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Do only MPs do a job that is important?

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Do only MPs do a job that is important?

You would think so according to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority comment they should not be paid a miserly £67000 salary and deserve a 9% pay rise. So the rest of us don't do important jobs and only worthy of a miserly 1% if we are fortunate to get that.

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They should be part time, its not a full time job. In the past many mps have done other jobs and served parliament.


This would also keep thier feet on the floor and help prevent the corrupting influence of the Westminster bubble.


Many MPs are already part-time with directorships, journalism, adviser roles and whatnot. Look at some of our local MPs. Blunkett has more jobs than his constituents put together. Richard Caborn had that many jobs he probably forgot he was a MP.

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The thing is there is a surfeit of applicants for every MP job that becomes available. This indicates that the pay is enough to attract applicants for the job. The excuse for not increasing pay where I work is that they have no problem recruiting. Well neither does parliament ergo no pay rise.

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I wonder why Dave and his mates didn't set up a similar thing for the rest of the public sector? Oh wait, they did! But it recommended that the public sector gave great value for money, should get pay rises and introduce further incentives such as performance related pay. Yet unlike the MP's pay rise suggestion it was utterly suppressed. Wonder why they aren't suppressing this MP pay rise recommendation, what could the reason be?

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I wonder why Dave and his mates didn't set up a similar thing for the rest of the public sector? Oh wait, they did! But it recommended that the public sector gave great value for money, should get pay rises and introduce further incentives such as performance related pay. Yet unlike the MP's pay rise suggestion it was utterly suppressed. Wonder why they aren't suppressing this MP pay rise recommendation, what could the reason be?


What was the name of the report? Roughly when was it published?

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Do only MPs do a job that is important?

You would think so according to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority comment they should not be paid a miserly £67000 salary and deserve a 9% pay rise. So the rest of us don't do important jobs and only worthy of a miserly 1% if we are fortunate to get that.


Do you make the important decision on how this country runs? who will run the country? you?:huh:

Most MP are millionaires already and dont need the money, they are doing it to help the UK people and not for money!

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