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So what's the black 'plaster' thing on the bottom of prepacked meat?

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So why the sponge cunningly disguised under the steak (or whatever)...to try and fool us into thinking we're not actually eating a slaughtered animal?



It's quite amazing how many people pre-packed buying meat have no idea which part of the animal it is from, or indeed what animal. what is more worrying is the number of people that don't or can't make the connection between their pre-packed meat and animals.


A teacher I know actually heard a teenager say, we don't eat animals that's digusting... my mum always get our meat from the supermarket.


I can't imagine what people like that would do with the little black plasters..



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"Meat Nappy"


Awesome name for a punk band or an album.


Meat Nappy, is not a good name for it....it's horrible....I can only think of one that would be worse ...But I'm definitely not going there....


I'll just stick to the 'absorbent pad'....as that seems to be it's function...:)

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I may be wrong, but I thought the thing under the meat was a miniaturised life support machine. As well as pumping oxygenated blood around the meat it has a tiny microchip which allows the (for instance) T-bone steak a semi-sentient existence until it finally succumbs to gas Mk4.


Fish of course don't have blood as it's water miscible and they would just dissolve ... they have evolved to run off petrol instead. Next time you see an oil rig, look a little closer ... they're not drilling for oil, they're fishing!. That's why a lot of anglers drive cars ... free petrol!

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