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Will you buy an Apple watch?

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Before spending £260 on your prison tag, bare this in mind...........


Apple are currently holding $100 billion offshore, literally enough to end world poverty!


Apple use 'sweat shop' labour camps where workers are forced to work 15 hour days, with no breaks, for the equivalent of £40 a month, with no contact with the outside world. They are also guilty of using child labour.


The point isn't whether we should be buying Apples products. The point is, Apple should be creating their products in a more ethical way.

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Apple is over hyped over priced pretentious garbage. Never in all my days have i had the misfortune to own such a piece of crap as an iphone. Im getting rid as soon as i can and im getting an Android phone again.

Boooo to child labour too.

Edited by Ricicle
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Before spending £260 on your prison tag, bare this in mind...........


Apple are currently holding $100 billion offshore, literally enough to end world poverty!


Apple use 'sweat shop' labour camps where workers are forced to work 15 hour days, with no breaks, for the equivalent of £40 a month, with no contact with the outside world. They are also guilty of using child labour.


The point isn't whether we should be buying Apples products. The point is, Apple should be creating their products in a more ethical way.


If you think $100b would put an end to world poverty then you're sadly mistaken. It wouldn't even end it for a week.

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If you think $100b would put an end to world poverty then you're sadly mistaken. It wouldn't even end it for a week.


The net worth of the world’s 497 billionaires is $3.5 trillion alone. These billionaires are only 0.000008% of the world’s 7 billion people.


According to Mark Anielski, co-founder of the Canadian company Genuine Wealth, it would cost $29.39 billion to bump the incomes of 5.64 billion people to just $10 a day. This amount does not include individuals earning below $10 in developed countries.


Though the cost seems steep, in reality, $29.39 billion is only 0.5% of the estimated wealth of our billionaires. That is how much it really costs to fight global poverty.

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I just think its mental to spend £260 on a watch, especially one that is only water-resistant not waterproof. (although I hear even the waterproof smart watches/phones are a pain to get replaced under warranty for water damage, go figure)


I own the Sony Smartwatch 2 which cost half that and that was only viable because as my mums carer I needed to be able to tell if my phone was ringing when out cycling. I couldn't hear or feel my phone, neither can I wear a bluetooth headset with my helmet on. Plus, I really needed to know the time without dragging a huge phone out of my pocket/pannier. :P


For £260 I would expect it to completely function WITHOUT a phone.


The batteries in these devices are also tiny. It works for reading an SMS and minor functions, but anything that is going to use the CPU and keep the screen lit up is going to drain it FAST. I just can't see it being very useful in the long run.


I don't like the Sony Smartwatch 3 either as they too are trying to make it do too much and it doesn't support normal watch straps, a big plus of the SW2 as I prefer the expanding type as I have to push it further up my arm sometimes so I don't knock it on things.

Edited by AlexAtkin
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Not until they sort out battery life they're not.


The problem is they are trying to make them do too much when half of what they are pushing them for is not at all pleasant to do on a watch.


Personally I think it makes more sense to have one more like the Sony SW2 only cheaper at around £50, than trying to cram such extensive functionality as the latest ones into something with a tiny CPU and battery.


Talking into your watch is a gimmick, taking photos with your watch is a gimmick, these are things that looked cool on TV but in the real world just aren't really practical so just bump up the price and reduce the battery life. Phones have only just reached the point where their photo quality is good enough to replace a point and shoot camera, why throw that away and use the crap they can fit in a watch, unless you are a pervert?

Edited by AlexAtkin
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