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What are your views on Kingdom nightclub?


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What's all this about 'Mingdom'? I have looked at their gallery and there arwe quite a few attractive girls pictured there (well I wouldn't say no). Am I missing something here? Go on, someone tell me where I am wrong this time.

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Neither is my cup of tea. I was just confused by the term Mingdom as it implies that the club is full of ugly women when in reality a good preportion of them are really quite attractive.


I remember you used to get this sort of attitude towards Roxy's which I could never quite understand as I went there many times and there were always a fair proportion of nice looking girls around.

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Well, I've ended up int Mingdon on quite a few occassions after drinking far too much on a night round town!:hihi: I used to hate it when I was younger, was more in the the beats of the capital n niche (back in th day!) Now its all about havin a laff with ma mates, and the cheesyness of this place ensure you do just that.

I think if theres enough of you out together, you forget the blokes with the perminent stiffy :gag: (although it can be fun winding them up :hihi::hihi:) and the girls with the skirts up their arses :gag: and just enjoy.

After all thats why people go out int it!


Each to their own i say.


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I recently read an article in Marie Claire magazine about the trafficking of sex slaves in the UK, and they featured an Eastern European girl whose "owner" took her to Kingdom to drop her off with a new owner (she managed to escape from there). But confirmed everything I previously thought about the seedy undesirables that go in there...

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