Davies as Mayor. It's a funny old place is Donny.


I suspect the Peter Davies episode was a protest vote against Labour complacency, similar to Rotherham voting in BNP councillors a few years ago

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Rotherham will probably go down a similar path until they realise UKIP are just right-wing Tories.


I suspect the Peter Davies episode was a protest vote against Labour complacency, similar to Rotherham voting in BNP councillors a few years ago


You both seem to have your finger on the pulse!

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Sadly , up here , like the rest of south yorkshire we still suffer from the old "my dad voted labour and was a miner , so i vote labour" syndrome . There are still a few dinosaurs who think socialism is the way forward and vote labour .


Then they need their heads tested. Blair's New Labour were not socialists, that was the whole idea.

Trouble was, back in 1997, the Tories became complacent and paid the price. Anything was better then the Tories, and the landslide proved, it back then.

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Clearly the brand of Labour in Rotherham is corrupt and complacent and has nothing but contempt for the people of Rotherham. For the sake of people in Rotherham Labour NEED to lose their grip.


Just a shame that UKIP are the ones most likely to profit.


Indeed. It would be nice if the Tories and Lib Dems cared enough about Rotherham to offer a sane alternative that might be in Rotherham's interests but instead it's the far right who stand to benefit.


I'd post a link to the appalling article from Matthew Parris about Clacton as evidence of the Tories sheer contempt for the "lower orders" in today's Times but as it's behind a paywall and full of all manner of anger inducing idiocy I won't.


---------- Post added 06-09-2014 at 20:01 ----------


Then they need their heads tested. Blair's New Labour were not socialists, that was the whole idea.

Trouble was, back in 1997, the Tories became complacent and paid the price. Anything was better then the Tories, and the landslide proved, it back then.


The 90's are a problem for both Tories and Labour. Labour are stuck in a 90's Blairite timeward and the Tories are still pretending that the 90's were just a bad dream that never really happened.

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Indeed. It would be nice if the Tories and Lib Dems cared enough about Rotherham to offer a sane alternative that might be in Rotherham's interests but instead it's the far right who stand to benefit.



The Conservatives do offer a sane alternative but the insane electorate aren't interested, don't forget that round here Margret Thatcher is responsible for everything that ever went wrong or will go wrong for the next 100 years.

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The Conservatives do offer a sane alternative but the insane electorate aren't interested, don't forget that round here Margret Thatcher is responsible for everything that ever went wrong or will go wrong for the next 100 years.


That's one of the most sensible things you've ever said on here Smithy!

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The Conservatives do offer a sane alternative but the insane electorate aren't interested.


Ah, blaming the electorate again. No wonder Tories can't get elected in South Yorkshire when so many of them have attitudes like this that quite frankly stink to high heaven.


No point in people like you moaning about election results when you treat other people with such contempt.

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Thats because their dad voted labour and their grandad voted Labour . This is why so many northern towns and cities are light years behind the rest of the country. Hanging on to socialism is killing places where Labour are still running the councils. The problem is the mindset of a lot of the voters in northern areas,


Like voting for the tories isn't. Father votes tory, son might be a bit of a rebel so father threatens to write him out of his will if he doesn't vote tory. For some strange reason you probably think all good councils are tory councils, which they are mostly certainly not. So I don't know what you're trying to prove.


Besides, I'm better than you

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