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Ian Paisley has died.


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He along with Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams have a lot to answer for in Northern Ireland , three bloody awful men who kept the troubles going to suit their own agenda.

And guess what at the end of the day they end up in power and singing from the same hymn sheet and laughing all the way to the bank.

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On another forum someone commented about his death by quoting the words of Pope Urban V upon hearing of the death of Cardinal Richelieu.


" If there is a God, he has a lot to answer for, if there is no God he has had a very successful life.'


Sums it up, and applies to quite a few well known people.

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I used to hate him with a vengeance....but he moved on. In the end he embraced change. A bit like F.W de Klerk in South Africa. Someone who, wrong and pigheaded in the past, can ultimately put aside his vitriol and hatred for a better cause.


Of course if he hadn't been such a git in the first place a lot of Northern Ireland's troubles might not have occurred.

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