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The Good Idea Club Presents Job Jail

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If they just made benefits contribution based like they are in most EU countries, this really wouldn't be a problem. The thing is, benefits has been a doss for so long you have people that have hardly worked for decades who are now effectively unemployable, so what you do with them is beyond me. But we need to do something to prevent another generation of people ending up like that.

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If they just made benefits contribution based like they are in most EU countries, this really wouldn't be a problem. The thing is, benefits has been a doss for so long you have people that have hardly worked for decades who are now effectively unemployable, so what you do with them is beyond me. But we need to do something to prevent another generation of people ending up like that.


I've got a brother in law who's never struck a days work in his life....Completely bone idle and knows all the angles...It annoys me intensely, and the bugger is almost in his 40's....I really can't imagine being that old and 'never' having had a job...It's beyond belief....I really hope they force him to do some kind of menial job that's bloody hard work....


Mutter muttter...rant rant

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I've got a brother in law who's never struck a days work in his life....Completely bone idle and knows all the angles...It annoys me intensely, and the bugger is almost in his 40's....I really can't imagine being that old and 'never' having had a job...It's beyond belief....I really hope they force him to do some kind of menial job that's bloody hard work....


Mutter muttter...rant rant

Thing is though, what do they do with him if he just walks out on a job, or just goes there and make such a bad job of it that he gets sacked?

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Strange one this, When I went all out to find work they (jcp) just punished me, when I knocked it on head and did the bare minimum they left me alone.


got my BTEC certificates through, to be told by the last four interviewees that they don't recognize them.


Does spending eight hours a day five days a week in jcp mean I won't be available for interviews until the scheme is over?

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If they just made benefits contribution based like they are in most EU countries, this really wouldn't be a problem. The thing is, benefits has been a doss for so long you have people that have hardly worked for decades who are now effectively unemployable, so what you do with them is beyond me. But we need to do something to prevent another generation of people ending up like that.


Germany's system is like that isn't it??

Pretty sure I remember a friend telling me thats how it was when he lived there.

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Well not quite jail but bound by the chains of poverty.


How this will help anyone is a mystery to me.


If they are expecting people to look for work 9 to 5 then i assume they are going to pay them from 9 to 5? Minimum wage from the hours of 9 till 5 would help out a lot of people. Unless they think that the paltry amount of benefits most people get means they state owns them and they have to do what they are told for no money or lose the little bit of money that they do get? Sounds cruel to me. If i were in charge id be tackling the tax dodgers and massive corps that screw the treasury out of billions.

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Just like we will always have a black economy we will always have unemployable people.


I'm not supportive of giving people free reign over the choice to be unemployed, not suggesting it should even be a (plausible) choice but forcing long term unemployed to spend a working day in job centers or lose their existence money is plain daft.


The only people to suffer will be genuine job seekers.


Imagine how productive these forced attendance days will be, disgruntled people disrupting the job seeking.


And the punishment by poverty, making the situation much worse by stopping benefits?


What about travel costs?

Child care?



It isn't a massive leap to think that all that money could be better spent trying to make work the only sensible option and breaking the cycle of benefit dependence.


Instead of trying to wear down peoples spirit and force attendance how about raising their spirits and bettering the options.


I know their is no easy answer, should we be trying this way though?

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If they are expecting people to look for work 9 to 5 then i assume they are going to pay them from 9 to 5? Minimum wage from the hours of 9 till 5 would help out a lot of people. Unless they think that the paltry amount of benefits most people get means they state owns them and they have to do what they are told for no money or lose the little bit of money that they do get? Sounds cruel to me. If i were in charge id be tackling the tax dodgers and massive corps that screw the treasury out of billions.


Depends on how many benefits some people have.


The truely adept 'work dodgers' will be signed up for everything they can, probably receiving upto the benefit limit thats in place.


Whats the hourly rate if they're getting £500 a week in benefits??


---------- Post added 11-09-2014 at 12:09 ----------


And the punishment by poverty, making the situation much worse by stopping benefits?


It's a surprising motivator having no money and not knowing where your next meal will come from.


I know their is no easy answer, should we be trying this way though?


Hasn't the softly softly approach been done to death already??

Maybe it's time the people who don't want to work were given an ultimatum.


---------- Post added 11-09-2014 at 12:10 ----------


The only people to suffer will be genuine job seekers.


Imagine how productive these forced attendance days will be, disgruntled people disrupting the job seeking.


You'd hope they'd only target the one's who are obviously 'on the dodge' and not bother the genuine job seekers.

I do hope no genuine job seeking people get caught up in the scheme, as they're probably fine looking for work on their own.


Afterall they can't fit everyone in the building so they have to be selective on who go's to 'job jail' :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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People need to find jobs from 9 to 5? You must be joking. I'm jobseeking and a lot of the jobs are for less than 6 hours per week minimum wage. That'd be just about enough to pay for transport to get there and back. Of course, we don't need to eat, or pay household bills, do we? It's about time MP's came down from Planet Parliament and found out how us mere mortals live.

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