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What happens to the UK election if Scotland votes for independence?

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I have been following this thread for the last couple of days as I am interested, but not particularly politically minded so I apologise if I've misunderstood anything. I have a couple of questions. Who is paying for the referendum in Scotland and if it goes wrong with a yes result will we be expecting a wave of people moving down here freely because they have a British passport?


Your second point is a very good one certainly there are businesses that will move south if the vote is yes. That being the case we could easily see an exodus following the jobs.

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who is paying for the referendum in Scotland


there is state money going into the actual costs of the voting itself, i.e. printing all the ballot papers and electricity at the polling stations and stuff like that.


that is a good question as there is a big pot of money up there in Scotland floating around the Scottish parliament some of which may have found its way into the YES campaigns coffers.


but officially at least there is apparently no state money going into either the YES or NO campaigns, JK Rowling is the biggest private donor to the NO campaign with £1 million. The Labour party must have spent quite a bit on train fares alone yesterday, even though many of their MP's have seats not too far from the border. I don't think they'll be able to put it on expenses.


with nearly all Tory seats being so far from Scotland, it seems they were reluctant to front up the train fares for their MP's to go north, make no difference, and have eggs thrown at them when they get there by the jocks who see them, not as Unionists that is supposedly part of the Conservative Party's official title, but as English nationalists.


the YES campaign may have tried and failed to get JK Rowling on board, but they did at least get a couple of Scottish Euromillions lottery winners to front up over a million between them. The SNP themselves also fronted up quite a lot of money to fund their own campaign coming out of the subs of their members.

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Thank you


What happens then if the result is no...can they have another vote a few years down the line or is this the only bite of the cherry?


Also, what will happen to the sports men and women in Scotland, I heard a report that some lass had said Scotland wouldn't fund them. That can't be right?

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I have been following this thread for the last couple of days as I am interested, but not particularly politically minded so I apologise if I've misunderstood anything. I have a couple of questions. Who is paying for the referendum in Scotland and if it goes wrong with a yes result will we be expecting a wave of people moving down here freely because they have a British passport?


Would be interesting, but I can't see them voting yes. My personal opinion is that Salmand is trying to use the threat of leaving to try and blackmail, for want of a better word, England into giving Scotland more. If by chance it turns to yes, I think his bluff will be called.

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Would be interesting, but I can't see them voting yes. My personal opinion is that Salmand is trying to use the threat of leaving to try and blackmail, for want of a better word, England into giving Scotland more. If by chance it turns to yes, I think his bluff will be called.


It must though stick in your gut that Labour, Lib-Dems and Tories are standing side by side on this issue and that there is nothing between them on it. To see Miliband, Clegg and Cameron travelling up to Scotland together in a co-ordinated campaign shows how little difference there is between the parties.

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So what you crying for then? Why don't you just search the forums for jobcentre staff and bullying.


Anyway, back on topic. I'd laugh my pants off if Iceland invaded Scotland


I'm not crying Mecky.. jobcentre bullying isn't the same as people being counted as employed when their benefits are stopped..or have you stopped claiming that now..?

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I'm not crying Mecky.. jobcentre bullying isn't the same as people being counted as employed when their benefits are stopped..or have you stopped claiming that now..?


Are you still here? You haven't even been bothered to search have you? Nor am I the only one on here saying it either, so go to your room and slam the door

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Are you still here? You haven't even been bothered to search have you? Nor am I the only one on here saying it either, so go to your room and slam the door


No he's not the only one here asking you to justify your claim - so can you please give us a citation showing where someone sanctioned is considered to be employed?


Your assertion in case you forgot it was


Suspension of benefits = Employment


Providing a reference shouldnt be tricky....

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Are you still here? You haven't even been bothered to search have you? Nor am I the only one on here saying it either, so go to your room and slam the door


I'm not searching..you made the statement "Suspension of benefits=employment"


Just asking you to show the data that proves it... if you're mistaken just say so and we'll move on....

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no they are not. The Tories only barely managed to take a mite more than a third, of the London parliamentary seats in the 2010 election.


maybe you don't know it but the top Tories definitely know that is not good enough. They are not even close, to taking London.


Boris Johnson doesn't count.


There is more to the South than London, the maths are straightforward, if the jocks leave, Labour lose at least 40 seats.


Heres my prediction


Scots vote Yes for independence. Negotiations begin re split.

Cameron resigns or brings forward general election. Labour wins.

18months on Scotland up and running as independent all scots MPs leave Westminster parliament.

Labour now running minority government. Tories wait until time is right to force election. Chaos caused in markets, pound slumps, wages depressed, prices increasing.

Labour reputation ruined

Election, Labour lose.

Tories in power, sanity returns, Labour ruined.

Happy days.

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