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Do only MPs do a job that is important?

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There should be less MPs. Then they should get a pay rise. But really the whole system of government needs to change. It's still run as it was in Victorian times. Why do MPs need to attend the Houses of parliament every day when parliament is in session? Move government from London and do everything that can be done remotely by Skype or similar.

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Do you make the important decision on how this country runs? who will run the country? you?:huh:

Most MP are millionaires already and dont need the money, they are doing it to help the UK people and not for money!


Well that is a rather silly comment, doctors and nurses make important decisions but hey lets ignore them they don't count so lets give them next to nothing pay rises they only save lives. Do you really believe that MPs are doing it to help the people of the country, I find that rather naïve. The days of people going into politics for the benefit of the people is outdated. These days many MPs have second jobs, if they were in politics for the benefit of the people they would not take second jobs that are usually very lucrative. They get offered these second jobs because they are MPs. As for MPs being millionaires yes there are a lot in parliament who claim for everything down to paperclips at a few pence. You say they don't need the money so why claim say 49p, is that really doing the job to help the people?

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I was reading Tony Benn's diaries a few years ago & what struck me was how many more responsibilities cabinet members had in the 1960s & 70s( such as Govts. helping to run the commanding heights of the economy, irrespective of whether you think that was a good thing or not, they did it). And the fact that Ministers took responsibility - i.e. many had the quaint notion that if you did something terribly wrong they generally resigned.

Nowadays it seems that for their humongous pay rises (as well as other sidelines), MPs seem to fight like cat and dog to get elected, and once there, say 'leave it to the market'! Or are so spineless they rarely stand up to their own parties. Apart from their own enrichment, what's the point?

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Well that is a rather silly comment, doctors and nurses make important decisions but hey lets ignore them they don't count so lets give them next to nothing pay rises they only save lives. Do you really believe that MPs are doing it to help the people of the country, I find that rather naïve. The days of people going into politics for the benefit of the people is outdated. These days many MPs have second jobs, if they were in politics for the benefit of the people they would not take second jobs that are usually very lucrative. They get offered these second jobs because they are MPs. As for MPs being millionaires yes there are a lot in parliament who claim for everything down to paperclips at a few pence. You say they don't need the money so why claim say 49p, is that really doing the job to help the people?

Doctor saves 1 life . MP can help keep thousand under a roof. Feed the unemployed and keep uk a safe place to live.

We have 650 mp that can stop this country from stravation. Homeless. America invading us. Etc etc. They earn a lot less the a doctor. We need 650 just to run a big hospital

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It is an independent body that recommended MP's have a pay increase; the vast majority of MP's were against it though.


The problem with so-called independent bodies is the outcome of their enquiries and decisions, favouring politicians in this case . You only have to think about the IPPC which also seem to result in favouring of the police.


---------- Post added 07-09-2014 at 17:18 ----------


Doctor saves 1 life . MP can help keep thousand under a roof. Feed the unemployed and keep uk a safe place to live.

We have 650 mp that can stop this country from stravation. Homeless. America invading us. Etc etc. They earn a lot less the a doctor. We need 650 just to run a big hospital


Really? Have you ever been in the back room of A&E, not to mention when something kicks off like 7/7 Ha, it`s ironic now that I think about 7/7 V MPs isn`t it?

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Do you make the important decision on how this country runs? who will run the country? you?:huh:

Most MP are millionaires already and dont need the money, they are doing it to help the UK people and not for money!


And just how many of these so-called important people actually DO make important decisions on how the country runs? Not all of them thats for sure, so what, 10%? Not the opposition, not the conservative backbenchers, so its just the cabinet then? So why DO they deserve a pay increase?


---------- Post added 07-09-2014 at 18:10 ----------


There should be less MPs. Then they should get a pay rise. But really the whole system of government needs to change. It's still run as it was in Victorian times. Why do MPs need to attend the Houses of parliament every day when parliament is in session? Move government from London and do everything that can be done remotely by Skype or similar.


Alot of them DONT appear every day, after all they have far important second and third jobs to attend


---------- Post added 07-09-2014 at 18:16 ----------


Doctor saves 1 life . MP can help keep thousand under a roof. Feed the unemployed and keep uk a safe place to live.

We have 650 mp that can stop this country from stravation. Homeless. America invading us. Etc etc. They earn a lot less the a doctor. We need 650 just to run a big hospital


A doctor only saves ONE life???? Are you sure?


And ALL the 650 mps save lives do they? Are you sure?


And ALL of the 650 mps are important and are needed? Are you sure??

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If the mp pass a vote of no benefit and housing, how many people will die stravation and the cold. do you think we can afford to keep giving brillion to the lazy chavs? lending from other country will stop eventually (greece !) then what will safe you people on benefit, A doctor whos not getting paid? shallow thinkers with no vision

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