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What happens to the UK election if Scotland votes for independence?

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Well, you're wrong again


---------- Post added 11-09-2014 at 14:43 ----------



Yes< i have done in the past numerous times on these forums. Everyone knows the government is bullying jobcentre staff to suspend figures to try and fudge the unemployment figures. Why do you try and deny it?


I haven't denied anything Mecky.... just point me to the data that shows that people who's benefits have been stopped are recorded as employed...

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which boundary commission was that then? And just how, exactly, did the Labour party actually pull off the gerrymandering?


whoever loses elections always complains that the boundaries do not suit them - as indeed they obviously don't otherwise they would have won the elections, rather than lost them.


Labour used to complain about the boundaries in the 80s when they were useless at winning large numbers of parliamentary seats too.


There is only one Boundary Commission as far as I am aware. Both parties have used boundary changes to better suit themselves, the Lib Dems stopped Cameron from doing it in this parliament.


I am not aware of any complaints from losing parties, as they both realize they are equally guilty when in power.


My overall point it is that if Scotland votes YES and leaves the UK, Labour, in England, are finished.

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I think there is one more big one that no one appears to have addressed. All the national assetts in Scotland belong to the UK. This includes oil infrastructure, buildings, railways, roads, bridges, army, navy, airforce etc etc etc...

An independent Scotland will be required to buy or lease these assetts from the UK.


It is finance for these sort of things that led to the UK's massive debt, and really it is up to the UK how much it expects Scotland's population to pay for them to be left behind.



Scottish tax payers contributed towards those assets just like the rest of the UK did.


The reckless lending of banks lead to the massive debt

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Scottish tax payers contributed towards those assets just like the rest of the UK did.


The reckless lending of banks lead to the massive debt


You are quite right, they should be allowed to take pro rata to what they put in. There are 5 million Scots, leaving about 65million others, do the match.


The total mismanagement of the Financial Services Industry, as well as profligate spending by the LABOUR government lead to the massive debt.

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The reckless lending of banks lead to the massive debt


How does the lending of private sector banks lead to £1.3 trillion of government debt?


---------- Post added 11-09-2014 at 21:12 ----------



The total mismanagement of the Financial Services Industry, as well as profligate spending by the LABOUR government lead to the massive debt.


I doubt that the financial services industry is responsible for much of the £1.3 trillion of government debt. There were only a few banks that were "bailed out" and the bail out was in the form of a buy out of shares in those banks. The shares are now worth almost what was paid for them and the rest of the UK financial services sector paid £65 billion in taxes last year. That's 11.7% of total tax receipts in the UK and is pretty much typical of the contribution made year upon year for decades. (It was £63 billion in 2012)


I have to agree with you about the profligate spending though. Government debt is only built up if the governmen spends more than it collects through taxes.





The sector paid an estimated amount

of total taxes, (including both taxes

borne and taxes collected), in the region

of £65.0bn, or 11.7% of total UK

government tax receipts. This is 3.2% higher than our estimate of the

contribution of the UK financial services sector in 2012 (£63.0bn; 11.6% of the

total UK government tax receipts).

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My overall point it is that if Scotland votes YES and leaves the UK, Labour, in England, are finished.


no they are not. The Tories only barely managed to take a mite more than a third, of the London parliamentary seats in the 2010 election.


maybe you don't know it but the top Tories definitely know that is not good enough. They are not even close, to taking London.


Boris Johnson doesn't count.

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I haven't denied anything Mecky.... just point me to the data that shows that people who's benefits have been stopped are recorded as employed...


So what you crying for then? Why don't you just search the forums for jobcentre staff and bullying.


Anyway, back on topic. I'd laugh my pants off if Iceland invaded Scotland

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I have been following this thread for the last couple of days as I am interested, but not particularly politically minded so I apologise if I've misunderstood anything. I have a couple of questions. Who is paying for the referendum in Scotland and if it goes wrong with a yes result will we be expecting a wave of people moving down here freely because they have a British passport?

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