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What happens to the UK election if Scotland votes for independence?

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What a complete and utter mess.


I hadn't even thought about what a 'yes' would mean for the EU referendum. The Scots are more pro-EU than us and if they go then that could be enough to tip us into a 'No' in the EU referendum. The UK could be a very different place in a few years.



Which is why any of the three main parties wont give us an IN/OUT referendum.......... they all know what the result will be.

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Growth forecast was halved in March 2013, so anything looks good now..



Heyup he's finally got it correct!


So it wasn;t that "The economy halved in March 2013" as you claimed incessantly it was just the growth forecast.


See I knew you would figure out your mistake eventually


---------- Post added 10-09-2014 at 22:23 ----------


Which is why any of the three main parties wont give us an IN/OUT referendum.......... they all know what the result will be.


Well we all "knew" that Scotland wouldn't vote to secede but that's not looking too certain now...

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Heyup he's finally got it correct!


So it wasn;t that "The economy halved in March 2013" as you claimed incessantly it was just the growth forecast.


See I knew you would figure out your mistake eventually


---------- Post added 10-09-2014 at 22:23 ----------



Well we all "knew" that Scotland wouldn't vote to secede but that's not looking too certain now...


Stubbed you again, proved that on here before and you ran off for a couple of months LOL

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Stubbed you again, proved that on here before and you ran off for a couple of months LOL


"Proved" is not an adjective I'd ascribe to anything you write Mecky.


But you are getting off the point with your misdirection although I'm glad to see you finally admitted one of your errors. Can we have a citation for all these economists over the last four years please?

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They clearly haven't examined the election results from several previous elections.


1997 and 2001 would have still given a Labour majority even if Scottish votes were not counted.


The 1997 and 2001 election were freaks. Never has Labour been more popular, the Tories were having huge internal issues re Europe, the blessed Tony was still working the great con.


If the jocks depart, and I hope they do, the Tories will, after a few shenanigans, get into power, they will then, as they tried this time, change the boundaries. They will gerrymander the situation to suit themselves as Labour has done in the past.


It will take a revolution for the left to unseat them after that. The only challenge will come from the right.

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The weather has warned Scotland that if it votes yes,the wind will blow stronger,the rain will be a lot heavier and there will be more of it,hail,thunder and lightening and snow are also considering giving more unfavourable conditions to the Scots,and the sun aint gonna shine anymore there as it is moving its headquarters to Birmingham.

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TThey will gerrymander the situation to suit themselves as Labour has done in the past.



which boundary commission was that then? And just how, exactly, did the Labour party actually pull off the gerrymandering?


whoever loses elections always complains that the boundaries do not suit them - as indeed they obviously don't otherwise they would have won the elections, rather than lost them.


Labour used to complain about the boundaries in the 80s when they were useless at winning large numbers of parliamentary seats too.

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Cuba and North Korea and communists countries. Zimbabwe, I dunno, I'd say they were far right. Either way, none of them are socialist countries


---------- Post added 10-09-2014 at 17:05 ----------


Most of the seats in Scotland are Labour, some of the tory trolls on here say if Scotlands leaves the UK Labour will never get in again and I can see their point of view. However, what will be these people be saying in 20-30 year's time under a tory government when things are no better and there's nobody to but the tories?


You reckon Labour are so bad that they couldn't get the right policies sorted out in 30 years?


---------- Post added 11-09-2014 at 14:41 ----------


Oh this again, ok I'll try and take this in order.



Suspension of benefits = Employment




You keep repeating that...can you show me where this is actual fact? Genuine question Mecky...

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"Proved" is not an adjective I'd ascribe to anything you write Mecky.


But you are getting off the point with your misdirection although I'm glad to see you finally admitted one of your errors. Can we have a citation for all these economists over the last four years please?


Well, you're wrong again


---------- Post added 11-09-2014 at 14:43 ----------


You reckon Labour are so bad that they couldn't get the right policies sorted out in 30 years?


---------- Post added 11-09-2014 at 14:41 ----------



You keep repeating that...can you show me where this is actual fact? Genuine question Mecky...


Yes< i have done in the past numerous times on these forums. Everyone knows the government is bullying jobcentre staff to suspend figures to try and fudge the unemployment figures. Why do you try and deny it?

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Yes< i have done in the past numerous times on these forums. Everyone knows the government is bullying jobcentre staff to suspend figures to try and fudge the unemployment figures. Why do you try and deny it?


Can you substantiate any of the comments that you have been posting?


It's a really simple question Mecky so please, stop ducking it.

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