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What happens to the UK election if Scotland votes for independence?

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It doesn't mean people won't be able to holiday abroad...


no but if the pound nosedives 10% or even more, which it easily might then it definitely does mean people will be less likely or able to holiday abroard. If there is a YES vote t will be like 2008, after the Lehman Brothers collapse when suddenly, the pounds I live on in the winter months, were worth 20% less.

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See above, excerpted below ;)

Two big ones, which look to me to be very much "kept under the radar" by the SNP, are that (i) Scotland won't get any amount of rebate like the UK does (no-way, no-how: no EU Member State, other than maybe the UK if it feels generous, would accept this) and (ii) Scotland will have to join the € club, because that's been a sine qua none condition for the last few EU Member States to join. (ii) would solve their not getting the £...but would subject them to the ECB's and Germany's whims. Rock, hard place...


I think there is one more big one that no one appears to have addressed. All the national assetts in Scotland belong to the UK. This includes oil infrastructure, buildings, railways, roads, bridges, army, navy, airforce etc etc etc...

An independent Scotland will be required to buy or lease these assetts from the UK. It is finance for these sort of things that led to the UK's massive debt, and really it is up to the UK how much it expects Scotland's population to pay for them to be left behind.


To me if Scotland voted to go it alone the UK election may as well be put on hold and an interim National government put in place with a full UK election put in place for after seperation. Mind you it hardly seems right that Scottish MPs would be allowed to sit in Westminster whilst our government debated what terms of seperation were to be negociated with the Scottish government.

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you might be surprised. I've just been up in Scotland for the past 2 weeks. Nobody is bigger than their party, not Thatcher and not Salmond. There was talk that after the independence vote has gone their way, the SNP might turn on him and force a leadership election which Salmond could lose. In SNP leadership elections the electorate is just all the members of the party.


Once there's been a Yes vote, then the SNP has outlived its usefulness. Regardless of whether AS is the leader of the SNP, would the SNP ever be in control? I doubt it.

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Once there's been a Yes vote, then the SNP has outlived its usefulness. Regardless of whether AS is the leader of the SNP, would the SNP ever be in control? I doubt it.


So you are thinking along the lines of a one party socialist republic. Perhaps they could call it Cuba, North Korea or Zimbabwe.

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So you are thinking along the lines of a one party socialist republic. Perhaps they could call it Cuba, North Korea or Zimbabwe.


Cuba and North Korea and communists countries. Zimbabwe, I dunno, I'd say they were far right. Either way, none of them are socialist countries


---------- Post added 10-09-2014 at 17:05 ----------


Most of the seats in Scotland are Labour, some of the tory trolls on here say if Scotlands leaves the UK Labour will never get in again and I can see their point of view. However, what will be these people be saying in 20-30 year's time under a tory government when things are no better and there's nobody to but the tories?

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some of the tory trolls on here say if Scotlands leaves the UK Labour will never get in again


They clearly haven't examined the election results from several previous elections.


1997 and 2001 would have still given a Labour majority even if Scottish votes were not counted.

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Most of the seats in Scotland are Labour, some of the tory trolls on here say if Scotlands leaves the UK Labour will never get in again and I can see their point of view. However, what will be these people be saying in 20-30 year's time under a tory government when things are no better and there's nobody to but the tories?


But doesn't that bubble burst when you consider that the recession, high unemployment and bank collapse all happened before this government came to power and the fact is their policies are responsible for the UK pulling out of recession the country having its highest ever number of people in work and the UK having the highest level of growth in the EU?

As far as I'm aware the Blair Brown years actually increased unemployment in the UK despite all those zero hours contracts, doubling the student population and doubling the number of part time jobs.

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If I am wrong and they vote Yes, that we are rid of an encumberance.


Does anyone know what an encumberance is?


---------- Post added 10-09-2014 at 17:52 ----------


So you are thinking along the lines of a one party socialist republic. Perhaps they could call it Cuba, North Korea or Zimbabwe.


Zimbabwe isn't a one-party state.

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