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Will you buy an Apple watch?

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Before spending £260 on your prison tag, bare this in mind...........


Apple are currently holding $100 billion offshore, literally enough to end world poverty!


Apple use 'sweat shop' labour camps where workers are forced to work 15 hour days, with no breaks, for the equivalent of £40 a month, with no contact with the outside world. They are also guilty of using child labour.


The point isn't whether we should be buying Apples products. The point is, Apple should be creating their products in a more ethical way.


Thanks for the info. I don't own anything made by Apple-and certainly will not purchase anything made by Apple.

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Not crackers at all, it makes perfect sense. Take a good living responsible adult like me. I'm fit and healthy, don't smoke, don't do drugs, rarely ever drink, exercise regularly, eat healthily, practice safe sex. My body is a temple. All of which will coincide with my watch data. Just as my postcode currently ensures I get a great discount for my car and house insurance, in the future, my watch data will ensure I get the absolute best health and life insurance etc.


Please scan your watch Mr Fernand. You have now been approved for our best life insurance package with free private medical care, and whilst we're at it, can we interest you in our 45 year low rate 1% mortgage?


But when other less responsible adults scan their watch data, their offers will be somewhat different. I'm afraid on this occasion we are unable to offer you any health insurance, or a loan, or in fact, ANYTHING! By law we are required to instantly transfer any suspect data to the government and your employer who may not particularly agree with your "lifestyle" choices.


Everyone in time should be forced to wear an iwatch.


Then you get hit by a juggernaut (as you're farting about with your gadget) Boom! Dead.


How's things going Coutts?

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Then you get hit by a juggernaut (as you're farting about with your gadget) Boom! Dead.


How's things going Coutts?


You older folk really are scared of change aren't you, but there really is no need. You must learn to embrace change. The only constant in life IS change. Those unwilling to adapt to change are unwilling to adapt to life. That's rather silly wouldn't you agree. You can't live in the past, you can only live in the now. And the now requires you to get with the program and attach an iwatch to your wrist at all times. The data collected will be used to improve society.


Who was this Coutts I keep being mistaken for. He must have been a very wise modern day Confucius style Philosopher. But yes I'm good thanks MR Woods.

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So what have I consented to when I got my phone from Apple?


If you really don't know.. then do yourself a favour


Read ALL of your contract.


Then see for yourself what an internet search on apple turns up.


Edited by Tommo68
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You older folk really are scared of change aren't you, but there really is no need. You must learn to embrace change. The only constant in life IS change. Those unwilling to adapt to change are unwilling to adapt to life. That's rather silly wouldn't you agree.


Except of course when it is not change for the better or just change for the sake of change.



You can't live in the past, you can only live in the now.


Now is the sum total of our past and what made you who you are

..to dismiss your past is to dismiss oneself, all your endevours and all your achievements.



And the now requires you to get with the program and attach an iwatch to your wrist at all times.


The Now will have a long wait before I comply with that.


The data collected will be used to improve society.


Please in regard to this context define both improve and the society you have in mind.


I doubt the former will appeal and I'm very sure the latter won't.



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I have an ordinary wristwatch, cost less than £50, a basic mobile which makes and receives calls (shock horror) cost less than £50.


I feel sorry for people who feel deprived if they haven't got the very latest from apple. They seem to churn stuff out every few months knowing people will be falling over themselves to be first in the queue. How sad.


Meanwhile I get on with life. I can walk the streets and talk to real living people instead of staring at a screen all the time.

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Before spending £260 on your prison tag, bare this in mind...........


Apple are currently holding $100 billion offshore, literally enough to end world poverty!


Apple use 'sweat shop' labour camps where workers are forced to work 15 hour days, with no breaks, for the equivalent of £40 a month, with no contact with the outside world. They are also guilty of using child labour.


The point isn't whether we should be buying Apples products. The point is, Apple should be creating their products in a more ethical way.


No I won't be buying one because...


a) I have no need for one

b) I have no interest in one

c) I don't like wearing watches


The same reasons apply to the Android watches, although I do prefer the Android OS

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I have an ordinary wristwatch, cost less than £50, a basic mobile which makes and receives calls (shock horror) cost less than £50.


I feel sorry for people who feel deprived if they haven't got the very latest from apple. They seem to churn stuff out every few months knowing people will be falling over themselves to be first in the queue. How sad.


Meanwhile I get on with life. I can walk the streets and talk to real living people instead of staring at a screen all the time.


That's a clever trick considering how few real living people there are on the streets who aren't themselves staring at a screen.


I admit I have never bought a watch personally until my smart watch, my mum has bought loads though over the years (it was easier than replacing the batteries) but I don't think they have ever been more than £15.

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Before spending £260 on your prison tag, bare this in mind...........


Apple are currently holding $100 billion offshore, literally enough to end world poverty!


Apple use 'sweat shop' labour camps where workers are forced to work 15 hour days, with no breaks, for the equivalent of £40 a month, with no contact with the outside world. They are also guilty of using child labour.


The point isn't whether we should be buying Apples products. The point is, Apple should be creating their products in a more ethical way.



Your points can me matched to many many many retail stores. Wont stop people buying.


---------- Post added 14-09-2014 at 01:58 ----------


Im looking forward to the iwatch. No more expensive than other designer watches i have liked and purchased or had bought only difference is this one does a lot more than just tell the time!

As for all the sweat shop abroad posts, maybe there should be more sweat shops over here and there would be less time for grooming!

Edited by Chazndave
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