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Grooming of UK jihadis, do violent computer games play a part?

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This is an interesting read.



It was a read, as for interesting? not really, bland even by your standards. What could be interesting though as a conspiracy theory is, the read could be construed as an NRA propaganda stunt. Forget morons with guns..let's deflect and go for vid gaming...after all the NRA have Fox to get the message over...Hey! guns aren't the issue, neither are people..it's video gaming.:roll:


Video gaming doesn't reflect or act out school shoot ups as a norm, otherwise retards with Uzi's would be attacking gorillas at the zoo after playing and watching Ubisoft's King Kong. If you want to reflect the reality of killing indiscriminately you needn't go to fiction, the interweb is full of the real stuff.

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Funny how playing video games is thought to be a catalyst to shooting people but the possession of guns isn't. Is that because you support wider gun ownership?


Smithy has a renowned hate of anything Muslim. He'll find uncorroborated rubbish as a form of "evidence" and when challenged with "you don't believe this rubbish do you?" he'll reply..'Correct, I was just answering the question'.


Cyclone earlier got him bang to rights.

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What's funny is your response to an article that you clearly didn't bother to read.


I got onto page two and it was obvious the article was blaming video games for shootings. The article did not question gun ownership. It did though say that about 97% of young people in the US play video games but didn't explain why they don't all go round shooting each other as a result.

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I got onto page two and it was obvious the article was blaming video games for shootings. The article did not question gun ownership. It did though say that about 97% of young people in the US play video games but didn't explain why they don't all go round shooting each other as a result.


So what you are saying is that anything that counters your opinion is either not worth reading or it is just a conspiracy.


If you had read the other three pages you would have known that that isn't the case. Its a balanced article and the answer is.


Do violent video games lead to real violence?


Don't know, they might for some people but they might not, there is no conclusive evidence to support either position.


It did though say that about 97% of young people in the US play video games but didn't explain why they don't all go round shooting each other as a result.


The answer to that is obvious, humans are all different so they tend respond differently to different things.

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