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What happens to the UK election if Scotland votes for independence?

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when they look at the electoral map and they see it is so much of it coloured blue, amateur Tories think that they have England in the bag.


they do not realise that piling up bigger majorities in already safe, large but sparsely inhabited Tory seats is not going to do much.


the Tories only got 38% of the seats in London, which the last time I looked, was supposed to be in England, in the 2010 GE, which was a lamentable performance. That was really why they did not get a majority in that election.


that, and that they did nothing of much note in any of the northern other cities of England either.

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Our economy is starting to look as though it may be begining to recover. We need the tories in power for probably at least two more terms.


By then enough people will probably be fed up of them that they will vote labour in again without considering the consequences. Though it does make sense to let the tories know they can't the election results for granted.


I just hope people only let labour screw things up, as they always have, for only one term before they let the tories back in.


I do not want the tories in.. but given the alternatives I believe there is no other party worth considering, unless you like austerity having to be imposed on you after every labour term in office to get us back on our feet.



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We need the tories in power for probably at least two more terms.





Two more terms? They are not in power now. The current government, is not Tory.


I don't know whether you noticed, but they did not win, the last 2010 General Election. The voters did not trust them enough, to give them a majority.

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Spent too much money that they didn't have in order to buy votes?


If that reply is in answer to my post it's purely rubbish and probably comes from the desperate Snatcher quote: "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money." For a start, I'm not sure Labour are socialists and many people on here have said the same thing - that Labour are tories. Secondly, Labour have only twice left government with a greater national debt, as a percentage of GDP, than they inherited when entering office and both these were after the greatest economic depression ever - 1931 and 2010. Don’t forget the tories borrowed more money in 3 years in office than in 13 years under Labour.


---------- Post added 17-09-2014 at 08:25 ----------


If Scotland go we could move to GMT+1 all year without the Scots moaning.


What's wrong with the Scots anyway? I think they're still smarting from their defeat in trying to take over England some 300 years ago

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What's wrong with the Scots anyway? I think they're still smarting from their defeat in trying to take over England some 300 years ago


What's ironic about the Scots nationalists is they're telling English residents of Scotland (some of whom have been there for decades) to ef off back to their own country, they shouldn't get a say, it's nothing to do with those English bar stewards. Yet seemingly don't mind Polish, Slovak, Lithuanian, Estonian, or residents of any other nationality (bar the English) having a say, whilst also denying Scots living in the rest of the UK a vote.

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the pound is slowly creeping back up again after the big fall it took after the first shock YouGov poll 10 days ago that put YES in the lead. I think it's going to be NO by the kind of margin that if it were the final run off in a two horse race French Presidential election would be considered rather close, but not absolutely totally at the wire : like 52-48.

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I hope Wales Go independent if the Scottish get a yes vote.


Then I hope London goes independent. I hope the entire country splits into small independent states. Yorkshire would be the jewel in the crown of this small island.


The sooner we have to stop taking orders from the institutionalised, corporate, rich kids in Westminster, the better!!

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