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What are your views on Kingdom nightclub?


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knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down knock it down :hihi:


No seriously, we do need it there to stop the chavs ruining the other clubs...

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Roflmao at the comments from people....


Very accurate opinions too, I went once, I must admit that I liked it, but I have only recently started going to nightclubs and am easily impressed.


I too had to cope with sticky floors and bottles, I went there to pull 'cause I was informed that it was easy to pull in there, yeah, right, load of rubbish, I had more luck at Corp, lol.


I have now been to Gatecrasher, Kingdom, Corp and The Plug, out of all of those places, I think Corp has to be the best place so far, there was also sticky floor syndrome at The Plug, so, Kingdom is not the only place to suffer with that problem, the entertainment at Kingdom was reasonable, they had scantily clad ladies on stage with a massive snake, very impressive.

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To be fair to it, it's not the worst club Sheffield has ever had, like i said before some people like it and that's their choice. Far be it from me to tell someone where they should be having fun.

It's not my cup of tea but i'll go in once a year or so just for a change.


The main problem in my opion is not the cheesy music (sometimes we all need a bit of cheese in our lives) and sticky floors (troublesome though they are) but, as mentioned earlier, the bottle dropping and the price of drinks!!! Oh, and i also think that £7 in on a saturday is outrageous but that's by the by.....


All that said.......I'll still be glad when it gets knocked down :D

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LMAO MALTON!! u can ffel the perspiration dripping off the roof! but i say any night is what u make it- all depends on who ur out with and what mood ur in!


I have to say though there has been many a time in Niche where I have felt the perspiration dripping off the roof but for some reason in there I could tolerate it :hihi:

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I have to say though there has been many a time in Niche where I have felt the perspiration dripping off the roof but for some reason in there I could tolerate it :hihi:



i know exactly what you mean!! expecially upstairs at the back. But i loved Niche and this didn't put me off. But i can safely say i have never seen this problem in Kingdom. Possibly cos im always quite drunk when i go there :)

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Roflmao at the comments from people....




can u please explain to me wat Roflmao means please. i am aware of lmao but the bit b4 i jus ant got a clue. an ex used to put that in a txt and it used to do my head in as i dint have a clue wat he was putting. he once told me but i have forgot!

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rofl - roll on floor laughing, roflmao therefore= roll on floor laughing my ass off



sorry to say it guys but i am a kingdom fan :banana::clap:


i never go in rnb room though, only either the main room or cheese room. its good on a wed for student night and like weekends too although havent been there on a weekend for some time, prob not since new year actually. At end of day though its same as with anywhere, if you dont like it then dont go, there are plenty people who do. I like a wide variety of clubs in sheffield, i dont think ive been anywhere i didnt reall like (except for casbah!)

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