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Do only MPs do a job that is important?

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Well under 20k according to this post:




So according to razvanalbu dumb people work for under 20k, yet he's on the dole. How typical :roll:


Ah, but he also wouldn't buy a car that cost only £9000 as it would be cheap, and he sends several thousand pounds a month "home".

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The vast majority of MPs take a pay cut to enter the house. We need to pay MPs a salary that will encourage professional men and women to enter public life. The comparison with Drs and what the state can afford is moot: there are 60,000+ Drs earning over a hundred thousand a year. Their pay bill in Sheffield alone is almost eleven million each month (NHS Sheffield). In the scheme of things, paying 600 or so MPs a decent professional salary costs the country far less then paying MPs a low wage that in turn discourages the most capable from applying.

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The vast majority of MPs take a pay cut to enter the house. We need to pay MPs a salary that will encourage professional men and women to enter public life. The comparison with Drs and what the state can afford is moot: there are 60,000+ Drs earning over a hundred thousand a year. Their pay bill in Sheffield alone is almost eleven million each month (NHS Sheffield). In the scheme of things, paying 600 or so MPs a decent professional salary costs the country far less then paying MPs a low wage that in turn discourages the most capable from applying.


I really don't get this 'we have to pay top dollar to get the best..'


We are paying out an awful lot for those at the top of many professions, impoverishing the rest of us, yet still we get muppets and con men. The current dabacle with Rotherham police is a case in point.


Let's face it, what do we actually know about the people who present themselves before us, asking us to vote for them? They've already been chosen via the party selection process and don't represent us. They'll represent us even less if they are all multi millionaires. ...Oh I forgot... they already are...

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The vast majority of MPs take a pay cut to enter the house. We need to pay MPs a salary that will encourage professional men and women to enter public life. The comparison with Drs and what the state can afford is moot: there are 60,000+ Drs earning over a hundred thousand a year. Their pay bill in Sheffield alone is almost eleven million each month (NHS Sheffield). In the scheme of things, paying 600 or so MPs a decent professional salary costs the country far less then paying MPs a low wage that in turn discourages the most capable from applying.


And how many professions does that NHS bill actually pay.

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The vast majority of MPs take a pay cut to enter the house. We need to pay MPs a salary that will encourage professional men and women to enter public life. The comparison with Drs and what the state can afford is moot: there are 60,000+ Drs earning over a hundred thousand a year. Their pay bill in Sheffield alone is almost eleven million each month (NHS Sheffield). In the scheme of things, paying 600 or so MPs a decent professional salary costs the country far less then paying MPs a low wage that in turn discourages the most capable from applying.


People are falling over themselves to become MPs. The list of candidates every year far outweighs the positions available. So obviously the current wage doesn't put people off from applying for the job. They aren't paid a "low wage" they are being paid the market rate, something they seem fit to apply to all other walks of life, so why not theirs?


I'm not saying they should be paid minimum wage, the job they do should be an important one (when they aren't being lobby fodder), but half of them have consultancies, directorships and personal wealth streams as well so I really can't break out my tiny violin for them.

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If we only have 1 MP wouldnt that be dictatorship.

If you think they are only worth £20k a year thats near enough minimum wage, we will only get the dumb people wanting the job


You certainly didn`t go to school very often. 20K is £400 per week.:loopy:

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No civil servants as the name suggest their are only servants doing as they are told/command and have no input on any decision


I can't believe anyone really thinks that.


Who do you think it is that chooses the types and amounts of information that gets passed on to MPs?




---------- Post added 12-09-2014 at 01:52 ----------



Originally Posted by razvanalbu

I am unemployed. Life is hard when you have a few kids and no job. People look down on you thinking you are a scrunger when we only have Just over £200 a week to live on


I know of people living on less than that.


If you had your kids then lost your job you do have my sympathy.

If you had your kids whilst out of work I have no sympathy at all.


The number of children people have is a life-style choice,

Though I do think anyone choosing to deliberately have more than two is both selfish and irresponsible.



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TOP 5>>> In no particular order ... Nurses, Firemen, Police, Doctors, Mechanics. Without them the world would come to a standstill.


Without a mechanic maintaining your Car, Train , Bus etc. You cant get to work. You are now homebound.

When you fall asleep and the house is on fire you need a firemen.

when you get to the hospital you need the nurses and doctors to look after you. And you need the police to keep order and find the fools that put the Molotov Cocktail through your window.


Silly example but you get the point! That's the top 5 that need more pay!!!!

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TOP 5>>> In no particular order ... Nurses, Firemen, Police, Doctors, Mechanics. Without them the world would come to a standstill.


I think the army usually cover when the firemen are on strike. I don`t know about the world coming to a standstill, but did you forget undertakers?


There wouldn`t be a great deal of international travel without pilots;)

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I think the army usually cover when the firemen are on strike. I don`t know about the world coming to a standstill, but did you forget undertakers?


There wouldn`t be a great deal of international travel without pilots;)


I stand corrected RE the Army, Stupidity on my part!!! Re: Undertakers Not as important as my original top 5.


---------- Post added 12-09-2014 at 02:37 ----------


If all transport stopped tomorrow how would you get to work?


---------- Post added 12-09-2014 at 02:39 ----------


How would the army, go to war with no tanks, aeroplane etc? They don't run!!


---------- Post added 12-09-2014 at 02:43 ----------


A doctor is of no use if the patient can't get to the hospital.

An army is of no use if they can't get to the battlefield.


---------- Post added 12-09-2014 at 03:30 ----------


What is more important? The man saying let's go to war? Or the men and women making it possible to go to war? You then have the inevitable that the nurses and doctors have to deal with the aftermath. Who should be paid more?


Just for fun >>> A Pilot gets paid £10. A Mechanic of the airplane gets paid £2 ... Who

should be paid more?


---------- Post added 12-09-2014 at 03:39 ----------


A clue for the silly people. The pilot of the airplane cannot fly without the mechanic maintaining the airplane. Without the mechanic the pilot of the plane has no job!

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